Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering (AOP&E)

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The Department is a major center for research in fluid mechanics, coastal processes, ocean mixing, acoustics, air-sea interaction, deep submergence, ocean systems and moorings, remote sensing, robotics, certain biological processes, image processing, signal processing and estimation, control theory, and the dynamics of ocean cables.


Recent Submissions

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    Remote sensing of emperor penguin abundance and breeding success
    (Nature Research, 2024-05-29) Winterl, Alexander ; Richter, Sebastian ; Houstin, Aymeric ; Barracho, Teo ; Boureau, Matthieu ; Cornec, Clement ; Couet, Douglas ; Cristofari, Robin ; Eiselt, Claire ; Fabry, Ben ; Krellenstein, Adelie ; Mark, Christoph ; Mainka, Astrid ; Menard, Delphine ; Morinay, Jennifer ; Pottier, Susie ; Schloesing, Elodie ; Le Bohec, Celine ; Zitterbart, Daniel P.
    Emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) are under increasing environmental pressure. Monitoring colony size and population trends of this Antarctic seabird relies primarily on satellite imagery recorded near the end of the breeding season, when light conditions levels are sufficient to capture images, but colony occupancy is highly variable. To correct population estimates for this variability, we develop a phenological model that can predict the number of breeding pairs and fledging chicks, as well as key phenological events such as arrival, hatching and foraging times, from as few as six data points from a single season. The ability to extrapolate occupancy from sparse data makes the model particularly useful for monitoring remotely sensed animal colonies where ground-based population estimates are rare or unavailable.
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    Development of a quantum cascade laser absorption spectrometer for simultaneous measurement of 13C-18O and 18O-18O clumping in CO2
    (Wiley, 2024-06-18) Wieman, Scott T. ; Kapit, Jason ; Michel, Anna P. M. ; Guo, Weifu
    Dual clumped isotope paleothermometry determines carbonate formation temperatures by measuring the frequency of 13C–18O (∆638) and 18O–18O (∆828) pairs in carbonates. It resolves isotopic kinetic biases and thus enables more accurate paleotemperature reconstructions. However, high-precision measurements of 18O–18O clumping using current techniques requires large sample sizes and long acquisition times. We developed a mid-infrared isotope ratio laser spectrometer (IRLS) for simultaneous measurement of the isotopologue ratios ∆638 and ∆828 in gas-phase carbon dioxide (CO2) at room temperature. Our IRLS uses a single laser scanning from 2290.7 to 2291.1 cm−1 and a 31 m pathlength optical cell, and it simultaneously measures the five isotopologues required for calculating ∆638 and ∆828: 16O12C16O, 16O13C16O, 16O12C18O, 16O13C18O, and 18O12C18O. In addition, our IRLS can measure 16O12C17O, enabling ∆17O analysis. At ~20°C and a CO2 pressure of ~2 Torr, our IRLS system achieved precisions of 0.128‰ and 0.140‰ within 20 s for abundances of the clumped isotopologues 16O13C18O and 18O12C18O, respectively, and precisions of 0.267‰, 0.245‰, and 0.128‰ for 16O12C16O, 16O13C16O, and 16O12C18O. This yielded precisions of 0.348‰ (∆638) and 0.302‰ (∆828) within 25 s. Simulated sample–reference switching highlights the potential of our system and the need for further development. We demonstrated simultaneous measurements of ∆638 and ∆828 in CO2 to precisions of <0.35‰ within 25 s using a room-temperature, single-laser IRLS. Future developments on better resolving 16O12C16O and 16O13C16O peaks and system temperature control could further improve the measurement precision.
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    The Brazil Basin tracer release experiment: Observations
    (American Meteorological Society, 2024-05-17) Ledwell, James R.
    Lightening of bottom water is required to close the abyssal overturning circulation, believed to play an important role in the climate system. A tracer release experiment and turbulence measurement programs have revealed how bottom water is lightened, and illuminated the associated circulation in the deep Brazil Basin, a representative region of the global ocean. Tracer was released on an isopycnal surface about 4000 m deep, over one of the fracture zones emanating from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Tracer that mixed toward the bottom moved toward the MAR across isopycnal surfaces that bend down to intersect the bottom at a rate implying a near-bottom buoyancy flux of 1.5 × 10−9 m2 s−3, somewhat larger than inferred from dissipation measurements. The diffusivity at the level of the tracer release is estimated at 4.4 ± 1 × 10−4 m2 s−1, again larger than inferred from dissipation rates. The main patch moved southwest at about 2 cm s−1 while sinking due to the divergence of buoyancy flux above the bottom layer. The isopycnal eddy diffusivity was about 100 m2 s−1. Westward flow away from the MAR is the return flow balancing the eastward near-bottom upslope flow. The southward component of the flow is roughly consistent with conservation of potential vorticity. The circulation as well as the pattern of diapycnal flux are qualitatively the same as in St. Laurent et al. (2001) but are more robust. The results indicate that diapycnal diffusivity is about twice that invoked by Morris et al. (2001) in calculating the basinwide buoyancy budget.
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    Improving growth models of cultivated sugar kelp, Saccharina latissima, by accounting for intraspecific variation in thermal tolerance
    (World Aquaculture Society, 2024-06-06) Krasnow, Ruby ; Gonzalez, Sara ; Lindell, Scott
    Dynamic models of sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) growth are used to estimate the production potential of seaweed aquaculture in many regions around the world. These models do not currently account for the existence of S. latissima ecotypes that are adapted to regional environmental conditions, particularly temperature. We tested the hypothesis that recalibrating the temperature parameters of a dynamic energy budget model using literature data for S. latissima from regions with a similar climate to the region of interest would result in more accurate predictions than using a general species-wide temperature response curve. Calibrating the model using data from warm regions significantly improved model accuracy for kelp cultivation at the southern end of the species range (Rhode Island, USA) in cases where the original parameters underestimated growth but resulted in drastic overestimates when heavy frond erosion occurred. In Trømso, Norway, a cold parameterization produced extremely accurate predictions: the model predicted a final frond length of 88.2 cm, compared with the observed length of 87.5 (±4.70) cm. Our results demonstrate that recalibrating temperature response curves allows one model to be applied to kelp aquaculture in different regions, an important step toward the prediction of S. latissima productivity over large areas.
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    Kinematics of an ebb plume front in a tidal crossflow
    (American Geophysical Union, 2024-06-10) Honegger, David A. ; Ralston, David K. ; Jurisa , Joe ; Geyer, W. Rockwell ; Haller, Merrick C.
    X-band marine radar observations and a hindcast simulation from a 3D hydrostatic model are used to provide an overview of Connecticut River (USA) ebb plume front expansion into the strong tidal crossflow of eastern Long Island Sound. The model performance is evaluated against in situ and remote sensing observations and demonstrates dominant control of the front by semidiurnal tides. The recurring frontal evolution is classified into three dynamical stages of arrest, propagation, and advection. A conceptual model that follows this progressing balance between outflow buoyancy and crossflow momentum qualitatively reproduces frontal evolution in both the radar observations and the hindcast. The majority of the residual, intertidal variability of front timing and geometry is explained by co-varying tidal amplitude, freshwater discharge, and wind stress using a multi-linear regression analysis of the radar observation record. Intrinsic front speeds in the modeled frontal propagation are compared with the analytical model of Benjamin (1968,, with better agreement achieved after accounting for ambient near-surface shear associated with wind forcing.
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    Modeling coupled dynamics of an empirical predator-prey system to predict top predator recovery
    (Elsevier, 2024-05-16) Hamilton, Samantha N.M. ; Tinker, Martin Tim ; Jackson, Joseph ; Tomoleoni, Joseph A. ; Kenner, Michael C. ; Yee, Julie L. ; Bell, Tom W. ; Castorani, Max C.N. ; Becker, Benjamin H. ; Hughes, Brent Bancroft
    Limited data, time, and funding lead conservation managers to make difficult choices in managing species recovery. Coupled dynamical models are relied upon for decision support, but their application to empirical predator-prey systems has generally been restricted to small, tractable species. To broaden their use in conservation decision-making, we developed a model suitable for predicting the population dynamics of a larger apex carnivore and its prey. We selected southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) and their primary estuarine prey as our case study and parameterized the dynamical model with data on sea otter, clam, and crab abundances; predator-prey interactions; and sea otter bioenergetics collected from Elkhorn Slough, CA. Our model, having integrated all these salient factors, was able to successfully reproduce trends in taxa abundance as well as shifts in sea otter diet composition and energy intake rates. Rich data inputs allow the model to predict population dynamics over realistic temporal scales not only for the site of data collection, but also for similar estuaries uncolonized by sea otters. Based on model projections parameterized with prey survey data from two such estuaries, Tomales Bay and Drakes Estero, we predict the sites could support over 160 sea otters and may hold potential to further species recovery. In systems with good data availability, the model has high predictive power and can provide multi-taxa projections useful for making informed management decisions.
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    Cross-shelf exchange in prograde Antarctic troughs driven by offshore propagating dense water eddies
    (American Meteorological Society, 2024-07-31) Gaul, Alan ; Zhang, Weifeng Gordon ; Cenedese, Claudia
    This study examines the link between near-bottom outflows of dense water formed in Antarctic coastal polynyas and onshore intrusions of Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) through prograde troughs cutting across the continental shelf. Numerical simulations show that the dense water outflow is primarily in the form of cyclonic eddies. The trough serves as a topographic guide that organizes the offshore-moving dense water eddies into a chain pattern. The offshore migration speed of the dense water eddies is similar to the velocity of the dense water offshore flow in the trough, which scaling analysis finds to be proportional to the reduced gravity of the dense water and the slope of the trough sidewalls and to be inversely proportional to the Coriolis parameter. Our model simulations indicate that, as these cyclonic dense water eddies move across the trough mouth into the deep ocean, they entrain CDW from offshore and carry CDW clockwise along their periphery into the trough. Subsequent cyclonic dense water eddies then entrain the intruding CDW further toward the coast along the trough. This process of recurring onshore entrainment of CDW by a topographically constrained chain of offshore-flowing dense water eddies is consistent with topographic hotspots of onshore intrusion of CDW around Antarctica identified by other studies. It can bring CDW from offshore to close to the coast and thus impact the heat flux into Antarctic coastal regions, affecting interactions among ocean, sea ice, and ice shelves.
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    On the equivalence of scalar-pressure and vector-based acoustic dosage measures as derived from time-limited signal waveforms
    (Acoustical Society of America, 2024-05-15) Dahl, Peter H. ; Bonnel, Julien ; Dall'Osto, David R.
    The dynamic (acoustic pressure) and kinematic (acoustic acceleration and velocity) properties of time-limited signals are studied in terms of acoustic dose metrics as might be used to assess the impact of underwater noise on marine life. The work is relevant for the study of anthropogenic transient acoustic signals, such as airguns, pile driving, and underwater explosive sources, as well as more generic transient signals from sonar systems. Dose metrics are first derived from numerical simulations of sound propagation from a seismic airgun source as specified in a Joint Industry Programme benchmark problem. Similar analyses are carried out based on at-sea acoustic measurements on the continental shelf, made with a vector sensor positioned 1.45 m off the seabed. These measurements are on transient time-limited signals from multiple underwater explosive sources at differing ranges, and from a towed, sonar source. The study demonstrates, both numerically and experimentally, that under many realistic scenarios, kinematic based acoustic dosage metrics within the water column can be evaluated using acoustic pressure measurements.
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    Wave and roller transformation over barred bathymetry
    (American Geophysical Union, 2024-05-04) Chen, Jinshi ; Raubenheimer, Britt ; Elgar, Steve
    The cross-shore transformation of breaking-wave roller momentum and energy on observed barred surfzone bathymetry is investigated with a two-phase Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes model driven with measured incident waves. Modeled wave spectra, wave heights, and wave-driven increases in the mean water level (setup) agree well with field observations along transects extending from 5-m water depth to the shoreline. Consistent with prior results the roller forcing contributes 50%–60% to the setup, whereas the advective terms contribute ∼20%, with the contribution of bottom stress largest (up to 20%) for shallow sandbar crest depths. The model simulations suggest that an energy-flux balance between wave dissipation, roller energy, and roller dissipation is accurate. However, as little as 70% of the modeled wave energy ultimately dissipated by breaking was first transferred from the wave to the roller. Furthermore, of the energy transferred to the roller, 15%–25% is dissipated by turbulence in the water column below the roller, with the majority of energy dissipated in the aerated region or near the roller-surface interface. The contributions of turbulence to the momentum balance are sensitive to the parameterized turbulent anisotropy, which observations suggest increases with increasing turbulence intensity. Here, modeled turbulent kinetic energy dissipation decreases with increasing depth of the sandbar crest, possibly reflecting a change from plunging (on the steeper offshore slope of the bar) to spilling breakers (over the flatter bar crest and trough). Thus, using a variable roller front slope in the roller-wave energy flux balance may account for these variations in breaker type.
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    Observations of the upper ocean from autonomous platforms during the passage of extratropical Cyclone Epsilon (2020)
    (Oceanography Society, 2024-03-18) Zimmerman, Michael T. ; Jayne, Steven R. ; Rainville, Luc ; Lee, Craig M. ; Toole, John M. ; Edson, James B. ; Clayson, Carol Anne ; Ekholm, Alexander K. ; Densmore, Casey R.
    Hurricane Epsilon (2020) was a late-season, category-3 tropical cyclone that underwent extratropical transition and became Extratropical Cyclone Epsilon on October 26. The upper ocean response to the passage of the storm was observed by three types of autonomous platforms: an eXpendable Spar buoy, an Air-Launched Autonomous Micro-Observer profiling float, and two Seagliders. Taken together, this array enabled the rare collection of contemporaneous observations of the upper ocean, air-sea interface, and atmospheric boundary layer before, during, and after the passage of the storm. The evidence presented suggests that Extratropical Cyclone Epsilon contributed to breaking down the residual North Atlantic summer stratification regime and accelerated the shift to the prolonged ocean cooling associated with winter. The synergistic capabilities of the observational array are significant for two reasons: (1) by enabling the comparison of complementary atmosphere and ocean observations, taken from different platforms, they permit a comprehensive approach to better understand how storm-induced momentum, heat, and moisture fluxes alter upper ocean structure, and (2) they demonstrate the ability of future, targeted deployments of similar observational arrays to assess the fidelity of coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave numerical prediction models.
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    Influence of physical factors on restratification of the upper water column in Antarctic coastal polynyas
    (American Geophysical Union, 2024-03-03) Xu, Yilang ; Zhang, Weifeng Gordon ; Maksym, Ted ; Ji, Rubao ; Li, Yun ; Walker, Catherine C.
    Antarctic coastal polynyas are hotspots of biological production with intensive springtime phytoplankton blooms that strongly depend on meltwater-induced restratification in the upper part of the water column. However, the fundamental physics that determine spatial inhomogeneity of the spring restratification remain unclear. Here, we investigate how different meltwaters affect springtime restratification and thus phytoplankton bloom in Antarctic coastal polynyas. A high-resolution coupled ice-shelf/sea-ice/ocean model is used to simulate an idealized coastal polynya similar to the Terra Nova Bay Polynya, Ross Sea, Antarctica. To evaluate the contribution of various meltwater sources, we conduct sensitivity simulations altering physical factors such as alongshore winds, ice shelf basal melt, and surface freshwater runoff. Our findings indicate that sea ice meltwater from offshore is the primary buoyancy source of polynya near-surface restratification, particularly in the outer-polynya region where chlorophyll concentration tends to be high. Downwelling-favorable alongshore winds can direct offshore sea ice away and prevent sea ice meltwater from entering the polynya region. Although the ice shelf basal meltwater can ascend to the polynya surface, much of it is mixed vertically over the water column and confined horizontally to a narrow coastal region, and thus does not contribute significantly to the polynya near-surface restratification. Surface runoff from ice shelf surface melt could contribute greatly to the polynya near-surface restratification. Nearby ice tongues and headlands strongly influence the restratification through modifying polynya circulation and meltwater transport pathways. Results of this study can help explain observed spatiotemporal variability in restratification and associated biological productivity in Antarctic coastal polynyas.
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    The extraordinary March 2022 East Antarctica “Heat” Wave. part II: impacts on the Antarctic ice sheet
    (American Meteorological Society, 2024-01-09) Wille, Jonathan D. ; Alexander, Simon P. ; Amory, Charles ; Baiman, Rebecca ; Barthelemy, Leonard ; Bergstrom, Dana M. ; Berne, Alexis ; Binder, Hanin ; Blanchet, Juliette ; Bozkurt, Deniz ; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ; Casado, Mathieu ; Choi, Taejin ; Clem, Kyle R. ; Codron, Francis ; Datta, Rajashree ; Di Battista, Stefano ; Favier, Vincent ; Francis, Diana ; Fraser, Alexander D. ; Fourre, Elise ; Garreaud, Rene D. ; Genthon, Christophe ; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. ; Gonzalez-Herrero, Sergi ; Heinrich, Victoria J. ; Hubert, Guillaume ; Joos, Hanna ; Kim, Seong-Joong ; King, John C. ; Kittel, Christoph ; Landais, Amaelle ; Lazzara, Matthew ; Leonard, Gregory H. ; Lieser, Jan L. ; Maclennan, Michelle ; Mikolajczyk, David ; Neff, Peter ; Ollivier, Ines ; Picard, Ghislain ; Pohl, Benjamin ; Ralph, F. Martin ; Rowe, Penny ; Schlosser, Elisabeth ; Shields, Christine A. ; Smith, Inga J. ; Sprenger, Michael ; Trusel, Luke D. ; Udy, Danielle ; Vance, Tessa ; Vignon, Etienne ; Walker, Catherine C. ; Wever, Nander ; Zou, Xun
    Between 15 and 19 March 2022, East Antarctica experienced an exceptional heat wave with widespread 30°–40°C temperature anomalies across the ice sheet. In Part I, we assessed the meteorological drivers that generated an intense atmospheric river (AR) that caused these record-shattering temperature anomalies. Here, we continue our large collaborative study by analyzing the widespread and diverse impacts driven by the AR landfall. These impacts included widespread rain and surface melt that was recorded along coastal areas, but this was outweighed by widespread high snowfall accumulations resulting in a largely positive surface mass balance contribution to the East Antarctic region. An analysis of the surface energy budget indicated that widespread downward longwave radiation anomalies caused by large cloud-liquid water contents along with some scattered solar radiation produced intense surface warming. Isotope measurements of the moisture were highly elevated, likely imprinting a strong signal for past climate reconstructions. The AR event attenuated cosmic ray measurements at Concordia, something previously never observed. Last, an extratropical cyclone west of the AR landfall likely triggered the final collapse of the critically unstable Conger Ice Shelf while further reducing an already record low sea ice extent.
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    The extraordinary March 2022 East Antarctica “Heat” Wave. Part I: observations and meteorological drivers
    (American Meteorological Society, 2024-01-09) Wille, Jonathan D. ; Alexander, Simon P. ; Amory, Charles ; Baiman, Rebecca ; Barthelemy, Leonard ; Bergstrom, Dana M. ; Berne, Alexis ; Binder, Hanin ; Blanchet, Juliette ; Bozkurt, Deniz ; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ; Casado, Mathieu ; Choi, Taejin ; Clem, Kyle R. ; Codron, Francis ; Datta, Rajashree ; Di Battista, Stefano ; Favier, Vincent ; Francis, Diana ; Fraser, Alexander D. ; Fourre, Elise ; Garreaud, Rene D. ; Genthon, Christophe ; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. ; Gonzalez-Herrero, Sergi ; Heinrich, Victoria J. ; Hubert, Guillaume ; Joos, Hanna ; Kim, Seong-Joong ; King, John C. ; Kittel, Christoph ; Landais, Amaelle ; Lazzara, Matthew ; Leonard, Gregory H. ; Lieser, Jan L. ; Maclennan, Michelle ; Mikolajczyk, David ; Neff, Peter ; Ollivier, Ines ; Picard, Ghislain ; Pohl, Benjamin ; Ralph, F. Martin ; Rowe, Penny ; Schlosser, Elisabeth ; Shields, Christine A. ; Smith, Inga J. ; Sprenger, Michael ; Trusel, Luke D. ; Udy, Danielle ; Vance, Tessa ; Vignon, Etienne ; Walker, Catherine C. ; Wever, Nander ; Zou, Xun
    Between 15 and 19 March 2022, East Antarctica experienced an exceptional heat wave with widespread 30°–40°C temperature anomalies across the ice sheet. This record-shattering event saw numerous monthly temperature records being broken including a new all-time temperature record of −9.4°C on 18 March at Concordia Station despite March typically being a transition month to the Antarctic coreless winter. The driver for these temperature extremes was an intense atmospheric river advecting subtropical/midlatitude heat and moisture deep into the Antarctic interior. The scope of the temperature records spurred a large, diverse collaborative effort to study the heat wave’s meteorological drivers, impacts, and historical climate context. Here we focus on describing those temperature records along with the intricate meteorological drivers that led to the most intense atmospheric river observed over East Antarctica. These efforts describe the Rossby wave activity forced from intense tropical convection over the Indian Ocean. This led to an atmospheric river and warm conveyor belt intensification near the coastline, which reinforced atmospheric blocking deep into East Antarctica. The resulting moisture flux and upper-level warm-air advection eroded the typical surface temperature inversions over the ice sheet. At the peak of the heat wave, an area of 3.3 million km2 in East Antarctica exceeded previous March monthly temperature records. Despite a temperature anomaly return time of about 100 years, a closer recurrence of such an event is possible under future climate projections. In Part II we describe the various impacts this extreme event had on the East Antarctic cryosphere.
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    Dispersal synchronizes giant kelp forests
    (Ecological Society of America, 2/28/1014) Wanner, Miriam S. ; Walter, Jonathan A. ; Reuman, Daniel C. ; Bell, Tom W. ; Castorani, Max C. N.
    Spatial synchrony is the tendency for population fluctuations to be correlated among different locations. This phenomenon is a ubiquitous feature of population dynamics and is important for ecosystem stability, but several aspects of synchrony remain unresolved. In particular, the extent to which any particular mechanism, such as dispersal, contributes to observed synchrony in natural populations has been difficult to determine. To address this gap, we leveraged recent methodological improvements to determine how dispersal structures synchrony in giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera), a global marine foundation species that has served as a useful system for understanding synchrony. We quantified population synchrony and fecundity with satellite imagery across 11 years and 880 km of coastline in southern California, USA, and estimated propagule dispersal probabilities using a high-resolution ocean circulation model. Using matrix regression models that control for the influence of geographic distance, resources (seawater nitrate), and disturbance (destructive waves), we discovered that dispersal was an important driver of synchrony. Our findings were robust to assumptions about propagule mortality during dispersal and consistent between two metrics of dispersal: (1) the individual probability of dispersal and (2) estimates of demographic connectivity that incorporate fecundity (the number of propagules dispersing). We also found that dispersal and environmental conditions resulted in geographic clusters with distinct patterns of synchrony. This study is among the few to statistically associate synchrony with dispersal in a natural population and the first to do so in a marine organism. The synchronizing effects of dispersal and environmental conditions on foundation species, such as giant kelp, likely have cascading effects on the spatial stability of biodiversity and ecosystem function.
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    Trans-dimensional inversion for seafloor properties for three mud depocenters on the New England shelf under dynamical oceanographic conditions
    (Acoustical Society of America, 2024-03-06) Bonnel, Julien ; Dosso, Stan E. ; Hodgkiss, William S. ; Ballard, Megan S. ; Garcia, Dante D. ; Lee, Kevin M. ; McNeese, Andrew R. ; Wilson, Preston S.
    This paper presents inversion results for three datasets collected on three spatially separated mud depocenters (hereafter called mud ponds) during the 2022 Seabed Characterization Experiment (SBCEX). The data considered here represent modal time-frequency (TF) dispersion as estimated from a single hydrophone. Inversion is performed using a trans-dimensional (trans-D) Bayesian inference method that jointly estimates water-column and seabed properties along with associated uncertainties. This enables successful estimation of the seafloor properties, consistent with in situ acoustic core measurements, even when the water column is dynamical and mostly unknown. A quantitative analysis is performed to (1) compare results with previous modal TF trans-D studies for one mud pond but under different oceanographic condition, and (2) inter-compare the new SBCEX22 results for the three mud ponds. Overall, the estimated mud geoacoustic properties show no significant temporal variability. Further, no significant spatial variability is found between two of the mud ponds while the estimated geoacoustic properties of the third are different. Two hypotheses, considered to be equally likely, are explored to explain this apparent spatial variability: it may be the result of actual differences in the mud properties, or the mud properties may be similar but the inversion results are driven by difference in data information content.
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    Response of onshore oceanic heat supply to yearly changes in the Amundsen Sea Icescape (Antarctica)
    (American Geophysical Union, 2024-04-04) St-Laurent, Pierre ; Stammerjohn, Sharon E. ; Maksym, Ted
    The heat transfer between the warm oceanic water and the floating portion of the Antarctic ice sheet (the ice shelves) occurs in a dynamic environment with year-to-year changes in the distribution of icebergs and fast-ice (the “icescape”). Dramatic events such as the collapse of glacier tongues are apparent in satellite images but oceanographic observations are insufficient to capture the synoptic impact of such events on the supply of oceanic heat to ice shelves. This study uses a 3D numerical model and semi-idealized experiments to examine whether the current high melting rates of ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea could be mitigated by certain icescape configurations. Specifically, the experiments quantify the impacts on oceanic heat supply of presence/absence of the Thwaites Glacier Tongue, Bear Ridge Iceberg Chain, tabular iceberg B22, and fast-ice cover seaward of Pine Island Ice Shelf (PIS). The experiments reveal that future changes in the coastal icescape are unlikely to reverse the high ice shelf melting rates of the Amundsen Sea, and that icescape changes between 2011 and 2022 actually enhanced them slightly. Ice shelves such as Crosson and Thwaites are found to have multiple viable sources of oceanic heat whose relative importance may shift following icescape reconfigurations but the overall heat supply remains high. Similarly, the formation of a fast-ice cover seaward of PIS slows down the cavity circulation (by 7%) but does not reduce its heat supply.
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    Vertical energy fluxes driven by the interaction between wave groups and Langmuir turbulence
    (American Meteorological Society, 2024-06-26) Scully, Malcolm E. ; Zippel, Seth F.
    Data from an air–sea interaction tower are used to close the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget in the wave-affected surface layer of the upper ocean. Under energetic wind forcing with active wave breaking, the dominant balance is between the dissipation rate of TKE and the downward convergence in vertical energy flux. The downward energy flux is driven by pressure work, and the TKE transport is upward, opposite to the downgradient assumption in most turbulence closure models. The sign and the relative magnitude of these energy fluxes are hypothesized to be driven by an interaction between the vertical velocity of Langmuir circulation (LC) and the kinetic energy and pressure of wave groups, which is the result of small-scale wave–current interaction. Consistent with previous modeling studies, the data suggest that the horizontal velocity anomaly associated with LC refracts wave energy away from downwelling regions and into upwelling regions, resulting in negative covariance between the vertical velocity of LC and the pressure anomaly associated with the wave groups. The asymmetry between downward pressure work and upward TKE flux is explained by the Bernoulli response of the sea surface, which results in groups of waves having a larger pressure anomaly than the corresponding kinetic energy anomaly, consistent with group-bound long-wave theory.
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    Nitrogen fixation at the Mid‐Atlantic Bight Shelfbreak and transport of newly fixed nitrogen to the Slope Sea
    (American Geophysical Union, 2024-04-05) Selden, Corday R. ; Mulholland, Margaret R. ; Crider, Katie E. ; Clayton, Sophie A. ; Macias-Tapia, Alfonso ; Bernhardt, Peter W. ; McGillicuddy, Dennis J. ; Zhang, Weifeng Gordon ; Chappell, Phoebe Dreux
    Continental shelves contribute a large fraction of the ocean's new nitrogen (N) via N2 fixation; yet, we know little about how physical processes at the ocean's margins shape diazotroph biogeography and activity. Here, we test the hypothesis that frontal mixing favors N2 fixation at the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelfbreak. Using the 15N2 bubble release method, we measured N2 fixation rates on repeat cross-frontal transects in July 2019. N2 fixation rates in shelf waters (median = 5.42 nmol N L−1 d−1) were higher than offshore (2.48 nmol N L−1 d−1) but did not significantly differ front frontal waters (8.42 nmol N L−1 d−1). However, specific N2 uptake rates, indicative of the relative contribution of diazotroph-derived N to particulate N turnover, were significantly higher in frontal waters, suggesting that diazotroph-derived N is of greater importance in supporting productivity there. This study furthered captured an ephemeral shelf-water streamer, which resulted from the impingement of a warm core ring on the shelf. The streamer transported shelf-water diazotrophs (including UCYN-A and Richelia spp., as assessed by qPCR) offshore with sustained high N2 fixation rates. This feature injected >50 metric tons d−1 of newly fixed N to the Slope Sea—a rate equivalent to ∼4% of the total N flux estimated for the entire Mid-Atlantic Bight. As intrusions of Gulf Stream meanders and eddies onto the shelf are increasing in frequency due to climate change, episodic lateral fluxes of new N into the Slope Sea may become increasingly important to regional budgets and ecosystem productivity.
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    A model for community-driven development of best practices: The Ocean Observatories Initiative biogeochemical sensor data best practices and user guide
    (Frontiers Media, 2024-04-03) Palevsky, Hilary I. ; Clayton, Sophie A. ; Benway, Heather M. ; Maheigan, Mairead ; Atamanchuk, Dariia ; Battisti, Roman ; Batryn, Jennifer ; Bourbonnais, Annie ; Briggs, Ellen M. ; Carvalho, Filipa ; Chase, Alison P. ; Eveleth, Rachel ; Fatland, Rob ; Fogaren, Kristen E. ; Fram, Jonathan Peter ; Hartman, Susan E. ; Le Bras, Isabela ; Manning, Cara C. ; Needoba, Joseph A. ; Neely, Merrie Beth ; Oliver, Hilde ; Reed, Andrew C. ; Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Schallenberg, Christina ; Walsh, Ian ; Wingard, Christopher ; Bauer, Kohen ; Chen, Baoshan ; Cuevas, Jose ; Flecha, Susana ; Horwith, Micah ; Melendez, Melissa ; Menz, Tyler ; Rivero-Calle, Sara ; Roden, Nicholas P. ; Steinhoff, Tobias ; Trucco-Pignata, Pablo Nicolas ; Vardaro, Michael F. ; Yoder, Meg
    The field of oceanography is transitioning from data-poor to data-rich, thanks in part to increased deployment of in-situ platforms and sensors, such as those that instrument the US-funded Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI). However, generating science-ready data products from these sensors, particularly those making biogeochemical measurements, often requires extensive end-user calibration and validation procedures, which can present a significant barrier. Openly available community-developed and -vetted Best Practices contribute to overcoming such barriers, but collaboratively developing user-friendly Best Practices can be challenging. Here we describe the process undertaken by the NSF-funded OOI Biogeochemical Sensor Data Working Group to develop Best Practices for creating science-ready biogeochemical data products from OOI data, culminating in the publication of the GOOS-endorsed OOI Biogeochemical Sensor Data Best Practices and User Guide. For Best Practices related to ocean observatories, engaging observatory staff is crucial, but having a “user-defined” process ensures the final product addresses user needs. Our process prioritized bringing together a diverse team and creating an inclusive environment where all participants could effectively contribute. Incorporating the perspectives of a wide range of experts and prospective end users through an iterative review process that included “Beta Testers’’ enabled us to produce a final product that combines technical information with a user-friendly structure that illustrates data analysis pipelines via flowcharts and worked examples accompanied by pseudo-code. Our process and its impact on improving the accessibility and utility of the end product provides a roadmap for other groups undertaking similar community-driven activities to develop and disseminate new Ocean Best Practices.
  • Article
    Geometric stochastic ray propagation using the special Euclidean group
    (Acoustical Society of America, 2024-04-08) Paine, Tyler ; Bhatt, EeShan C.
    This paper describes a stochastic model of ray trajectory propagation through a medium—such as the ocean—which has an uncertain sound speed profile. We frame ray propagation as a geometric fractal Brownian motion process on the special Euclidean group of dimension two, SE(2). The framing includes diffusion parameters to describe how the stochastic rays deviate from the expected rays, and these diffusion parameters are a function of the uncertainty in the sound speed profile. We demonstrate this framing for the classical Munk profile and a double-ducted profile in the Beaufort.