Emerging airborne contaminants in India : Platinum Group Elements from catalytic converters in motor vehicles
Emerging airborne contaminants in India : Platinum Group Elements from catalytic converters in motor vehicles
Sen, Indra S.
Mitra, Arijeet
Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Bernhard
Rothenberg, Sarah E.
Tripathi, Sachchida Nand
Bizimis, Michael
Mitra, Arijeet
Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Bernhard
Rothenberg, Sarah E.
Tripathi, Sachchida Nand
Bizimis, Michael
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Platinum Group Element (PGE) pollution on the Indian subcontinent is a growing concern
because vehicle sales in India have rapidly increased over the last decade, and it is well
known that automobile catalytic converters are one of the major source of anthropogenic PGE
in the environment. Despite the rapid growth of the Indian automobile industry, the sources
and magnitude of PGE contamination in Indian airborne particles are unknown. In this study
we report PGE and mercury (Hg) concentrations, as well as osmium isotope ratios
(187Os/188Os) of airborne particles (PM10) collected in Kanpur, a large industrial city in India.
We estimate that 61±22%, 32±24%, and 7±3% of the total Os fraction are derived from
eroding upper continental crust, catalytic converters fitted in the exhaust system of motor
vehicles, and fossil fuel combustion, respectively. Only one sample had a ten times higher
(~76%) than average contribution from fossil fuel. Unlike Os, Pt is predominantly (84±10%)
derived from anthropogenic sources. Platinum Group Element and Hg concentrations are not
well correlated. However, the highest concentration of particulate Hg corresponds to the
most radiogenic 187Os/188Os isotope ratios (4.6). Our results further indicated that PGE/Ir
ratios could be successfully used to quantify the relative proportions of natural and
anthropogenic PGE sources in aerosol samples. Since PGE and Hg data on Indian
environmental samples are scarce, this study provides an interpretive framework that calls for
additional assessments of PGE and Hg concentrations in environmental samples from India.
© The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Applied Geochemistry 75 (2016): 100-106, doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.10.006.