Changing phytoplankton phenology in the marginal ice zone west of the Antarctic Peninsula
Changing phytoplankton phenology in the marginal ice zone west of the Antarctic Peninsula
Turner, Jessica S.
Dierssen, Heidi M.
Schofield, Oscar
Kim, Heather H.
Stammerjohn, Sharon E.
Munro, David R.
Kavanaugh, Maria T.
Dierssen, Heidi M.
Schofield, Oscar
Kim, Heather H.
Stammerjohn, Sharon E.
Munro, David R.
Kavanaugh, Maria T.
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Antarctic ecology
Remote sensing
Marginal ice zone
Chlorophyll a
Polar regions
Phytoplankton blooms
Satellite data
Remote sensing
Marginal ice zone
Chlorophyll a
Polar regions
Phytoplankton blooms
Satellite data
Climate change is altering global ocean phenology, the timing of annually occurring biological events. We examined the changing phenology of the phytoplankton accumulation season west of the Antarctic Peninsula to show that blooms are shifting later in the season over time in ice-associated waters. The timing of the start date and peak date of the phytoplankton accumulation season occurred later over time from 1997 to 2022 in the marginal ice zone and over the continental shelf. A divergence was seen between offshore waters and ice-associated waters, with offshore bloom timing becoming earlier, yet marginal ice zone and continental shelf bloom timing shifting later. Higher chlorophyll a (chl a) concentration in the fall season was seen in recent years, especially over the northern continental shelf. Minimal long-term trends in annual chl a occurred, likely due to the combination of later start dates in spring and higher chl a in fall. Increasing spring wind speed is the most likely mechanism for later spring start dates, leading to deeper wind mixing in a region experiencing sea ice loss. Later phytoplankton bloom timing over the marginal ice zone and continental shelf will have consequences for surface ocean carbon uptake, food web dynamics, and trophic cascades.
© The Author(s), 2024. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Turner, J., Dierssen, H., Schofield, O., Kim, H., Stammerjohn, S., Munro, D., & Kavanaugh, M. (2024). Changing phytoplankton phenology in the marginal ice zone west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 734, 1–21,
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Turner, J., Dierssen, H., Schofield, O., Kim, H., Stammerjohn, S., Munro, D., & Kavanaugh, M. (2024). Changing phytoplankton phenology in the marginal ice zone west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 734, 1–21.