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Technical ReportCoastal ocean processes inner-shelf study : coastal and moored physical oceanographic measurements(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1996-05) Alessi, Carol A. ; Lentz, Steven J. ; Austin, Jay A.To improve our understanding of the physical and biological processes influencing plantonic larval distributions over the inner shelf, an interdisciplinary field program funded by the National Science Foundation's Coastal Ocean Processes program (CoOP) was conducted near Duck, North Carolina in the southern porton of the Middle Atlantic Bight. The field program took place from August to December, 1994 and included both moored and shipboard measurements of physical, biological and sedimentological variables. This report summarizes the observations from one component of this field program, a moored array of physical oceanographic and meteorological instruments. This component of the field program consisted of a cross-shelf array of three surface/subsurface mooring pairs in 13 m, 20 m and 25 m of water supporting instruments to measure currents, temperature and conductivity, a suite of meteorological instruments on surface buoys at the 20 -m and 25 -m site, and an along-shelf array of temperature, conductivity and bottom pressure sensors mounted on jetted pipes along the 5-m isobath and on moorings along the 20-m isobath. The report includes descriptions of the cross-shelf and along-shelf arrays, the four types of instruments used (VAWRs, VMCMs, SeaCats, and SeaGauges), and the data return from the field program. Statistical and graphical summaries of the atmospheric (wind, air temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, short- and long-wave radiation), and oceanic (current, water temperature, conductivity and bottom pressure) measurements are presented.
Technical ReportThe 1995 Georges Bank Stratification Study and moored array measurements(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2001-08) Alessi, Carol A. ; Beardsley, Robert C. ; Caruso, Michael J. ; Churchill, James H. ; Irish, James D. ; Lentz, Steven J. ; Limeburner, Richard ; Werner, R. ; Weller, Robert A. ; Williams, Albert J. ; Williams, William J. ; Manning, James P. ; Smith, P.The 1995 Geoges Bank Stratification Study (GBSS) was the first intensive process study conducted as part of the U.S. GLOBEC Northwest Atlantic/Georges Bank field program. The GBSS was designed to investigate the physical processes which control the seasonal development of stratification along the southern flank of Georges Bank during spring and summer. Past work suggested that during this period, larval cod and haddock tended to aggregate to the thermocline on the southern flank where higher concentrations of their copepod prey were found. A moored array was deployed as part of GBSS to observe the onset and evolution of sesonal stratification over the southern flank with sufficient vertical and horizontal resolution that key physical processes could be identified and quantified. Moored current, temperature, and conductivity (salinity) measurements were made at three sites along the southern flank, one on the crest, and one on the northeast peak of the bank. Moored surface meteorological measurements were also made at one southern flank site to determine the surface wind stress and heat and moisture fluxes. The oceanographic and meteorological data collected with the GBSS array during January-August 1995 are presented in this report. Meteorological data collected on National Data Buoy Center environmental buoys 44011 (Georges Bank), 44008 (Nantucket Shoals), and 44005 (Gulf of Maine) are included in this report for completeness and comparison with the GBSS southern flank meteorological measurements.
Technical ReportShelf MIxed Layer Experiment (SMILE) program description and coastal and moored array data report(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1991-12) Alessi, Carol A. ; Lentz, Steven J. ; Beardsley, Robert C.The Shelf MIxed Layer Experiment (SMILE) was designed to study the response of the oceanic surface boundary layer over the continental shelf to atmospheric forcing. The SMILE field program was conducted over the northern California shelf between Pt. Arena and Pt. Reyes from mid-November 1988 to mid-May 1989. The field program consisted of five main components: (a) a long-term moored array to obtain current, temperature, and conductivity time series observations in the upper ocean over the shelf; (b) a short-term moored instrument deployment to measure the vertical current shear and stratification in the top 6 m of the water column; (c) shipboard CTD and acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) surveys over the shelf and adjacent slope to map regional water property and current distributions; (d) a long-term moored and coastal meteorological array including one sounding station to obtain time series observations of the atmospheric surface forcing and monitor the structure of the marine boundary layer; and (e) overflights with an instrumented aircraft to measure the spatial structure of the surface wind, wind stress, and heat flux fields under different atmospheric conditions. This report has two objectives: (a) to describe the SMILE field program, including overviews of the five components, and (b) to present a statistical and graphical summary of the atmospheric (wind, air temperature, pressure, relative humidity, short- and longwave radiation) and oceanic (current, water temperature, and conductivity) long-term array measurements made as part of SMILE. A more detailed description of the instrumentation used in SMILE and an assessment of instrument performance and accuracy are presented separately by Dean et al. (1991).
Technical ReportNantucket shoals flux experiment (NSFE79) : part 2, moored array data report(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1983-11) Beardsley, Robert C. ; Alessi, Carol A. ; Vermersch, John A. ; Brown, W. Steven ; Pettigrew, Neal R. ; Irish, James D. ; Ramp, Steven R. ; Schlitz, Ronald J. ; Butman, BradfordThe Nantucket Shoals Flux Experiment (NSFE79) was conducted across the continental shelf and upper slope south of Nantucket from March, 1979 to April , 1980 to measure the flow of shelf water from the Georges Bank/Gulf of Maine region into the Middle Atlantic Bight. Conceived as a cooperative field experiment involving the Northeast Fisheries Center (NMFS), U.S. Geological Survey (Woods Hole), University of New Hampshire, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the experiment contained two principal components, a moored array of current meter and bottom instrumentation deployed at six locations across the shelf and upper slope spanning a depth range from 46 m to 810 m, and a series of 27 hydrographic surveys made along or near the moored array line during the experiment. A basic description of the NSFE79 hydrographic data has been given in Part 1 by Wright (1983). A description of the moored array components and the basic moored array data sets is presented here in Part 2.
Technical ReportAtlantis II : cruise 102 : moored and shipboard surface meteorological measurements during JASIN 1978(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1979-12) Briscoe, Melbourne G. ; Alessi, Carol A. ; Payne, Richard E. ; Peal, Kenneth R.During cruise 102 of the R/V Atlantis-II in the Joint Air-Sea Interaction Project (JASIN), surface meteorological data were gathered by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution personnel from two moored buoys and from the ship. One buoy (JASIN W2/WHOI 651) carried a Vector Averaging Wind Recorder (VAWR) and a Vector Measuring Wind Recorder (VMWR); these instruments provided 18 days of intercomparison data and 38 days of meteorological data from 30 July to 6 September 1978. The other buoy (JASIN H2) carried a VMWR and gave 25 total days of data from 16 July to 10 August, and from 26 August to 1 September. A PET computer, hardwired to sensors positioned on the ship, displayed data that were logged during both legs of the cruise. Manual data were gathered by the science watches. This report describes the PET system, and displays and compares all the data. VAWR hourly meteorological data are listed for the 38 day period. Scientific interpretation of these data, such as calculations of heat fluxes, will be published separately.
Technical ReportA multidisciplinary Amazon Shelf SEDiment Study (AmasSeds) : physical oceanography moored array component(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1992-09) Alessi, Carol A. ; Lentz, Steven J. ; Beardsley, Robert C. ; Castro, Belmiro Mendes ; Geyer, W. RockwellA Multidisciplinary Amazon Shelf SEDiment Study (AmasSeds) is a cooperative research program by geological, chemical, physical, and biological oceanographers from Brazil and the United States to study sedimentary processes occurring over the continental shelf near the mouth of the Amazon River. The physical oceanography component of AmasSeds included a moored array deployed on the continental shelf approximately 300km northwest of the Amazon River mouth near 3.5°N. The moored array consisted of a cross-shelf transect of three mooring sites located on the 18-m, 65-m, and 103-m isobaths. The moored array was deployed for approximately 4 months, from early February, 1990 to mid-June, 1990, obtaining time series measurements of current, temperature, conductivity, and wind. This report describes the physical oceanography moored array component and provides a statistical and graphical summary of the moored observations.
Technical ReportHydrographic data from the U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office : Persian Gulf, Southern Red Sea, and Arabian Sea, 1923-1996(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1999-04) Alessi, Carol A. ; Hunt, Heather D. ; Bower, Amy S.Temperature-salinity-depth profile data were obtained for the Persian Gulf, Southern Red Sea and parts of the Arabian Sea from the Master Oceanographic Data Set (MOODS), located at the U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO), Stennis Space Center, Mississippi. These data were used as part of a physical oceanographic study of the Red Sea and Persian Gulf outflows. This report documents the organization of the data set and the method of quality control used to eliminate unrealistic data. Also, it provides a summary in graphic form of the hydrographic observations.
Technical ReportCODE-2 : moored array and large-scale data report(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1985-11) Alessi, Carol A. ; Beardsley, Robert C. ; Limeburner, Richard ; Rosenfeld, Leslie K. ; Lentz, Steven J. ; Send, Uwe ; Winant, Clinton D. ; Allen, John S. ; Halliwell, George R. ; Brown, Wendell S. ; lrish, James D.The Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment (CODE) was undertaken to identify and study the important dynamical processes which govern the wind-driven motion of coastal water over the continental shelf. The initial effort in this multi-year, multi-institutional research program was to obtain high-quality data sets of all the relevant physical variables needed to construct accurate kinematic and dynamic descriptions of the response of shelf water to strong wind forcing in the 2 to 10 day band. A series of two small-scale, densely- instrumented field experiments of approximately four months duration (called CODE-1 and CODE-2) were designed to explore and to determine the kinematics and momentum and heat balances of the local wind-driven flow over a region of the northern California shelf which is characterized by both relatively simple bottom topography and large wind stress events in both winter and summer. A more lightly instrumented, long -term, large-scale component was designed to help separate the local wind-driven response in the region of the small-scale experiments from motions generated either offshore by the California Current system or in some distant region along the coast, and also to help determine the seasonal cycles of the atmospheric forcing, water structure, and coastal currents over the northern California shelf. The first small-scale experiment (CODE-1) was conducted between April and August, 1981 as a pilot study in "which primary emphasis was placed on characterizing the wind-driven "signal" and the "noise" from which this signal must be extracted. In particular, CODE-1 was designed to identify the key features of the circulation and its variability over the northern California shelf and to determine the important time and length scales of the wind-driven response. The second small-scale experiment (CODE-2) was conducted between April and August, 1982 and was designed to sample more carefully the mesoscale horizonta1 variability observed in CODE-1. This report presents a basic description of the moored array data and some other Eulerian data collected during CODE-2. A brief description of the CODE-2 field program is presented first, followed by a description of the common data analysis procedures used to produce the various data sets presented here. Then basic descriptions of the following data sets are presented: (a) the coastal and moored meteorological measurements, (b) the moored current measurements, (c) array plots of the surface wind stress and near-surface current measurements, (d) the moored temperature and conductivity observations, (e) the bottom pressure measurements, and (f) the wind and adjusted coastal sea level observations obtained as part of the CODE-2 large-scale component.
Technical ReportMean Eulerian subsurface currents measured in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent Scotian and New England shelf and slope regions, 1974-1980(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1983-11) Beardsley, Robert C. ; Alessi, Carol A. ; Smith, Peter C. ; Butman, BradfordThe Bedford Institute of Oceanography, E.G.&G., National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Geological Survey, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution have conducted separate moored array experiments during 1974- 1980 to study various aspects of the regional circulation in the Gulf of Maine and adjacent Scotian and New England shelf and slope regions. The mean currents and current variances measured in these experiments are summarized here in tabular and graphical form, together with other information about each experiment. While there have been few measurements made in the interior of the Gulf of Maine, the map of mean subsurface currents demonstrate (a) a net inflow of Scotian shelf water past Cape Sable into the Gulf, (b) a net inflow of slope water through the Northeast Channel into the Gulf, (c) a partially closed anticyclonic circulation around Georges Bank, and (d) a net outflow of shelf water south of Nantucket from the Gulf of Maine into the New England shelf.