McCamis Marvin J.

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Marvin J.

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  • Technical Report
    Technical progress report : advanced marine technology 1 August 1973 - 31 January 1974
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1974-05-15) Ballard, Robert D. ; Hays, Earl E. ; Hess, Frederick R. ; Marquet, William M. ; McCamis, Marvin J. ; McElroy, Paul T. ; Winget, Clifford L.
    Contrary to the statement in the previous progress report (WHOI-73-92) we have decided to issue the final technical reports on Submerged navigation, Hydraulic Impact Hammer, Deep Sea Rock Drill and the Self Contained Ancillary Modular Package (SCAMP) as separate reports. These are underway in various stages and will be issued as completed. This six months has seen successful use of the navigation system in direct and surface bounce modes, testing of the "lock on" system of SCAMP to an ALVIN model and steady progress in the Modular Acoustic System.
  • Technical Report
    Technical progress report : advanced marine technology 1 February 1973 - 31 July 1973
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1973-12-01) Ballard, Robert D. ; Maxwell, Arthur Eugene ; Davis, Ray E. ; Eliason, Andrew H. ; Hess, Frederick R. ; McCamis, Marvin J. ; McElroy, Paul T. ; Marquet, William M. ; von Herzen, Richard P. ; Williams, David L. ; Winget, Clifford L.
    This report covers a period which finds several of the projects nearing completion. It is expected that the next semi-annual report should contain final technical reports on Submerged navigation, Hydraulic Impact Hammer, Deep Sea Rock Drill and the Shelf Contained Ancillary Modular Package (SCAMP). It is possible that extensive testing and use of SCAMP will not take place until next year. The responsibility for these worthwhile equipments then shifts to the users, who in most cases has been intimately involved in the development. The Submerged Navigation system continues to attract much attention both within and without the Institution. Delays in the fitting and testing of ALVIN in the Titanium hull configuration has slowed the field work with ARPA developed equipment bu the next six months should contain considerable work.
  • Technical Report
    A technical guide to the deep submergence research vehicle (DSRV) ALVIN for use in planning scientific missions
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1967-12) Winget, Clifford L. ; McCamis, Marvin J.
    This report has been compiled to aid scientists and other users in planning deep submergence missions in the DSRV ALVIN. It is general in nature, and covers the personnel, electrical, mechanical, and operation aspects of the vehicle and its support ship. The intent is to aid prospective users in marrying their programs and research equipment to the vehicle. The information has been arranged in a format that will allow the scientist to review specific areas of interest. Enough technical information is provided to allow a start on designing or adapting the science mission and equipment to the existing vehicle. In the event the basic vehicle configuration is not compatible with the mission requirement, the staff of the Deep Submergence Research Vehicle Program is available for consultation or technical guidance. Profile, plan, and sectional drawings of the submersible, Figures 1 and 2, have been included to acquaint the scientist with the nomenclature and general design of the electro-mechanical systems of the vehicle. The location and general configuration of the various flood lamps, cameras, and other science equipment are clearly shown. Management policies and operational responsibilities have not been included in this report. A detailed Management Plan for the Deep Submergence Research Vehicle Program is available. Copies will be furnished to the scientific observer when requested.
  • Working Paper
    Fuse testing in oil for Alvin batteries
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1965-02) McCamis, Marvin J. ; Marquet, William M. ; Broderson, George ; Mason, Dave
    This report includes the test results on a series of test made by the DSRVG to find a more suitable fuse for the ALVIN batteries. Figure 1 gives the test setup. The data on page 1 of 5 is of 100 amp, 250 volt standard commercial buss fuse. This fuse was used in ALVIN for the first shallow water dives. Due to the higher I.R. drop and the high current required to blow this fuse, it was desirable to find and test better fuses. The amp trap form 101, type #4, 250 volt fuse was selected for test because of its size and construction. Test data is found on sheets 2, 3, 4, and 5. Disassembly of the amp trap fuse shows that an insulating material is strapped on both sides of the blowing link. This construction minimizes heat loss to the oil and results in a more consistent blowing value when operated in oil Sheets of #3 and 4 have the last test data run on a 150 and 200 amp fuse, pressurized to 3300 PSIG in Tellus #15 oil manufactured by the Shell Oil Company. This test was run to see if pressurizing had any effect on oil penetration. Data collected and run by M.J. McCamis, W.M. Marquet, Geo. Borderson and D. Mason.
  • Working Paper
    Twenty-four (24) man-hour test of Alvin's environmental system
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1964-11) Learnard, H. H. ; Marquet, William M. ; McCamis, Marvin J.
    ALVIN's specifications call for a 48 man-hour environmental system capability. To check this, a 24 man-hour test was run as follows: Two successive test periods of six (6) hours each with a two (2) man crew inside the pressure hull. The break after six {6) hours was solely to change the crew. It was felt that this 24 man-hour exercise would be adequate to judge the system's 48 man-hour capability, particularly since one cannister of LiOH was used, and the submarine will normally carry two {2).
  • Technical Report
    Technical progress report : advanced marine technology 1 August 1972 - 31 January 1973
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1973-06-01) Aldrich, Thomas C. ; Maxwell, Arthur Eugene ; Bowin, Carl O. ; Luyendyk, Bruce P. ; Phillips, Joseph D. ; Hess, Frederick R. ; Vine, Allyn C. ; Ballard, Robert D. ; Marquet, William M. ; Porter, David L. ; McCamis, Marvin J. ; Winget, Clifford L. ; von Herzen, Richard P. ; Williams, David L.
    The work sponsored by ARPA at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is having an impact on efforts by those not directly involved in the projects both within and without the Institution. The navigation system being developed for submersible/mother ship has been recognized as a very useful system by members of the Geology/Geophysics Department and the Department of Physical Oceanography. Each department is now developing their own system based on the work already completed by the Ocean Engineering Department under the ARPA contact. Through the ARPA contract ComPhibLant (specifically ComPhibRonTen) was shown some of the advantages of doing something new about small boat and heavy object handling at sea and this program is expected to have some direct effect upon methods they will use in the future. Although the project concerned with developing biological equipment for deep sea work has not continued as part of the ARPA program, the seed was succssfully sown and several items are being developed at the Institution under separate funding. All the projects continued at a fair pace but not without some problems. The Deep Sea Rock Drill had some minor setbacks during operations with ALVIN, and the Air-Sea System (Long Range Ech-Ranging) project was hampered by a faulty engine aboard the air craft. Summaries of progress are given immediately below and more detail is available in the individual reports further on.
  • Technical Report
    Technical progress report : advanced marine technology 1 February 1972 - 31 July 1972
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1973-02-28) Aldrich, Thomas C. ; Maxwell, Arthur Eugene ; Ballard, Robert D. ; Bowin, Carl O. ; Luyendyk, Bruce P. ; McCamis, Marvin J. ; Phillips, Joseph D. ; Porter, David L. ; Vine, Allyn C. ; Teal, John M. ; Marquet, William M. ; Winget, Clifford L. ; von Herzen, Richard P. ; Williams, David L.
    The two extremes of the program in this six month period were the Submerged Navigation System which was demonstrated to be a successful field system, and the near Bottom Continuous Gravity System, which was priced out of the market by the acceleration characteristics of ALVIN. In all the other subjects discussed in summary immediately below and in more detail further on, satisfactory progress was made. Again aircraft scheduling has held up further work on the Air Sea Systems project, but there is definite hope for some aircraft tiem in the fall. The Development of Equipment for Deep Sea Biological Research has been terminiated as of the beginning of this report.
  • Working Paper
    Electrical and pressure tests of Alvin's electrical through hull penetrators
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1964-11) Learnard, H. H. ; McCamis, Marvin J. ; Swinhart, O. L.
    Our objective was to investigate the mechanical and electrical integrity of the hull penetrator assembly, in its eighteen (18) ten 910) amp single lead configuration, as designed by Litton Industries for the ALVIN. The results indicated a few minor refinements must be made to the penetrator before final acceptance of this hardware.