McPhee Neil M.

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  • Technical Report
    The Subduction experiment : cruise report RRS Charles Darwin cruise number 73 subduction 3 mooring deployment and recovery cruise, 30 September-26 October 1992
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1993-03) Trask, Richard P. ; Jenkins, William J. ; Sherman, Jeffrey ; McPhee, Neil M. ; Ostrom, William M. ; Payne, Richard E.
    Subduction is the mechanism by which water masses formed in the mixed layer and near the surface of the ocean find their way into the upper thermocline. The subduction process and its underlying mechanisms were studied through a combination of Eulerian and Langrangian measurements of velocity, measurements of tracer distrbutions and hydrographic properties and modeling. An array of five surface moorings carrying meteorological and oceanographic instrumentation were deployed for a period of two years beginning in June 1991 as part of an Office of Naval Research (ONR) funded Subduction experiment. Three eight month deployments were planned. The moorings were deployed at 18°N 34°W, 18°N 22°W, 25.5°N 29°W, 33°N 22°W and 33°N 34°W. A Vector Averaging Wind Recorder (VAWR) and an Improved Meteorological Recorder (IMET) collected wind speed and wind direction, sea surface temperature, air temperature, short wave radiation, barometric pressure and relative humidity. The IMET also measured precipitation. The moorings were heavily instrumented below the surface with Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCM), and single point temperature recorders. Expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data were collected and meteorological observations were made while transitting between mooring locations. In addition a series of 59 cm stations were made and water samples taken to be analyzed for tritium levels, salinity and dissolved oxygen content. This report describes the work that took place during RRS Charles Darwin cruise number 73 which was the third scheduled Subduction mooring cruise. During this cruise the second setting of the moorings were recovered and redeployed for a third eight month period. This report includes a description of the instrumentation that was deployed and recovered, has information about the underway measurements (XBT and meteorological observations) that were made including plots of the data, includes a description of the work conducted in conjunction with the tracer/hydrography program and presents a chronology of the cruise events.
  • Technical Report
    Preliminary acoustic and oceanographic observations from the ASIAEX 2001 South China Sea Experiment
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2001-09) Newhall, Arthur E. ; Costello, Lawrence ; Duda, Timothy F. ; Dunn, James M. ; Gawarkiewicz, Glen G. ; Irish, James D. ; Kemp, John N. ; McPhee, Neil M. ; Liberatore, Stephen P. ; Lynch, James F. ; Ostrom, William M. ; Schroeder, Ted ; Trask, Richard P. ; von der Heydt, Keith
    The Asian Seas International Experiment (ASIAEX) was a very successful scientific collaboration between the United States of America (USA), the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Taiwan (ROC), the Republic of Korea (ROK), Japan, Russia, and Singapore. Preliminary field experiments associated with ASIAEX began in spring of 2000. The main experiments were performed in April-August, 2001. The scientific plan called for two major acoustics experiments, the first a bottom interaction experiment in the East China Sea (ECS) and the second a volume interaction experiment in the South China Sea (SCS). In addition to the acoustics efforts, there were also extremely strong physical oceanography and geology and geophysics components to the experiments. This report will concentrate on describing the moored component of the South China Sea portion of ASIAEX 2001 performed from the Taiwan Fisheries research vessel FR1 (Fisheries Researcher 1). Information on the environmental moorings deployed from the Taiwanese oceanographic research vessel OR1 (Oceanographic Researcher 1) will also be listed here for completeness, so that the reader can pursue later analyses of the data. This report does not pursue any data analyses per se.
  • Technical Report
    Atlantic Long-Term Oceanographic Mooring (ALTOMOOR)
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1996-03) Frye, Daniel E. ; Merriam, Steve ; Eastwood, Robert L. ; Kemp, John N. ; McPhee, Neil M. ; Liberatore, Stephen P. ; Hobart, Edward ; Bocconcelli, Alessandro ; Tarbell, Susan A.
    The Atlantic Long-Term Oceanogrphic Mooring (ALTOMOOR) has been maintained offshore Bermuda since 1993 as a testbed for the evaluation of new data telemetry technologies and new oceanographic instrumentation. It is currently a joint project between the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of Southern California This report documents the WHOI contributions which have focused on the development of new data telemetry methods and new mooring technology. Details of the instrumentation evaluations will be published separately. A new inductively-coupled telemetry technology for ocean moorings has been developed and tested on ALTOMOOR. The inductive link uses standard, plastic-jacketed mooring wire as the transmission path for data generated at the individual instruments installed on the mooring. The signals are inductively linked to the mooring wire via toroids clamped around the wire, thus avoiding the need for multiconductor electromechanical cables terminated at each instrument. Seawater provides the electrical return path. The inductive modems send and receive data at 1200b/s. A controller in the surface buoy collects data from each of the subsurface instruments and forwards the data to shore by traditional satellite telemetry (Argos) and by short range radio using a nearby ship as a store and forward node. The buoy-to-ship link operates over about 2 km at 10kBytes/sec. When the ship docks, data are offloaded automatically to a computer on shore which can be accessed via the Internet.
  • Technical Report
    The subduction experiment : cruise report R/V Knorr : cruise number 138 leg XV : subduction 3 mooring recovery cruise, 13-30 June 1993
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1993-12) Trask, Richard P. ; Galbraith, Nancy R. ; Robbins, Paul E. ; Ostrom, William M. ; Regier, Lloyd ; Pezzoli, Glenn ; McPhee, Neil M.
    Subduction is the mechanism by which water masses formed in the mixed layer and near the surface of the ocean find their way into the upper thermocline. The subduction process and its underlying mechanisms were studied though a combination of Eulerian and Langrangian measurements of velocity, measurements of tracer distributions and hydrographic properties and modeling. An array of five surface moorings carrying meteorological and oceanographic instrumentation were deployed for a period of two years beginning in June 1991 as part of an Office of Naval Research (ONR) funded Subduction experiment. Three eight month deployments were planned. The moorings were deployed at 18°N 34°W, 18°N 22°W, 25.5°N 29°W, 33°N 22°W and 33°N 34°W. A Vector Averaging Wind Recorder (VAWR) and an Improved Meteorological Recorder (IMET) collected wind speed and wind direction, sea surface temperature, air temperature, short wave radiation, barometric pressure and relative humidity. The IMET also measured precipitation. The moorings were heavily instrumented below the surface with Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCM) and single point temperature recorders. Expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data were collected and meteorological observations were made while transmitting between mooring locations. This report describes the work that took place during R/V Knorr cruise number 138 leg XV which was the fourth scheduled Subduction mooring cruise. During this cruise the moorings previously deployed for a third and final eight month period were recovered. This report includes a description of the moorings and instrumentation that were recovered, has information about the underway measurements (XBT and meteorological observations) that were made including plots of the data, and presents a chronology of the cruise events.
  • Technical Report
    Acoustics and oceanographic observations collected during the QPE Experiment by Research Vessels OR1, OR2 and OR3 in the East China Sea in the Summer of 2009
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2010-08) Newhall, Arthur E. ; Lynch, James F. ; Gawarkiewicz, Glen G. ; Duda, Timothy F. ; McPhee, Neil M. ; Bahr, Frank B. ; Marquette, Craig D. ; Lin, Ying-Tsong ; Jan, Sen ; Wang, Joe ; Chen, Chi-Fang ; Chiu, Linus Y. S. ; Yang, Yiing-Jang ; Wei, Ruey-Chang ; Emerson, Chris ; Morton, David ; Abbot, Ted ; Abbot, Philip A. ; Calder, Brian ; Mayer, Larry A. ; Lermusiaux, Pierre F. J.
    This document describes data, sensors, and other useful information pertaining to the ONR sponsored QPE field program to quantify, predict and exploit uncertainty in observations and prediction of sound propagation. This experiment was a joint operation between Taiwanese and U.S. researchers to measure and assess uncertainty of predictions of acoustic transmission loss and ambient noise, and to observe the physical oceanography and geology that are necessary to improve their predictability. This work was performed over the continental shelf and slope northeast of Taiwan at two sites: one that was a relatively flat, homogeneous shelf region and a more complex geological site just shoreward of the shelfbreak that was influenced by the proximity of the Kuroshio Current. Environmental moorings and ADCP moorings were deployed and a shipboard SeaSoar vehicle was used to measure environmental spatial structure. In addition, multiple bottom moored receivers and a horizontal hydrophone array were deployed to sample transmission loss from a mobile source and ambient noise. The acoustic sensors, environmental sensors, shipboard resources, and experiment design, and their data, are presented and described in this technical report.
  • Technical Report
    The Subduction experiment : cruise report R/V Oceanus cruise number 250 legs 1 and 2 subduction 2 mooring deployment and recovery cruise, 25 January-26 February 1992
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1993-03) Trask, Richard P. ; Brink, Nancy J. ; Regier, Lloyd ; McPhee, Neil M.
    Subduction is the mechanism by which water masses formed in the mixed layer and near the surface of the ocean find their way into the upper thermocline. The subduction process and its underlying mechanisms were studied through a combination of Eulerian and Langrangian measurements of velocity, measurements of tracer distrbutions and hydrographic propertes and modeling. An array of five surface moorings carrying meteorological and oceanographic instrumentation were deployed for a period of two years beginning in June 1991 as part of an Office of Naval Research (ONR) funded Subduction experiment. Three eight month deployments were planned. The initial deployment of five surface moorings took place during the third leg of R/V Oceanus cruise number 240. The moorings were deployed at 18°N 34°W, 18°N 22°W, 25.5°N 29°W, 33°N 22°W and 33°N 34°W. A Vector Averaging Wind Recorder (VAWR) and an Improved Meteorological Recorder (IMET) collected wind speed and wind direction, sea surface temperature, air temperature, short wave radiation, barometric pressure and relative humidity. The IMET also measured precipitation. The moorings were heavily instrumented below the surface with Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCM) and single point temperature recorders. Expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data were collected and meteorological observations were made while transitting between mooring locations. This report describes the work that took place during R/V Oceanus cruise 250 which was the second scheduled Subduction mooring cruise. During this cruise the first setting of the moorings were recovered and redeployed for a second eight month period. This report includes a description of the instrumentation that was deployed and recovered, has information about the underway measurements (XBT and meteorological observations) that were made including plots of the data and presents a chronology of the cruise events.