Mean Eulerian subsurface currents measured in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent Scotian and New England shelf and slope regions, 1974-1980
Mean Eulerian subsurface currents measured in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent Scotian and New England shelf and slope regions, 1974-1980
Beardsley, Robert C.
Alessi, Carol A.
Smith, Peter C.
Butman, Bradford
Alessi, Carol A.
Smith, Peter C.
Butman, Bradford
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Gulf of Maine
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Ocean currents
Ocean circulation
Ocean circulation
The Bedford Institute of Oceanography, E.G.&G., National Marine Fisheries
Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution have conducted separate moored array experiments during 1974-
1980 to study various aspects of the regional circulation in the Gulf of
Maine and adjacent Scotian and New England shelf and slope regions.
The mean currents and current variances measured in these experiments
are summarized here in tabular and graphical form, together with other
information about each experiment. While there have been few measurements
made in the interior of the Gulf of Maine, the map of mean subsurface
currents demonstrate (a) a net inflow of Scotian shelf water past Cape
Sable into the Gulf, (b) a net inflow of slope water through the Northeast
Channel into the Gulf, (c) a partially closed anticyclonic circulation
around Georges Bank, and (d) a net outflow of shelf water south of Nantucket
from the Gulf of Maine into the New England shelf.
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Beardsley, R. C., Alessi, C. A., Smith, P. C., & Butman, B. (1983). Mean Eulerian subsurface currents measured in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent Scotian and New England shelf and slope regions, 1974-1980. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.