CBLAST 2003 field work report
CBLAST 2003 field work report
Hutto, Lara
Farrar, J. Thomas
Weller, Robert A.
Farrar, J. Thomas
Weller, Robert A.
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Date Created
Martha's Vineyard, MA
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Air-sea interaction
Upper ocean dynamics
Mixed layer
Upper ocean dynamics
Mixed layer
The long-range scientific objective of the Coupled Boundary Layer Air Sea Transfer
(CBLAST) project is to observe and understand the temporal and spatial variability of the
upper ocean, to identify the processes that determine that variability, and to examine its
predictability. Air-sea interaction is of particular interest, but attention is also paid to the
coupling of the sub-thermocline ocean to the mixed layer and to both the open ocean and
littoral regimes. We seek to do this over a wide range of environmental conditions with
the intent of improving our understanding of upper ocean dynamics and of the physical
processes that determine the vertical and horizontal structure of the upper ocean.
Field work for CBLAST was conducted during the summers of 2001, 2002, and 2003 off
the south shore of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. The 2003 field work was conducted
from the following platforms: heavy moorings, light moorings, drifters, F/V Nobska,
CIRPAS Pelican aircraft, and an IR Cessna Aircraft. This report documents the 2003 field
work and includes field notes, platform descriptions, discussion of data returns, and
mooring logs. The 2003 Intensive Operating Period (IOP) was very successful and a high
data return was seen.
Embargo Date
Hutto, L., Farrar, T., & Weller, R. (2005). CBLAST 2003 field work report. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. https://doi.org/10.1575/1912/72