Shelf MIxed Layer Experiment (SMILE) program description and coastal and moored array data report
Shelf MIxed Layer Experiment (SMILE) program description and coastal and moored array data report
Alessi, Carol A.
Lentz, Steven J.
Beardsley, Robert C.
Lentz, Steven J.
Beardsley, Robert C.
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Northern California Shelf
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Ocean-atmosphere interaction
Marine meteorology
Wecoma (Ship) Cruise W8811
Wecoma (Ship) Cruise W8902
Wecoma (Ship) Cruise W8905
Marine meteorology
Wecoma (Ship) Cruise W8811
Wecoma (Ship) Cruise W8902
Wecoma (Ship) Cruise W8905
The Shelf MIxed Layer Experiment (SMILE) was designed to study the response of
the oceanic surface boundary layer over the continental shelf to atmospheric forcing. The
SMILE field program was conducted over the northern California shelf between Pt. Arena
and Pt. Reyes from mid-November 1988 to mid-May 1989. The field program consisted of
five main components: (a) a long-term moored array to obtain current, temperature, and
conductivity time series observations in the upper ocean over the shelf; (b) a short-term
moored instrument deployment to measure the vertical current shear and stratification in
the top 6 m of the water column; (c) shipboard CTD and acoustic Doppler current profiler
(ADCP) surveys over the shelf and adjacent slope to map regional water property and
current distributions; (d) a long-term moored and coastal meteorological array including one
sounding station to obtain time series observations of the atmospheric surface forcing and
monitor the structure of the marine boundary layer; and (e) overflights with an instrumented
aircraft to measure the spatial structure of the surface wind, wind stress, and heat flux fields
under different atmospheric conditions.
This report has two objectives: (a) to describe the SMILE field program, including
overviews of the five components, and (b) to present a statistical and graphical summary
of the atmospheric (wind, air temperature, pressure, relative humidity, short- and longwave
radiation) and oceanic (current, water temperature, and conductivity) long-term array
measurements made as part of SMILE. A more detailed description of the instrumentation
used in SMILE and an assessment of instrument performance and accuracy are presented
separately by Dean et al. (1991).
Embargo Date
Alessi, C. A., Lentz, S. J., & Beardsley, R. C. (1991). Shelf MIxed Layer Experiment (SMILE) program description and coastal and moored array data report. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.