A compilation of moored current meter and wind recorder data : volume XVIII (JASIN 1978, moorings 651-653)
A compilation of moored current meter and wind recorder data : volume XVIII (JASIN 1978, moorings 651-653)
Tarbell, Susan A.
Briscoe, Melbourne G.
Weller, Robert A.
Briscoe, Melbourne G.
Weller, Robert A.
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Deep-sea moorings
Ocean currents
Ocean temperature
Ocean-atmosphere interaction
Ocean currents
Ocean temperature
Ocean-atmosphere interaction
Summaries of current and temperature measurements from three moorings
in the 1978 Joint Air-Sea Interaction Project . (JASIN) are presented; the
moorings are WHOI/JASIN numbers 651/Wl, 652/W2, and 653/W3. The instruments
were either Vector Averaging Current Meters (VACM), Scripps Institution of
Oceanography Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCM) , or Neil Brown Acoustic
Current Meters (ACM). Displays include time series, histograms, progressive
vector diagrams, scatter plots, and spectra; statistics are given for the
entire deployment period (some 40 days) and for each 5-day segment.
Additional measurements include pressure and vertical temperature
gradient. Wind records and other meteorological observations from one of
the moorings are given, as well as partial wind records from another JASIN
mooring (H2) .
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Tarbell, S. A., Briscoe, M. G., & Weller, R. A. (1979). A compilation of moored current meter and wind recorder data: volume XVIII (JASIN 1978, moorings 651-653). Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. https://doi.org/10.1575/1912/8267