Impact of Irminger Rings on Deep Convection in the Labrador Sea : mooring instrument, cruise CTD, and APEX data report September 2007 – September 2009
Impact of Irminger Rings on Deep Convection in the Labrador Sea : mooring instrument, cruise CTD, and APEX data report September 2007 – September 2009
Furey, Heather H.
McKee, Theresa K.
de Jong, Marieke F.
Robbins, Paul E.
Bower, Amy S.
McKee, Theresa K.
de Jong, Marieke F.
Robbins, Paul E.
Bower, Amy S.
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Date Created
Labrador Sea
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Replaced By
Knorr (Ship : 1970-) Cruise KN192-01
Knorr (Ship : 1970-) Cruise KN196-01
Submerged autonomous launch platform
Knorr (Ship : 1970-) Cruise KN196-01
Submerged autonomous launch platform
This is the final data report of all hydrographic station, mooring, and subsurface float data collected by the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution in 2007-2009 during the Impact of Irminger Rings on Deep Convection in the Labrador Sea experiment
(IRINGS). The objectives of IRINGS were to (1) to determine the full water column hydrographic and velocity structure of newlyformed
Irminger Rings that have entered the interior Labrador Sea; (2) to observe how Irminger Ring core properties are modified
by atmospheric forcing over their lifetime; and (3) to improve the interpretation of sea surface height (SSH) anomalies in terms of
newly formed coherent heat containing Irminger Rings. The mooring deployment and recovery cruises were both on the R/V
Knorr: KN192-01 in September 2007 and KN196-01 in September 2009, respectively. The single mooring held eight Aanderaa
current meters (RCM-11), two Submerged Autonomous Launch Platforms (SALPs), and nine Seabird microcats (SBE37),
deployed from 26 September 2007 through 27 September 2009, yeilding full water column (100-3000 meters) records of
temperature, salinity, pressure, and velocity data for the two year period. The two SALP cages contained eleven APEX floats, and
released some of these floats according to local oceanographic conditions, so as to seed the floats in passing Irminger Rings, and
the remainder of floats as timed releases. Thirteen conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) stations were taken on the mooring
recovery cruise, creating a boundary current cross-section from the mooring site to Nuuk, Greenland.
Embargo Date
Furey, H. H., McKee, T. K., de Jong, M. F., Robbins, P. E., & Bower, A. S. (2013). Impact of Irminger Rings on Deep Convection in the Labrador Sea: mooring instrument, cruise CTD, and APEX data report September 2007 ? September 2009. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.