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Dataset2017 HF Radar observations off the East Taiwan Coast(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2021-10-04) Kirincich, Anthony R. ; Hsiao, Yu-hung ; Yang, Y.-J.High-frequency radar-based observations of surface currents along the east coast of Taiwan, obtained over a 50-day period in early 2017, are used to examine the occurrence, generation, and downstream advection of submesoscale eddies in the Kuroshio. Measured at an effective depth of 2 m and radial resolution of 3 km from four land-based HF radar systems spanning an 250-km along-stream distance, the surface current observations reveal the instantaneous position of the Kuroshio on hourly time scales as well as the occurrence of numerous high relative vorticity features. Vortex features with spatial scales of 5-20 km were concentrated in the first 30 km offshore, with many created at the southern tip of Taiwan on tidal timescales. Most features, with relative vorticities approaching zeta/f=1, translated northward along the coast at the speed of the Kuroshio itself and were coherent over the 250-km length of the Taiwanese coastline. Both tides and regional winds appear to influence when long-lived features form, and the offshore advection of surface waters by the vortices are observable in intermittent Satellite images of surface chlorophyll. While most features are advected northward with the current, a submarine ridge acts to impede the flow, scattering northward moving features and causing occasional southward-migrating vortices. Data Description: DESCRIPTION; The surface current observations used here were obtained from four long-range (4 MHz transmit frequency) land-based coastal radar systems, operated by the Taiwan Ocean Research Institute (TORI) and the National Taiwan University (NTU). All systems were Codar Ocean Sensors SeaSondes, with the three southern stations operated by TORI, and the northern-most station by NTU. Collected over the time period spanning February 1st to March 26th, 2017, the hourly observations of Doppler cross-spectra had a radial resolution of 3 km. Horizontal resolution was dependent on both the resolution of the measured antenna patterns (1 degree in azimuth) as well as the inherent azimuthal resolution of the radar returns themselves. DATA_PREPARATION_DESCRIPTION; Observed Doppler cross-spectra were reprocessed following Kirincich et al. (2012) using adjusted measured antenna patterns and advanced quality control metrics to estimate the radial surface currents observed at each site. Measured antenna response patterns were adjusted iteratively to reduce radar-to-radar inconsistencies defined using synthetic radials estimated from adjacent radars as well as systematic biases in mean vorticity and divergence patterns. Vector combinations of the radial surface currents, representative of the average currents over the top 2 m of the water column (StewartJoy, 1974) were estimated using power-weighed least-squares methods (Kirincich et al. 2012, Kaplan et al 2005) with a fixed horizontal averaging length-scale of 3 km, and masked for errors due to the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) greater than 2 (Barrack, 2002). Acquisition Description: SENSOR_INFORMATION; Radio frequency interference from the ionosphere is a particular problem for the TORI and NTU radars, due to a combination of latitude and transmit frequency, causing elevated background noise during local nighttime. Returns at ranges of 90 km, the distance to the primary scattering layer within the ionosphere, are especially affected. SNR was used as an effective screening tool to isolate and eliminate data contaminated by ionospheric radio noise common in the region, adding further improvements to the radial velocity results. However, data from a 50x50 km region directly offshore of the radar site near 23deg 30' N 121deg 30' E was excised during the hours of 11 to 17 UTC each day during the observational period due to poor data returns during times of high ionospheric reflections and radio noise that resulted in poorly resolved and inaccurate vector current estimates. Using synthetic radials from adjacent HFR sites (Emery et al 2019), surface current uncertainties are estimated to be 5-10 cm/s. the west of the 2018-2019 mooring locations. The surface mooring was located at 41.0706degN 70.8177degW in 40 m of water and sampled surface vector winds, air temperature, air pressure, and relative humidity using a Vaisala WXT520 located at 2 m above mean sea level at 10 min ensemble averages, of 1 Hz data. The 2020 surface mooring also had 5 temperature-conductivity sensors (SBE37s) that sampled the oceanic water column at fixed depths below the surface of 0.6,4,6.5,10, and 20-m at 2 min increments. Finally the 2020 subsurface mooring was deployed at 41.0706degN 70.8177degW and contained a sub-surface float at 8-m below sea level in 40 m of water. The float held an upward looking Nortek Signature 1000 AD2CP that collected 2048 pings @4Hz every 20 min at 0.25 m bin depths.
SoftwareBarotropic coastal trapped wave modes with complex frequency: edge, shelf and Kelvin waves(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2020-08-01) Brink, Kenneth H.This set of Matlab mfiles (all with names beginning with “bwavesc”) can be used to calculate barotropic coastal wave properties in the absence of density stratification. The wave frequency is complex so that unstable or strongly damped modes can be treated. You are allowed to have a mean alongshore flow, if desired, and you can apply the rigid lid approximation. The model can be run in the non-rotating limit if desired. Once a wave’s frequency is found, the modal structure is displayed. The code can use an exact open boundary condition or a closed condition at either side of the domain.
DatasetBight Fracture Zone Experiment Moored Instrument Data(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2024-03-25) Furey, Heather H. ; Ramsey, Andree L. ; Bower, Amy S.Two 2-year moorings were placed in the Bight Fracture Zone (BFZ), one in the north channel and one in the south channel, between July 2015 to July 2017. Each mooring was instrumented at four depths with a pair of instruments comprised of an SBE MicroCAT and a Nobska MAVS-4 Acoustic Current Meter. The four pairs of instruments were placed at 1500, 1750, 2000 meters depth and 22 meters above the bottom of the channel (2440 meters depth in the north channel and 2115 meters depth in the south channel). The initial processing for both the MicroCAT and MAVS-4 consisted of removing data collected while out of water, replacing data outliers with NaNs, and correcting drifts in the data. In addition, the MAVS-4 data were transformed from instrument coordinates to earth coordinates and magnetic declination was correction was applied.
DatasetCoastal mixing and optics moored array experiment(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1997-09) Baumgartner, Mark F. ; Anderson, Steven P.This 5 CDROM set contains in-situ and numerical weather prediction model data collected during the Coastal Mixing and Optics (CMO) Experiment. These data were analyzed in a manuscript entitled "Evaluation of NCEP regional numerical weather prediction model surface fields over the Middle Atlantic Bight" which can be found in Postscript format on CDROM 1 in the "paper" directory. Three NWP models (the early Eta, meso Eta and RUC-1) were evaluated using in-situ meteorological observations and air-sea flux estimates from the central CMO buoy and six NDBC buoys. Based on these evaluations, gridded air-sea flux fields for use in the CMO experiment were generated from the meso Eta model surface fields. Both the original and adjusted meso Eta model surface fields can be found in this CDROM set. CDROM 1 contains all of the in-situ measurements as well as the model data extracted at each of the moored buoys. CDROM 1 also contains the AVHRR 14 km SST analysis from NCEP, the GCIP incoming surface shortwave product, plots of the 0, 3, 6 and 9 hour adjusted meso Eta forecasts for both the meteorology and air-sea fluxes and two QuickTime animations of the adjusted meso Eta model fields. CDROMs 2 and 3 contain the meso Eta model surface data acquired from NCEP archives and reformatted from GRIB to NetCDF. CDROMs 4 and 5 contain the CMO air-sea flux fields derived from the meso Eta surface fields. The source code of the program used to generate the CMO flux fields is in the "code" directory on CDROM 1.
SoftwareCoastal-trapped waves with stratification, topography, mean flow and bottom friction with complex frequency in Matlab( 2018-08-17) Brink, Kenneth H.This set of Matlab mfiles (all having names that begin with “bigc”) can be used to calculate coastal-trapped wave modal structures and dispersion curves under very general circumstances. A complex frequency is allowed, so that instability and damping can be accounted for directly. Modal structures and energy diagnostics are provided. For most applications, the code is only useful for subinertial wave frequencies (i.e., the real part of wave frequency is smaller than the Coriolis parameter).
SoftwareCoastal-trapped waves with stratification, topography, mean flow and bottom friction with complex frequency in Matlab( 2018-08-17) Brink, Kenneth H.This set of Matlab mfiles (all having names that begin with “bigc”) can be used to calculate coastal-trapped wave modal structures and dispersion curves under very general circumstances. A complex frequency is allowed, so that instability and damping can be accounted for directly. Modal structures and energy diagnostics are provided. For most applications, the code is only useful for subinertial wave frequencies (i.e., the real part of wave frequency is smaller than the Coriolis parameter).
SoftwareCoastal-trapped waves with stratification, topography, mean flow and bottom friction with complex frequency in Matlab( 2018-08-17) Brink, Kenneth H.This set of Matlab mfiles (all having names that begin with “bigc”) can be used to calculate coastal-trapped wave modal structures and dispersion curves under very general circumstances. A complex frequency is allowed, so that instability and damping can be accounted for directly. Modal structures and energy diagnostics are provided. For most applications, the code is only useful for subinertial wave frequencies (i.e., the real part of wave frequency is smaller than the Coriolis parameter).
DatasetCompiled temperature, salinity, density, and in-situ velocity sections along the north-east Chukchi Shelfbreak( 2016-07-26) Corlett, W. Bryce ; Pickart, Robert S.This data was compiled from June-Aug. 2014, and covers all historical hydrography in the north-east Chukchi shelfbreak region with in-situ velocity measurements available at the time of compilation. All data is provided as collected, and the velocity data has been detided by the Oregon State University tidal inversion software (see Padman and Erofeeva, 2004). Nine of the total 46 sections required detiding (see ‘chukchi_data_sources.pdf’), and seven of these nine required additional quality control to remove ship velocities from the record. Overall, the record extends from May 2002 through July 2014. Seasonally, the data is limited to May through October, with data from May through June only available from 2002-4. In addition, there is an absence of data between 2004 and 2009, restricting interannual analyses to be comparisons between the early (2002-4) and late (2009-14) regimes.
DatasetCTD data from the WHOI-MIT Joint Program Orientation Cruises aboard the SSV Corwith Cramer (2003-2013)(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2020-01-14) Gawarkiewicz, Glen G. ; Harden, Benjamin E.CTD data from 11 WHOI-MIT Joint Program Orientation Cruises aboard the SSV Corwith Cramer. Cruises occupied standard sections to the south of Cape Cod across the New England Shelfbreak in late June between 2003 and 2013.
DatasetCTD sections from Discovery 247, a process study of the Faroe Bank Channel overflow( 2006-05-23) Price, James F.CTD sections acquired during the June 2000 Discovery cruise 247 to Faroe Bank Channel are plotted in section (depth and horizontal distance) format. In all there were 17 sections run in a direction mainly across the path of the Faroe Bank Channel overflow and comprising approximately 200 stations. The CTD data have been contoured and displayed in eps format. For each section, there are displays of potential temperature, salinity, potential density and dissolved oxygen concentration. There are also maps showing the location of each section. These figures are public domain.
DatasetData and numerical methods for determining the dynamics and kinematics of Newark Bay, NJ( 2019-07-30) Corlett, W. Bryce ; Geyer, W. Rockwell ; Chant, Robert J. ; Ralston, David K. ; Sommerfield, Christopher K.These observational data and numerical methods were used to investigate the subtidal salt balance of Newark Bay, a sub-estuarine network connected to the Hudson River estuary through New York Harbor. The moored data were collected in 2008 by Chant and Sommerfield, and in 2016 by Corlett, Geyer, and Ralston. Corlett devised the included numerical methods. Shipboard measurements of the vertical salinity profile near each mooring were used to reconstruct the tidally-varying vertical salinity profile from near-bed and near-surface salinity measurements at each mooring. The effects of tidal processes, such as frontal advection, on the exchange flow were investigated by applying the isohaline total exchange flow (TEF) framework to the mooring-based observations in multiple reaches of the estuarine network. In addition, a TEF-based salt balance was derived for the purpose of directly comparing the TEF framework with the standard Eulerian framework.
DatasetA data archive from Discovery 247, a process study of the Faroe Bank Channel overflow( 2006-05-23) Price, James F.CTD, XCP and LADCP data acquired during the June 2000 Discovery cruise 247 to Faroe Bank Channel are provided in a data archive that may be accessed by Matlab 7.X.
DatasetData from the 2018 dye release cruise south of Martha’s Vineyard, MA(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2021-06-24) Rypina, Irina I. ; Kirincich, Anthony R. ; Peacock, ThomasOn Aug 16-17, 2018 a rhodamine dye experiment was conducted in the coastal ocean south of Martha’s Vineyard, MA. One of the experiment’s aims was to investigate the exchanges, or the absence of such, between the mixed layer and the ocean underneath over a time scale of about a day.
DatasetData to accompany “Direct observation of wave-coherent pressure work in the atmospheric boundary layer”(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2022-12-29) Zippel, Seth F. ; Edson, James B. ; Scully, Malcolm E. ; Keefe, Oaklin R.As described in the methods section of “Direct Observation of Wave-coherent Pressure Work in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer”: Measurements were made from an open-lattice steel tower deployed in roughly 13 m water depth in Buzzards Bay, MA. Buzzards Bay is a 48 km by 12 km basin open on the SW side to Rhode Island Sound. The average depth is 11 m, with a tide range of 1 to 1.5 m, depending on the neap/spring cycles. Winds in Buzzards Bay are frequently aligned on the long-axis (from the NE or SW), and are commonly strong, particularly in the fall and winter. The tower was deployed near the center of the bay at 41.577638 N, 70.745555 W for a spring deployment lasting from April 12, 2022 to June 13th, 2022. Atmospheric measurements included three primary instrument booms that housed paired sonic anemometers (RM Young 81000RE) and high-resolution pressure sensors (Paros Scientific). The pressure sensor intakes were terminated with static pressure heads, which reduce the dynamic pressure contribution to the measured (static) pressure. The tower booms were aligned at 280 degrees such that the NE and SW winds would be unobstructed by the tower's main body. A fourth sonic anemometer (Gill R3) was extended above the tower such that it was open to all wind directions and clear of wake by the tower structure. A single point lidar (Riegl LD90-3i) was mounted to the highest boom, such that the lidar measured the water surface elevation underneath the anemometer and pressure sensors to within a few centimeters horizontally. All instruments were time synchronized with a custom "miniNode" flux logger, that aggregated the data streams from each instrument. Additional atmospheric and wave measurements on the tower included short-wave and long-wave radiometers (Kipp & Zonen), two RH/T sensors (Vaisala), and a standard lower-resolution barometer (Setra).
DatasetEddy diffusivity from Argo temperature and salinity profiles( 2018-04-10) Cole, Sylvia T. ; Wortham, Cimarron J. L. ; Kunze, Eric ; Owens, W. BrechnerArgo temperature and salinity profiles are combined with ECCO-2 velocity profiles to estimate eddy diffusivity in the upper 2000 m of the global ocean. The dataset includes relevant intermediate parameters (mixing length, salinity standard deviation, salinity gradient, velocity standard deviation) in addition to eddy diffusivity. The dataset is available using 1° or 3° bins.
DatasetGreenland Deep Western Boundary Current (GDWBC) Mooring Data 2020-2022(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2024-05-01) Houk, Adam ; Bower, Amy S.The Greenland Deep Western Boundary Current (GDWBC) mooring array is part of the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Project (OSNAP). The mooring array consists of four moorings instrumented with SeaBird 37 MicroCATs and Nortek Aquadopp Current Meters with the goal of 1) better defining the range of DWBC transport variability up to interannual time scales from continuous multi-year time series of velocity, temperature, and salinity, 2) identifying the causes of DWBC transport and water mass variability on multiple time scales, including connections to the dense overflows upstream, and 3) assessing DWBC continuity and connectivity around Cape Farewell and to the western boundary of the Subpolar North Atlantic. These moorings were deployed August 2020 to July 2022.
DatasetGridded hydrography and bulk air-sea interactions observed by the Ocean Observatory Initiative (OOI) Coastal Pioneer New England Shelf Mooring Array (2015-2022)(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2023-06-18) Taenzer, Lukas Lobert ; Gawarkiewicz, Glen G. ; Plueddemann, Albert J.The Ocean Observatory Initiative (OOI) Coastal Pioneer Mooring Array recorded hydrographic, meteorological, and bulk air-sea flux variables at a variety of moorings across the Southern New England shelfbreak front between late 2014 and November 2022. Here, we provide low-level quality-controlled one- to two-dimensional time series datasets from all OOI Coastal Pioneer Moorings on a uniform spatio-temporal grid, covering the timeframe 2015-01-01 to 2022-06-01. Hydrography data (temperature T, salinity S, pressure P, and potential density (p=0)) is either provided as i) one-dimensional time series or ii) two-dimensional pressure-time data series: i) The static surface buoys, near-surface instrument frames (NSIF), and multi-function bottom nodes (MFBN) of all three surface moorings cover the surface and bottom boundary layer, respectively, and lead to one-dimensional time series at roughly constant pressure levels. ii) The mid-range water column is covered by the Array’s profiler moorings leading to interpolated two-dimensional data varying across pressure and time. Meteorological variables (wind at 3m height, sea level pressure, sea surface humidity, shortwave and longwave radiation, and precipitation) are measured by the three surface buoys. Remaining air-sea buoyancy fluxes are inferred from bulk formulae using COARE3.5 (Edson et al., 2013). The input data is published on the OOI Data Explorer ERDDAP server ( and publicly available for download upon registration. The Ocean Observatory Initiative (OOI) is a major facility fully funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Cooperative Agreement No. 1743430 and comes with its own conditions for data usage (; May 13, 2022).
DatasetHorizontal Stirring over the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf: the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Surface Eddy Kinetic Energy(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2021-09-30) Kirincich, Anthony R. ; Flament, Pierre J. ; Futch, Victoria ; Hodges, Benjamin A.This data was collected by Kirincich as part of the Submesoscale Dynamics Over The Shelf Study, with field observations in 2018 and 2019, as well as the HFR_winds project with field work in 2020. The analysis products presented were used to examine the space and time scales of eddy kinetic energy over the wide, shallow, NES continental shelf using a novel implementation of HFR to achieve spatial and temporal resolutions sufficient to capture the horizontal scales of velocity variability. The data consists of estimates of the near-surface horizontal (East and North) ocean currents made via High Frequency (HF) radar-based remote sensing of the Ocean backscatter spectrum as well as in situ moored hydrographic, velocity, and surface winds, and mobile surface hydrographic observations collected via autonomous vehicles. Data were collected within three separate measurement periods: July to December 2018, July to December 2019, and October to December 2020.
DatasetHow variable is mixing efficiency in the abyss?(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2020-03-02) Ijichi, Takashi ; St. Laurent, Louis C. ; Polzin, Kurt L. ; Toole, John M.This directory contains BBTRE/DoMORE processed data (“all_BBTRE.mat” and “all_DoMORE.mat”) that was used to produce all figures in the above research letter. Each mat file has two structure arrays named “location” and “patch10”. The “location” array includes microstructure profile information used in this study (Table D1). The “patch10” array includes 10-m patch-wise parameter estimates used in this study (Table D2). Note that bulk averaged parameters can be constructed from parameters saved in “patch10” (see the above paper).
DatasetIncreased typhoon activity in the Pacific deep tropics driven by Little Ice Age circulation changes(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2020-09-02) Bramante, James F. ; Ford, Murray R. ; Kench, Paul S. ; Ashton, Andrew D. ; Toomey, Michael R. ; Sullivan, Richard M. ; Karnauskas, Kristopher B. ; Ummenhofer, Caroline C. ; Donnelly, Jeffrey P.The instrumental record reveals that tropical cyclone activity is sensitive to oceanic and atmospheric variability on inter-annual and decadal scales. However, our understanding of climate’s influence on tropical cyclone behavior is restricted by the short historical record and sparse prehistorical reconstructions, particularly in the western North Pacific where coastal communities suffer loss of life and livelihood from typhoons annually. Here we reconstruct three millennia of deep tropical North Pacific cyclogenesis and compare with other records to explore past regional typhoon dynamics. These records demonstrate low baseline activity prior to 1350 C.E. followed by a rapid culmination in activity during the Little Ice Age. This pattern is concurrent with hydroclimate proxy variability, suggesting a centennial-scale link between Pacific hydroclimate and tropical cyclone climatology. Using an ensemble of global climate models, we demonstrate that migration of the Pacific Walker circulation and variability in two Pacific climate modes during the Little Ice Age contributed to enhanced tropical cyclone activity in the tropical western North Pacific. Changes to Walker Circulation and expansion of the tropics projected for the next century invert Little Ice Age hydroclimate trends, potentially reducing typhoon activity in the deep tropical Pacific.