Sea duct : a deep-sea computer-controlled recirculating flume for the study of sea floor stability : final report
Sea duct : a deep-sea computer-controlled recirculating flume for the study of sea floor stability : final report
Winget, Clifford L.
Nowell, Arthur R. M.
Terry, William E.
Gordan, Allan G.
Nowell, Arthur R. M.
Terry, William E.
Gordan, Allan G.
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Marine sediments
Sediment transport
Ocean bottom
Ocean currents
Data processing
Sediment transport
Ocean bottom
Ocean currents
Data processing
The Sea Duct Ocean-Bottom Laboratory is a computer controlled recirculating inverted flume for the in-situ study
of sediment transport. It is designed to measure the sea floor response to controlled currents analogous to those
generated by surface waves, tidal, or deep ocean storms.
The external support frame is an equilateral triangle with sixteen foot sides. It is 12 feet high, has an air weight of
12,500 lbs., and a 2800 lb. submerged weight. Three lead acid battery packs located at the vertex of the triangle legs
provide power for the recirculating water pumps, hydraulic power, and ancillary equipment.
The inner rotatable structure consists of a 4 foot long by 2 foot wide open bottom windowed test section that is 9 inches
high. It is connected to 30 feet of 8 inch tube configured as an elongated toroid. Above the test section is a traverse
carriage with stereo camera, flash, and a laser Doppler velocimeter to measure fluid stresses.
Internal flow velocities are controlled and can be ramped up to approximately 2 ft/sec providing shear stress sufficient
to scour sand, silts, and fine clays. Water and sediment sampling devices obtain specimens from inside and outside
the test section. This report consists of three sections. The first subdivision
discusses the electro-mechanical systems and deployment-
recovery techniques, while the second portion
covers the microprocessor controller and its support
equipment. The third section contains the appendices, which
consists of program listings, schematics, system and deployment
check-list, etc.
Embargo Date
Winget, C. L., Nowell, A. R. M., Terry, W. E., & Gordan, A. G. (1987). Sea duct: a deep-sea computer-controlled recirculating flume for the study of sea floor stability: final report. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.