Water velocity measurement from near surface to 110 m depth at deepwater dumpsite #106 using acoustically tracked drogues and conventional current meters
Water velocity measurement from near surface to 110 m depth at deepwater dumpsite #106 using acoustically tracked drogues and conventional current meters
Churchill, James H.
Pade, Bert H.-G.
Peal, Kenneth R.
Pade, Bert H.-G.
Peal, Kenneth R.
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Acoustically tracked drogues
Ocean currents
Waste disposal in the ocean
Ocean currents
Waste disposal in the ocean
A system has been developed recently at W.H.O.I. for
tracking nearsurface drogues equipped with sonobuoys using
an acoustic navigation system. Surface and submerged drogues
of mean depths ranging from 0.15 m to 4.88 m were tracked in
the vicinity of deepwater dumpsite #106 . A least squares
linear regression technique was used to determine drogue
velocities over 2 hour periods. Water velocities at depths
from 8 - 110 m were measured using a ship-deployed current
meter coupled with acoustic tracking of the ship. The results
indicated very little velocity shear in the surface mixed
layer. There were two regions of _strong shear at greater
depths, one associated with the main thermocline and the
other presumably associated with a halocline .
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Churchill, J. H., Pade, B. H.-G., & Peal, K. R. (1981). Water velocity measurement from near surface to 110 m depth at deepwater dumpsite #106 using acoustically tracked drogues and conventional current meters. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. https://doi.org/10.1575/1912/9622