NPAL04 OBS data analysis part 1 : kinematics of deep seafloor arrivals

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Stephen, Ralph A.
Bolmer, S. Thompson
Udovydchenkov, Ilya A.
Worcester, Peter F.
Dzieciuch, Matthew A.
Van Uffelen, Lora J.
Mercer, James A.
Andrew, Rex K.
Buck, Linda J.
Colosi, John A.
Howe, Bruce M.
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Ocean bottom seismology
Ocean acoustic propagation
Bottom interaction
These notes provide supporting information for a JASA (Journal of the Acoustical Society of America) LttE (Letter to the Editor) manuscript, "Deep seafloor arrivals: A new class of arrivals in long-range ocean acoustic propagation" (Stephen et al., submitted). It addresses five issues raised by the co-authors: 1) incorrect processing for the time-compressed traces at T2300 and T3200 that appeared in an early version of the LttE (T2300, T3200 … refer to transmissions at 2300, 3200km etc from the DVLA (Deep Vertical Line Array)), 2) processing issues, including the trade-offs between coherent and incoherent stacking and corrections for the effects of moving sources and receivers and tidal currents (Doppler), 4) the distinction between "deep shadow zone arrivals", which occur below the turning points in Parabolic Equation (PE) models, and "deep seafloor arrivals", which appear dominantly on the Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) but are either very weak or absent on the deepest element in the DVLA and do not coincide with turning points in the PE model (some of these OBS late arrivals occur after the finale region), 4) the role of surface-reflected bottomreflected (SRBR) paths in explaining the late arriving energy, and 5) generally reconciling the OBS analysis with work by other North Pacific Acoustic Laboratory (NPAL) investigators and Dushaw et al (1999).
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Stephen, R. A., Bolmer, S. T., Udovydchenkov, I., Worcester, P. F., Dzieciuch, M. A., Van Uffelen, L., Mercer, J. A., Andrew, R. K., Buck, L. J., Colosi, J. A., & Howe, B. M. (2008). NPAL04 OBS data analysis part 1: kinematics of deep seafloor arrivals. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
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