Acoustic and oceanographic observations and configuration information for the WHOI moorings from the SW06 experiment
Acoustic and oceanographic observations and configuration information for the WHOI moorings from the SW06 experiment
Newhall, Arthur E.
Duda, Timothy F.
von der Heydt, Keith
Irish, James D.
Kemp, John N.
Lerner, Steven A.
Liberatore, Stephen P.
Lin, Ying-Tsong
Lynch, James F.
Maffei, Andrew R.
Morozov, Andrey K.
Shmelev, Alexey A.
Sellers, Cynthia J.
Witzell, Warren E.
Duda, Timothy F.
von der Heydt, Keith
Irish, James D.
Kemp, John N.
Lerner, Steven A.
Liberatore, Stephen P.
Lin, Ying-Tsong
Lynch, James F.
Maffei, Andrew R.
Morozov, Andrey K.
Shmelev, Alexey A.
Sellers, Cynthia J.
Witzell, Warren E.
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As Published
Date Created
New Jersey coast
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This document describes data, sensors, and other useful information pertaining to the moorings that were
deployed from the R/V Knorr from July 24th to August 4th, 2006 in support of the SW06 experiment. The
SW06 experiment was a large, multi-disciplinary effort performed 100 miles east of the New Jersey coast. A
total of 62 acoustic and oceanographic moorings were deployed and recovered. The moorings were deployed in
a “T” geometry to create an along-shelf path along the 80 meter isobath and an across-shelf path starting at 600
meters depth and going shoreward to a depth of 60 meters. A cluster of moorings was placed at the
intersection of the two paths to create a dense sensor-populated area to measure a 3-dimensional physical
oceanography. Environmental moorings were deployed along both along-shelf and across-shelf paths to
measure the physical oceanography along those paths. Moorings with acoustic sources were placed at the outer
ends of the “T” to propagate various signals along these paths. Five single hydrophone receivers were
positioned on the across shelf path and a vertical and horizontal hydrophone array was positioned at the
intersection of the “T” to get receptions from all the acoustics assets that were used during SW06.
Embargo Date
Newhall, A. E., Duda, T. F., von der Heydt, K., Irish, J. D., Kemp, J. N., Lerner, S. A., Liberatore, S. P., Lin, Y.-T., Lynch, J. F., Maffei, A. R., Morozov, A. K., Shmelev, A., Sellers, C. J., & Witzell, W. E. (2007). Acoustic and oceanographic observations and configuration information for the WHOI moorings from the SW06 experiment. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.