Capturing equatorial Pacific variability with multivariate Sr‐U coral thermometry
Capturing equatorial Pacific variability with multivariate Sr‐U coral thermometry
Mollica, Nathaniel Rust
Cohen, Anne L.
Horton, Forrest
Oppo, Delia W.
Solow, Andrew R.
McGee, David
Cohen, Anne L.
Horton, Forrest
Oppo, Delia W.
Solow, Andrew R.
McGee, David
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Sr-U, a coral-based paleothermometer, corrects for the effects of Rayleigh Fractionation on Sr/Ca by regressing multiple, paired U/Ca and Sr/Ca values. Prior applications of Sr-U captured mean annual sea surface temperatures (SSTs), inter-annual variability, and long-term trends. However, because many Sr/Ca-U/Ca pairs are needed for a single Sr-U value as originally formulated, the temporal resolution of the proxy is typically limited to 1 year. Here, we address this limitation by applying laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) to three Porites colonies from Jarvis and Nikumaroro Islands in the central equatorial Pacific (CEP), generating ∼25 Sr/Ca-U/Ca pairs per month of skeletal growth. Both Sr/Ca and U/Ca vary significantly over small (sub-mm) length scales and support the calculation of Sr-U values using the original regression method. Over the represented temperature range of 24–31°C, the Sr/Ca-U/Ca-SST relationships are nonlinear, a finding consistent with predictions of the Rayleigh model. To reflect this non-linearity, we developed a calibration using multivariate nonlinear regression. The multivariate, three-coral calibration was applied to 20 years of monthly resolved Sr/Ca and U/Ca of a coral interval not included in the calibration, yielding RMSE = 0.73°C and r2 = 0.85 (p < 0.05; df = 256). The multivariate calibration performed significantly better than Sr/Ca alone (r2 = 0.28). Applying the new calibration to a subfossil Porites from Kiritimati Atoll, CEP (2200 Before Present) yields equivalent phase and amplitude of interannual variability, but water temperatures ∼1.6°C cooler than they are in this region today.
Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2023. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Mollica, N., Cohen, A., Horton, F., Oppo, D., Solow, A., & McGee, D. (2023). Capturing equatorial Pacific variability with multivariate Sr‐U coral thermometry. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38(10), e2022PA004508,
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Mollica, N., Cohen, A., Horton, F., Oppo, D., Solow, A., & McGee, D. (2023). Capturing equatorial Pacific variability with multivariate Sr‐U coral thermometry. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38(10), e2022PA004508.