Tarbell Susan A.

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Susan A.

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  • Technical Report
    A compilation of moored current meter and wind recorder data : volume XXXV, Long-Term Upper Ocean Study (LOTUS) ; (Moorings 764, 765, 766, 767, 770), May 1982 - April 1983
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1984-08) Tarbell, Susan A. ; Pennington, Nancy J. ; Briscoe, Melbourne G.
    LOTUS was a two-year experiment near 34°N, 70°W, designed to acquire and analyse a continuous set of measurements of currents and temperatures in the upper, open ocean together with local hydrography, meteorology, and mesoscale oceanographic features. The first scientific moorings were deployed in May 1982. The first year of mooring data, from May 1982- April 1983, is presented here.
  • Technical Report
    A compilation of moored current meter and wind observations : volume V (1966 measurements)
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1971-07) Tarbell, Susan A. ; Webster, Ferris
    Summaries of wind and current measurements made with current· meters and wind recorders by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution during the year 1966 are presented. Averaged quantities are presented in computer generated output as histograms, basic statistics, spectra, progressive vector diagrams, and east-north component plots.
  • Technical Report
    The WHOI Moored Array Project 1963-1978 : data directory and bibliography
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1980-08) Tarbell, Susan A. ; Chaffee, Margaret ; Williams, Audrey ; Payne, Richard E.
    General information about mooring locations, durations and data gathered by the Moored Array Project (also known as Buoy Group) between late 1963 and 1978 is listed. Also included is a comprehensive list of scientific and technical publications written by the Buoy Group staff.
  • Technical Report
    A compilation of moored current meter and wind observations, volume VIII (1970 array experiment)
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1975-02) Pollard, Raymond T. ; Tarbell, Susan A.
    Summaries of wind and current measurements made with current meters and wind recorders by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution during June, July and August of 1970 are presented. Averaged quantities are presented in computer-generated output as basic statistics, spectra, demodulation plots, progressive vector diagrams, and east-north component plots.
  • Technical Report
    Moored current meter data from the Canary Basin near 32°N, 24°W (1984-1986) Volume XL
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1987-05) Tarbell, Susan A. ; Richardson, Philip L. ; Price, James F.
    Data are shown from a two-year current meter mooring in the Canary Basin near 32°N, 24°W. Current meters were located at depths of 470 m, 970 m, 1070 m and 2970 m during the period October 19, 1984 to October 4, 1986. The mooring deployment is part of an 1984-1988 experiment to measure features of advection and diffusion of Mediterranean outflow water with neutrally buoyant SOFAR floats.
  • Technical Report
    A moored array along the southern boundary of the Brazil Basin for the Deep Basin Experiment : report on a joint experiment 1991-1992
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-02) Tarbell, Susan A. ; Meyer, Ralf ; Hogg, Nelson G. ; Zenk, Walter
    The Deep Basin Experiment (DBE) is an international effort and a part of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment with the principal objective of improving our knowledge of the subthermocline circulation. The DBE fieldwork is focussed on the Brazil Basin and this report is concerned with a moored array situated along its southern boundary which was installed in early 1991 to measure the inflow and outflow to the Basin and to investigate the Brazil Current near 30S. This moored array was a joint undertaking by the Institut für Meereskunde of the University of Kiel and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Moorings were deployed on Meteor Cruise 15, leg 1 and retrieved on Meteor cruise 22, legs 3 and 4. A total of 57 conventional current meters and two Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers were set on 13 moorings with some concentration within the Brazil Current and the Vema Channel. CTDs were taken at each mooring site as well as in between. Some of the recovered instruments were reset in the Hunter Channel, a suspected additional connection between the Argentine Basin and the Brazil Basin. A later report will summarize this data after it is recovered in May 1994.
  • Technical Report
    A compilation of moored current meter and wind recorder data : volume XVIII (JASIN 1978, moorings 651-653)
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1979-07) Tarbell, Susan A. ; Briscoe, Melbourne G. ; Weller, Robert A.
    Summaries of current and temperature measurements from three moorings in the 1978 Joint Air-Sea Interaction Project . (JASIN) are presented; the moorings are WHOI/JASIN numbers 651/Wl, 652/W2, and 653/W3. The instruments were either Vector Averaging Current Meters (VACM), Scripps Institution of Oceanography Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCM) , or Neil Brown Acoustic Current Meters (ACM). Displays include time series, histograms, progressive vector diagrams, scatter plots, and spectra; statistics are given for the entire deployment period (some 40 days) and for each 5-day segment. Additional measurements include pressure and vertical temperature gradient. Wind records and other meteorological observations from one of the moorings are given, as well as partial wind records from another JASIN mooring (H2) .
  • Technical Report
    Atlantic Long-Term Oceanographic Mooring (ALTOMOOR)
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1996-03) Frye, Daniel E. ; Merriam, Steve ; Eastwood, Robert L. ; Kemp, John N. ; McPhee, Neil M. ; Liberatore, Stephen P. ; Hobart, Edward ; Bocconcelli, Alessandro ; Tarbell, Susan A.
    The Atlantic Long-Term Oceanogrphic Mooring (ALTOMOOR) has been maintained offshore Bermuda since 1993 as a testbed for the evaluation of new data telemetry technologies and new oceanographic instrumentation. It is currently a joint project between the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of Southern California This report documents the WHOI contributions which have focused on the development of new data telemetry methods and new mooring technology. Details of the instrumentation evaluations will be published separately. A new inductively-coupled telemetry technology for ocean moorings has been developed and tested on ALTOMOOR. The inductive link uses standard, plastic-jacketed mooring wire as the transmission path for data generated at the individual instruments installed on the mooring. The signals are inductively linked to the mooring wire via toroids clamped around the wire, thus avoiding the need for multiconductor electromechanical cables terminated at each instrument. Seawater provides the electrical return path. The inductive modems send and receive data at 1200b/s. A controller in the surface buoy collects data from each of the subsurface instruments and forwards the data to shore by traditional satellite telemetry (Argos) and by short range radio using a nearby ship as a store and forward node. The buoy-to-ship link operates over about 2 km at 10kBytes/sec. When the ship docks, data are offloaded automatically to a computer on shore which can be accessed via the Internet.
  • Technical Report
    Moored current meter, AVHRR, CTD, and drifter data from the Agulhas Current and Retroflexion region (1985-1987) Volume XLII
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1990-07) Luyten, James R. ; Spencer, A. ; Tarbell, Susan A. ; Luetkemeyer, Kelly ; Flament, P. ; Toole, John M. ; Francis, M. ; Bennett, Sara L.
    Data are presented from an experiment designed to explore the spatial and temporal structure of the Agulhas Current and Retroflexion by direct means. Included are the current meter results from 10 moorings in the Retroflexion region, CTD stations occupied on the deployment cruise in 1985, data from satellite tracked (ARGOS) freely during surface buoys and numerous images of the sea surface temperature.
  • Technical Report
    Trans-equatorial bottom water flow in the western Atlantic : volume XLVI in a series of reports presenting data from moored current meters
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1997-02) Tarbell, Susan A. ; Whitehead, John A. ; Hall, Melinda M. ; McCartney, Michael S.
    Current and temperature measurements from Vector Averaging Current Meters (VACMs) deployed from September 1992 to June 1994 as part of the Deep Basin Experiment (DBE) measuring the trans-equatorial water flow are presented. Salinity and temperature measurements from Conductivity/Temperature/Depth (CTD) casts taken during the mooring deployment and recovery cruises are also presented. Six mooring sites were occupied with a total of 24 vector averaging current meters and 4 Aanderaa current meters. Three nominal depths (3900, 4100 and 4300 m.) were occupied on each mooring. Three of the 6 moorings had current meters at additional depths. Basic data from the vector averaging current meters are presented both in statistical tables and graphically as histograms, scatter plots, progressive vector diagrams and spectral diagrams. One day Gaussian filtered plots are shown in composite displays of variables versus time. Temperature and salinity profies and e/s plots for 22 CTD stations are presented.
  • Technical Report
    A compilation of moored current meter and wind observations : volume VII (1968 measurements)
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1974-07) Chause, Dolores ; Tarbell, Susan A.
    Summaries of wind and current measurements made with wind recorders and current meters by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution during the year 1968 are presented. Averaged quantities are presented in computer-generated output as basic statistics, spectra diagrams, progressive vector diagrams, and east-north component plots.
  • Technical Report
    A compilation of moored current data and associated oceanographic observations : volume XII (1973 Mid-Ocean Dynamics Experiment (MODE))
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1976-11) Chausse, Dolores ; Tarbell, Susan A.
    Summaries are presented of basic current, temperature and pressure measurements which were made from moored instruments as a part of the Mid-Ocean Dynamics Experiment (MODE) which took place March to July 1973. Current data are presented as Basic Statistics, Spectral Diagrams , Progressive Vector Diagrams, East vs. North Plots, and Variables vs . Time Plots.
  • Technical Report
    A compilation of moored current meter and wind recorder data: volume XXXVIII, Long-Term Upper Ocean Study (LOTUS): (Moorings 787, 788, 789, 790, 792)
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1985-12) Tarbell, Susan A. ; Montgomery, Ellyn T. ; Briscoe, Melbourne G.
    The Long-Term Upper Ocean Study (LOTUS) was a two-year field experiment near 34°N, 70°W, designed to acquire a continuous set of measurements of currents and temperatures in the upper, open ocean together with local hydrography, meteorology, and mesoscale oceanographic features. The first scientific moorings were deployed in May 1982. The first year of mooring data, from May 1982-April 1983, is presented by Tarbell, Pennington and Briscoe (1984, W.H.O.I. Tech. Rept. 84-36). The second year of mooring data, from April 1983-May 1984, when the final mooring recovery occurred, is presented here.
  • Technical Report
    A compilation of moored current meter data and wind recorder data from the Severe Environment Surface Mooring (SESMOOR) volume XLIII
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1991-07) Crescenti, Gennaro H. ; Tarbell, Susan A. ; Weller, Robert A.
    A Severe Environment Surface Mooring (SESMOOR) was designed to make long term meteorological and near surface oceanographic measurements in areas where harsh envionmental conditions prevail. SESMOOR was deployed in the North Atlantic Ocean approximately 300 km southeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia for 141 days during the winter of 1988-89. Meterological data were acquired from two Vector Averaging Wind Recorders (VAWR) located on top of a specially designed buoy mast and included air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, wind velocity, solar and longwave radiation. Sea surface temperature was also acquired by the VAWR. Current velocities and sea temperatures were obtained from two Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCM) at 20 and 50 meters below the sea surface. This report discusses instrument performance, data quality, pre-and post-deployment calibrations, data telemetry, data processing procedures. This report also presents the data in a variety of displays.
  • Technical Report
    A compilation of moored current meter data from SYNOP arrays: one and two (September 1987 to July 1991), volume XLVI
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1992-11) Tarbell, Susan A. ; Worrilow, Scott E. ; Hogg, Nelson G.
    The Synoptic Ocean Prediction Experiment (SYNOP) was an ambitious, multi-faceted program focused on the dynamics and predictailty of the Gulf Stream and its recirculations. The moored array component contained the arrays; one just downstream of Cape Hatteras (the "Inlet Array"), one near 68°W (the SYNOP "Central Array") and one near 55°W ("SYNOP East") to which this report is addessed. There were two settings of the SYNOP East array, the first, from fall 1987 to summer 1989, contained 42 current meters on 13 moorings straddling the mean axis of the Stream and extending north and south into the two recirculations. The second extended the southernmost six moorings for an additional two years until summer 1991. Performance was excellent and all instruments but one were recovered.
  • Technical Report
    A compilation of moored current meter data from the North Pacific : (the "Zonal" Experiment, 1983-1985) volume XLI
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1987-05) Levy, Ellen ; Tarbell, Susan A.
    Summaries of long-term current, temperature and pressure measurements from moored instruments in the western Pacific Ocean (ranging from 152°W to 165°E longitude and 31° to 41°N latitude) are presented. There were two consecutive settings of instruments, referred to as zonal I and zonal II, each spanning a one-year interval. There were, for the first time, 2 two-year mooring deployments, which were successful. Tables, plots and statistics include filtered and unfiltered data, as well as merged and single setting data. The objective of the experiment was to define the basic properties of the low frequency variability in the mid-latitude North Pacific.