Long-term evolution and coupling of the boundary layers in the Stratus Deck Regions of the eastern Pacific (STRATUS)
Long-term evolution and coupling of the boundary layers in the Stratus Deck Regions of the eastern Pacific (STRATUS)
Lucas, Lisanne E.
Way, Bryan S.
Weller, Robert A.
Bouchard, Paul R.
Fischer, Albert S.
Moffat, Carlos F.
Schneider, Wolfgang
Fewings, Melanie R.
Way, Bryan S.
Weller, Robert A.
Bouchard, Paul R.
Fischer, Albert S.
Moffat, Carlos F.
Schneider, Wolfgang
Fewings, Melanie R.
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20°S, 85°W
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Stratocumulus clouds
Air-sea interaction
Moored data
Melville (Ship) Cruise Cook 2
Air-sea interaction
Moored data
Melville (Ship) Cruise Cook 2
A surface mooring was deployed in the eastern tropical Pacific west of northern Chile from the R/V Melville as part of the Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate (EPIC). EPIC is a CLIVAR study with the goal of investigating links between sea surface temperature variability in the eastern tropical Pacific and climate over the American continents. Important to that goal is an understanding of the role of clouds in the eastern Pacific in modulating atmosphere-ocean coupling. The mooring was deployed near 20°S 85°W, at a location near the western edge of the stratocumulus cloud deck found west of Peru and Chile. This deployment started a three-year occupation of that site by a WHOI surface mooring in order to collect accurate time series of surface forcing and upper ocean variability. The surface mooring was deployed by the Upper Ocean Processes Group of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). In collaboration with investigators from the University of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile, an XBT section was made on the way out to the mooring from Arica, Chile, and an XBT and CTD section was made on the way into Arica.
The buoy was equipped with meteorological instrumentation, including two Improved METeorological (IMET) systems. The mooring also carried Vector Measuring Current Meters, single-temperature recorders, and conductivity and temperature recorders located in the upper meters of the mooring line. In addition to the instrumentation noted above, a variety of other instruments, including an acoustic current meter, an acoustic doppler current profiler, a bio-optical instrument package, and an acoustic rain guage, were deployed.
This report describes, in a general manner, the work that took place and the data collected during the Cook 2 cruise aboard the R/V Melville. The surface mooring deployed during this cruise will be recovered and re-deployed after approximately 12 months and again after 24 months, with a final recovery planned for 36 months after the first setting. Details of the mooring design and preliminary data from the XBT and CTD sections are included.
Embargo Date
Lucas, L. E., Way, B. S., Weller, R. A., Bouchard, P. R., Fischer, A. S., Moffat, C. F., Schneider, W., & Fewings, M. R. (2001). Long-term evolution and coupling of the boundary layers in the Stratus Deck Regions of the eastern Pacific (STRATUS). Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. https://doi.org/10.1575/1912/31