Bulk isotopic composition (d15N and d13C) of abyssal megafauna and macrofauna from Stations M and Aloha

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California current, Station M (34º 50' N, 123º W) and North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, Station Aloha (22º 45' N, 158º W)
westlimit: -158; southlimit: 22.75; eastlimit: -123; northlimit: 34.833
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This dataset includes bulk isotopic composition (d15N and d13C) of abyssal megafauna and macrofauna from Station M and Station Aloha. Macrofauna and megafauna were collected in May and October 2019 using the HOV Alvin and the ROV Doc Ricketts, respectively, at Station M and in July 2019, January 2020, and July 2020 using ROV Lu'ukai at Station Aloha. Macrofauna at Station M were collected using HOV-operated Ekman cores (20x20 cm). For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at: https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/866774
Dataset: Abyssal Bulk Isotope Analyses
Embargo Date
Drazen, J. C., Popp, B. N., & Smith, C. R. (2022). Bulk isotopic composition (d15N and d13C) of abyssal megafauna and macrofauna from Stations M and Aloha (Version 1) [Data set]. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). https://doi.org/10.26008/1912/BCO-DMO.866774.1
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