Arabian Sea mixed layer dynamics experiment : mooring deployment cruise report R/V Thomas Thompson cruise number 40, 11 October-25 October 1994

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Trask, Richard P.
Way, Bryan S.
Ostrom, William M.
Allsup, Geoffrey P.
Weller, Robert A.
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15.7°N, 61.3°E
15.3°N, 61.3°E
15.7°N, 61.7°E
15.3°N, 61.7°E
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Air-sea interaction
Moored instruments
Arabian Sea
Thomas G. Thompson (Ship) Cruise TN40
An array of surface and subsurface moorings were deployed in the Arabian Sea to provide high quality time series of local forcing and upper ocean currents, temperature, and conductivity in order to investigate the dynamics of the ocean's response to the monsoonal forcing characteristic of the area. The moored array was deployed during R/V Thomas Thompson cruise number 40, One Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) surface mooring, two Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) surface moorings and two University of Washington (UW) Profiling Current Meter moorings were deployed. The moorings were deployed for a period of one year beginning in October 1994 as part of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) funded Arabian Sea experiment. Two six month deployments were planned. The moorings were deployed at 15.5°N 61.5°E (WHOI), 15.7°N 61.3°E (SIO), 15.3°N 61.3°E (SIO), 15.7°N 61.7°E (UW), and 15.3°N 61.7°E (UW). The WHOI surface mooring was outfitted with two meteorological data collection systems. A Vector Averaging Wind Recorder (VAWR) and an IMET system made measurements of wind speed and direction, sea surface temperature, air temperature, short wave radiation, long wave radiation, barometric pressure, relative humidity and precipitation. Subsurface instrumentation included Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCMs), Multi-Variable Moored Systems (MVMS), conductivity and temperature recorders and single point temperature recorders. Expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data and CTD data were collected while in transit to the site and between mooring locations. This report describes in a general manner the work that took place during R/V Thomas Thompson cruise number 40 which was the initial deployment cruise for this moored array. A detailed description of the WHOI surface mooring and its instrumentation is provided. Information about the XBT and CTD data collected during the cruise is also included.
Embargo Date
Trask, R. P., Way, B. S., Ostrom, W. M., Allsup, G. P., & Weller, R. A. (1995). Arabian Sea mixed layer dynamics experiment: mooring deployment cruise report R/V Thomas Thompson cruise number 40, 11 October-25 October 1994. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
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