CO2 × temperature specific early life survival and growth of Menidia menidia assessed by 5 factorial experiments
CO2 × temperature specific early life survival and growth of Menidia menidia assessed by 5 factorial experiments
Murray, Christopher S.
Baumann, Hannes
Baumann, Hannes
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Eastern Long Island Sound, CT, USA
westlimit: -73.10258; southlimit: 40.947376; eastlimit: -72.015247; northlimit: 41.321526
westlimit: -73.10258; southlimit: 40.947376; eastlimit: -72.015247; northlimit: 41.321526
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In five individual rearing experiments, wild-caught M. menidia adults were spawned to test offspring sensitivity to factorial combinations of pCO2 (nominal: 400, 2200, 4000, and 6000 µatm) and temperature (17, 20, 24, and 28 °C) through measurements of early-life survival and growth. For experiment 1, adults were collected from Poquot Beach (40.947376, -73.10258), and the experiment took place at Stony Brook University’s Flax Pond Marine Laboratory. For experiments 2–5, spawning adults were collected from Mumford Cove (41.321526, -72.015247), and experiments were conducted in the Rankin Seawater Facility at University of Connecticut’s Avery Point campus. The experiments quantified two survival and two growth traits for each replicate and CO2 × temperature treatment; embryo survival (fertilization to 1 dph), larval survival (1 dph to experiment termination), size (SL) at hatch (1 dph), and growth rate ((SL at end of experiment – SL 1dph)/number days reared post hatch). These data are published in: Murray, C.S., and Baumann, H. (2018) You Better Repeat It: Complex CO2 × Temperature Effects in Atlantic Silverside Offspring Revealed by Serial experimentation. Diversity. doi:10.3390/d10030069. For a complete list of measurements, refer to the supplemental document 'Field_names.pdf', and a full dataset description is included in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at:
Dataset: CO2 x temperature effects on Menidia menidia offspring
Embargo Date
Murray, C., & Baumann, H. (2018). CO2 Ã temperature specific early life survival and growth of Menidia menidia assessed by 5 factorial experiments. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office.