Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) from CTD samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS2204 from Apr to May 2022

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Northeast United States Continental Shelf
westlimit: -72.2765; southlimit: 39.4554; eastlimit: -67.3996; northlimit: 41.7749
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transparent exopolymer particles
Alcian blue
These data include measurements of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) from CTD bottle water samples collected during a cruise on the Northeast Continental Shelf to study particle disaggregation. One cruise was completed aboard the R/V Hugh R. Sharp from 2022-04-21 through 2022-05-02 (HRS22-04), which visited a variety of stations and hydrodynamic environments associated with the Northeast Continental Shelf of the United States. Stations ranged from Georges Bank and the Great South Channel near the Gulf of Maine, Martha's Vineyard, the mouth of the Sakonnet River near Newport, Rhode Island, and Hudson Canyon near New York. TEP measurements were performed following recently published methods relying on Alcian Blue staining protocols and spectrophotometry. These data were collected as part of a study to clarify the importance of hydrodynamic forces on the cohesion, aggregation, and breakup of marine particles. These data were collected by Dr. Kieran Curran of the University of New Hampshire on the cruise led by Dr. Matthew Rau (chief-sci) of the George Washington University. For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at:
Dataset: Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) CTD Bottle Measurements HRS2204
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