Peal Kenneth R.

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Kenneth R.

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  • Technical Report
    A simple ocean bottom hydrophone with 200 megabyte data capacity
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1993-06) Peal, Kenneth R. ; Purdy, G. Michael ; Koelsch, Donald E. ; Wooding, Frank B.
    The Woods Hole Ocean Bottom Hydrophone instrument records the digitized output of a single hydrophone sensor at rates between 250 and 1200 samples per second with a dynamic range of 98 dB and can be deployed at depths to 600 meters. The unit's 200 megabyte disk recorder allows operation for periods up to 5 days. Designed for typical marine seismic refraction operations the unit is reliable and simple to deploy and recover. A detailed description is provided of the instrument design and application including transfer function, clock accuracy, data format, sample data and power requirements.
  • Technical Report
    Arctic remote autonomous measurement platform post CEAREX engineering report
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1990-11) Peal, Kenneth R.
    A series of instrumented Arctic buoys has been developed which is designed to be deployed in pack ice to measure and record data from meteorological and ocean sensors as well as from an accelerometer package inside the buoy. Sophisticated in situ processing is performed reducing the data capacitiy required for the system's optical disk recorder. Engineering development is described which aimed to identify and solve performance problems related to hardware and software deficiencies. One of the major hardware problems was that the optical disk was unreliable when exposed to the Arctic environment. Redesign was performed to insulate parts of the system from the cold. The test and evaluation sequence is described as well as the present status of all portions of the system. Sample field data are presented including multiband acoustic spectra as well as time series environmental data.
  • Technical Report
    Water velocity measurement from near surface to 110 m depth at deepwater dumpsite #106 using acoustically tracked drogues and conventional current meters
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1981-02) Churchill, James H. ; Pade, Bert H.-G. ; Peal, Kenneth R.
    A system has been developed recently at W.H.O.I. for tracking nearsurface drogues equipped with sonobuoys using an acoustic navigation system. Surface and submerged drogues of mean depths ranging from 0.15 m to 4.88 m were tracked in the vicinity of deepwater dumpsite #106 . A least squares linear regression technique was used to determine drogue velocities over 2 hour periods. Water velocities at depths from 8 - 110 m were measured using a ship-deployed current meter coupled with acoustic tracking of the ship. The results indicated very little velocity shear in the surface mixed layer. There were two regions of _strong shear at greater depths, one associated with the main thermocline and the other presumably associated with a halocline .
  • Working Paper
    Broadband borehole seismic system integration tests : report of the system integration tests at MPL/SIO
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1998) Goldsborough, Robert G. ; Austin, Gary ; Bolmer, S. Thompson ; Jabson, David M. ; Jonke, Patrick ; Gould, Matthew R. ; Hildebrand, John A. ; Hollinshead, C. B. ; Offield, Glen ; Orcutt, John ; Peal, Kenneth R. ; Spiess, Fred N. ; Stephen, Ralph A. ; Vernon, Frank L. ; Willoughby, David F. ; Zimmerman, Richard
    This report describes a series of tests performed at SIO/MPL, Point Lorna the week of 17 November 1997 designed to achieve integration of the Broadband Borehole Seismic System (BBBSS) in preparation for the OSN Pilot Experiment cruise on RN Thompson during January 1997. Representatives from all groups were present (see appendix A), with their respective parts of the system and support equipment. It was anticipated that these tests would result in the complete integration of the various components of the borehole seismometer system in preparation for the January cruise. The system would be assembled and tested following a plan (see appendix C) that would culminate in the fully integrated borehole seismometer being wet tested off the MPL pier.
  • Technical Report
    Atlantis II : cruise 102 : moored and shipboard surface meteorological measurements during JASIN 1978
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1979-12) Briscoe, Melbourne G. ; Alessi, Carol A. ; Payne, Richard E. ; Peal, Kenneth R.
    During cruise 102 of the R/V Atlantis-II in the Joint Air-Sea Interaction Project (JASIN), surface meteorological data were gathered by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution personnel from two moored buoys and from the ship. One buoy (JASIN W2/WHOI 651) carried a Vector Averaging Wind Recorder (VAWR) and a Vector Measuring Wind Recorder (VMWR); these instruments provided 18 days of intercomparison data and 38 days of meteorological data from 30 July to 6 September 1978. The other buoy (JASIN H2) carried a VMWR and gave 25 total days of data from 16 July to 10 August, and from 26 August to 1 September. A PET computer, hardwired to sensors positioned on the ship, displayed data that were logged during both legs of the cruise. Manual data were gathered by the science watches. This report describes the PET system, and displays and compares all the data. VAWR hourly meteorological data are listed for the 38 day period. Scientific interpretation of these data, such as calculations of heat fluxes, will be published separately.
  • Technical Report
    Real-time tomography mooring
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1992-06) Lynch, James F. ; Frye, Daniel E. ; Peal, Kenneth R. ; Liberatore, Stephen P. ; Kery, Sean M. ; Hobart, Edward ; Newhall, Arthur E. ; Smith, Stephen P.
    A real-time tomography system has been developed which combines ocean acoustic tomography with satellite-based time keeping and satellite telemetry. The basis of the system is the acoustic tomography transceiver and its associated acoustic navigation grid. To this basic system, a link to the surface has been added to provide a pathway for telemetry of the tomographic data to shore and a downlink for satellite-derived time which is used to correct the transceiver's clock. The surface buoy contains a GPS receiver, clock comparator, system controller and multiple ID Argos transmitters. Processed tomography signals, transceiver location data time, time drift and surface buoy engineering data are transmitted to satellite using a total of 32 data buffers transmitted every eight minutes. The report describes the real-time tomography system in detail, with particular emphasis on the modifications implemented to convert the standard tomography instrument to a real-time oceanographic tool.
  • Technical Report
    An acoustic navigation system
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1974-12) Hunt, Mary M. ; Marquet, William M. ; Moller, Donald A. ; Peal, Kenneth R. ; Smith, Woollcott K. ; Spindel, Robert C.
    This report describes a system for underwater acoustic navigation developed, and in use, at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It includes a brief discussion of the electronic components, operation, mathematical analysis, and available computer programs. There is a series of supplementary Technical Memoranda containing more information on various aspects of the system. We believe that this kind of documentation is more flexible and better meets the needs of potential users than including all technical details in one large volume. These are not final or definitive reports; acoustic navigation capabilities will continue to evolve at W.H.O.I. for some time. Acoustic navigation provides a method of tracking a ship, and an underwater vehicle or instrument package (‘fish’), in the deep ocean. Acoustic devices attached to the ship and fish measure the length of time it takes a sound pulse to travel to acoustic transponders moored on the ocean floor. If the transponder positions and the average speed of sound are known, the ship or fish position can be found.
  • Technical Report
    The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution digital ocean bottom hydrophone instrument : technical report
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1982-06) Koelsch, Donald E. ; Peal, Kenneth R. ; Purdy, G. Michael
    This report describes the design and capabilities of a new ocean bottom hydrophone instrument. The instrument is microprocessor controlled and records digitally on a commercially available cartridge tape recorder with a formatted capacity of 16.7 megabytes. It can operate at sampling intervals between 80 and 8500 Hz and has a dynamic range of 120dB. Both the hardware and software are designed to provide the maximum flexibility in operation allowing either preprogrammed or event detect operation for either short deployment high sampling rate experiments or extended deployment low data rate applications. The microprocessor and recording electronics are capable of handling four data channels and thus the existing recording package is suitable for the ocean bottom seismometer application (or similar} with little or no modification.
  • Working Paper
    Tests of the broadband borehole seismic system (B³S²) at Scripps IGPP and the Pinon Flat Observatory : October 1994 to June 1995
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1997-08) Stephen, Ralph A. ; Orcutt, John ; Peal, Kenneth R. ; Vernon, Frank L. ; Austin, Gary ; Bolmer, S. Thompson ; Gould, Matthew R. ; Koelsch, Donald E. ; Hollinshead, C. B. ; Offield, Glen ; Willoughby, David F.
    The broadband borehole seismic system (B3S2) is being developed as one component of the Ocean Seismic Network (OSN) Pilot Experiment which will be carried out at the OSN-1 Site off Hawaii in Winter 1998. The other major instruments being developed for the experiment are a Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer and a Shallow Buried Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer. B3S2 consists of four major components: 1) a borehole sonde with a re-entry guide, Teledyne 54000 broadband seismometer, and REFTEK digitizing system, 2) a seafloor acquisition and recording system (SEABASS), 3) a control vehicle for deploying the sonde in a borehole, and 4) shipboard command and control electronics. The deployment system is very similar to the SEABASS configuration used on LFASE (Stephen eta!, 1994). The purposes of the tests at Pinon Flat were: 1) to integrate the borehole sonde and seafloor and shipboard electronics which had been constructed by different groups: WHOI and SIO/IGPP; 2) test the combined subsystem in a wet borehole environment using actual cables and simulating seafloor conditions; and 3) acquire seismic ambient noise and earthquake data over approximately a three month period for comparison with known stations at the Pinon Flat Observatory.
  • Article
    Ocean Seismic Network Pilot Experiment
    ( 2003-10-31) Stephen, Ralph A. ; Spiess, Fred N. ; Collins, John A. ; Hildebrand, John A. ; Orcutt, John A. ; Peal, Kenneth R. ; Vernon, Frank L. ; Wooding, Frank B.
    The primary goal of the Ocean Seismic Network Pilot Experiment (OSNPE) was to learn how to make high quality broadband seismic measurements on the ocean bottom in preparation for a permanent ocean seismic network. The experiment also had implications for the development of a capability for temporary (e.g., 1 year duration) seismic experiments on the ocean floor. Equipment for installing, operating and monitoring borehole observatories in the deep sea was also tested including a lead-in package, a logging probe, a wire line packer and a control vehicle. The control vehicle was used in three modes during the experiment: for observation of seafloor features and equipment, for equipment launch and recovery, and for power supply and telemetry between ocean bottom units and the ship. The OSNPE which was completed in June 1998 acquired almost four months of continuous data and it demonstrated clearly that a combination of shallow buried and borehole broadband sensors could provide comparable quality data to broadband seismic installations on islands and continents. Burial in soft mud appears to be adequate at frequencies below the microseism peak. Although the borehole sensor was subject to installation noise at low frequencies (0.6 to 50 mHz), analysis of the OSNPE data provides new insights into our understanding of ocean bottom ambient noise. The OSNPE results clearly demonstrate the importance of sediment borne shear modes in ocean bottom ambient noise behavior. Ambient noise drops significantly at high frequencies for a sensor placed just at the sediment basalt interface. At frequencies above the microseism peak, there are two reasons that ocean bottom stations have been generally regarded as noisier than island or land stations: ocean bottom stations are closer to the noise source (the surface gravity waves) and most ocean bottom stations to date have been installed on low rigidity sediments where they are subject to the effects of shear wave resonances. When sensors are placed in boreholes in basement the performance of ocean bottom seismic stations approaches that of continental and island stations. A broadband borehole seismic station should be included in any real-time ocean bottom observatory.
  • Working Paper
    Seafloor borehole array seismic system (SEABASS)
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1993-01) Stephen, Ralph A. ; Koelsch, Donald E. ; Berteaux, Henri O. ; Bocconcelli, Alessandro ; Bolmer, S. Thompson ; Cretin, J. ; Etourmy, N. ; Fabre, A. ; Goldsborough, Robert G. ; Gould, Matthew R. ; Kery, Sean M. ; Laurent, J. ; Omnes, G. ; Peal, Kenneth R. ; Swift, Stephen A. ; Turpening, R. ; Zani, A. Cleo
    The Seafloor Borehole Array Seismic System (SEABASS) has been developed to measure the pressure and three dimensional particle velocity of the VLF sound field (2-50HZ) below the seafloor in the deep ocean (water depths of up to 6km). The system consists off our three-component borehole seismometers (with an optional hydrophone), a borehole digitizing unit, and a seafloor control and recording package. The system can be deployed using a wire line re-entry capability from a conventional research vessel in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) boreholes. Data from below the seafloor are acquired either on-board the research vessel via coaxial tether or remotely on the seafloor in a self-contained package. If necessary the data module from the seafloor package can be released independently and recovered on the surface. This paper describes the engineering specifications of SEABASS, the tests that were carried out, and preliminary results from an actual deep sea deployment. Ambient noise levels beneath the seafloor acquired on the Low Frequency Acoustic-Seismic Experiment (LFASE) are within 20dB of levels from previous seafloor borehole seismic experiments and from land borehole measurements. The ambient noise observed on LFASE decreases by up to 12dB in the upper 100m of the seafloor in a sedimentary environment.
  • Working Paper
    Progress report on the development of the seafloor borehole array seismic system (phase II) : July 14, 1992 to January 31, 1996
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1996-06) Stephen, Ralph A. ; Peal, Kenneth R. ; Bolmer, S. Thompson ; Gould, Matthew R. ; Koelsch, Donald E. ; Orcutt, John A. ; Vernon, Frank L. ; Offield, G. ; Willoughby, David F. ; Hollinshead, C. B. ; Spiess, Fred N. ; Hildebrand, John A. ; Zimmerman, Richard ; Austin, Gary
    The Seafloor Borehole Array Seismic System (SEABASS) was originally developed to record autonomously on the seafloor the signals received on a four-sonde three-component borehole geophone array in the VLF band (2-50Hz)(Stephen eta!., 1994). The system is designed to use the wireline re-entry capability (Spiess, 1993; Spiess eta!., 1992) to install and retrieve the seafloor instrumentation (Figures 1 and 2). Following the successful demonstration of this technology on the LFASE (Low Frequency Acoustic-Seismic Experiment) project in September 1989, it was decided to extend the capability to broadband (1000sec-5Hz) borehole seismometers which could be used for permanent seafloor seismic observatories in the Ocean Seismic Network (Orcutt and Stephen, 1993; Purdy and Dziewonski, 1988; Purdy and Orcutt, 1995; Stephen, 1995; Sutton and Barstow, 1990; Sutton eta!., 1988; Sutton eta!., 1965). The Broadband Borehole Seismic System (B3S2) is the prototype system for permanent broadband borehole seismic observatories on the seafloor. It has three major components: i) a broadband borehole seismometer, the Teledyne 54000, modified for seafloor operations by Scripps-IGPP; ii) the re-entry system provided by Scripps-MPL; and iii) the seafloor recording system developed by WHO I. Because of the similarity of the seafloor recording system to SEABASS we have named this new system SEABASS-ll. This report discusses the development of SEABASS-Il at WHOI in the period from July 14, 1992 to January 31, 1996. The motivation for the project and a work statement are contained in WHOI proposals 7016 and 7016.1. This report is a collection of documentation prepared while the work was being carried out. Some of the issues discussed in early memos were subsequently changed. Modifications and further testing of SEABASS-ll, as well as final system integration tests with the borehole andreentry systems (both of which are also still being modified and tested) have still to be carried out in preparation for the OSN Pilot Experiment Cruise in Spring 1997. This is a preliminary report only and presents work in progress. It will be useful to the engineering team as a historical reference of the sequence of events in the development of SEABASS-ll but it should not be considered as a technical manual for the instrumentation.