Autumn Arctic Pacific sea ice dipole as a source of predictability for subsequent spring Barents Sea ice condition
Autumn Arctic Pacific sea ice dipole as a source of predictability for subsequent spring Barents Sea ice condition
Liang, Yu-Chiao
Kwon, Young-Oh
Frankignoul, Claude
Kwon, Young-Oh
Frankignoul, Claude
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Sea ice
Atmospheric circulation
Ocean circulation
Seasonal forecasting
Sea ice
Atmospheric circulation
Ocean circulation
Seasonal forecasting
This study uses observational and reanalysis datasets in 1980–2016 to show a close connection between a boreal autumn sea ice dipole in the Arctic Pacific sector and sea ice anomalies in the Barents Sea (BS) during the following spring. The September–October Arctic Pacific sea ice dipole variations are highly correlated with the subsequent April–May BS sea ice variations (r = 0.71). The strong connection between the regional sea ice variabilities across the Arctic uncovers a new source of predictability for spring BS sea ice prediction at 7-month lead time. A cross-validated linear regression prediction model using the Arctic Pacific sea ice dipole with 7-month lead time is demonstrated to have significant prediction skills with 0.54–0.85 anomaly correlation coefficients. The autumn sea ice dipole, manifested as sea ice retreat in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas and expansion in the East Siberian and Laptev Seas, is primarily forced by preceding atmospheric shortwave anomalies from late spring to early autumn. The spring BS sea ice increases are mostly driven by an ocean-to-sea ice heat flux reduction in preceding months, associated with reduced horizontal ocean heat transport into the BS. The dynamical linkage between the two regional sea ice anomalies is suggested to involve positive stratospheric polar cap anomalies during autumn and winter, with its center slowly moving toward Greenland. The migration of the stratospheric anomalies is followed in midwinter by a negative North Atlantic Oscillation–like pattern in the troposphere, leading to reduced ocean heat transport into the BS and sea ice extent increase.
© The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Liang, Y., Kwon, Y., & Frankignoul, C. Autumn Arctic Pacific sea ice dipole as a source of predictability for subsequent spring Barents Sea ice condition. Journal of Climate, 34(2), (2021): 787-804,
Embargo Date
Liang, Y., Kwon, Y., & Frankignoul, C. (2021). Autumn Arctic Pacific sea ice dipole as a source of predictability for subsequent spring Barents Sea ice condition. Journal of Climate, 34(2), 787-804.