Survey of shoreline structures, Popponesset Beach, MA
Survey of shoreline structures, Popponesset Beach, MA
Goud, Margaret R.
Aubrey, David G.
Aubrey, David G.
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Shore protection
Sediment transport
Sediment transport
The structures along a 12 km section of the shoreline of Cape Cod,
Mass., were evaluated for condition and effectiveness at protecting the
coast. Structures in the area include groins, jetties, revetments, and
seawalls; each has been located, photographed and described. The region
has been subject to erosion in recent years, including the loss of a 1 km
section of barrier spit. The role of shoreline structures in controlling
or enhancing the erosion was examined as part of a larger study of
coastal processes in the area.
The shoreline structures serve two primary functions: beach
enhancement and protection of the bluffs from erosion. The structures•
effects on bluffs and beaches in their immediate vicinity (approximately
lOOm along the coastline to the north and south of the structure) are
detailed in this report. Seawalls generally protect the cliffs into
which they are built without enhancing erosion of surrounding bluffs,
though the bluffs are protected at the expense of the beaches in the
central area (Meadow Point). Large scale changes in beach configuration
are not primarily caused by local, small-scale structures, but rather by
a more regional paucity of sand input into the system. This scarcity is
caused in part by large jetties controlling inlet flows to Waquoit Bay,
which impedes free transport of sand into the area.
Embargo Date
Goud, M. R., & Aubrey, D. G. (1983). Survey of shoreline structures, Popponesset Beach, MA. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.