Fuse testing in oil for Alvin batteries
Fuse testing in oil for Alvin batteries
McCamis, Marvin J.
Marquet, William M.
Broderson, George
Mason, Dave
Marquet, William M.
Broderson, George
Mason, Dave
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This report includes the test results on a series of test made by the DSRVG to find a more suitable fuse for the ALVIN batteries. Figure 1 gives the test setup.
The data on page 1 of 5 is of 100 amp, 250 volt standard commercial buss fuse. This fuse was used in ALVIN for the first shallow water dives. Due to the higher I.R. drop and the high current required to blow this fuse, it was desirable to find and test better fuses.
The amp trap form 101, type #4, 250 volt fuse was selected for test because of its size and construction. Test data is found on sheets 2, 3, 4, and 5. Disassembly of the amp trap fuse shows that an insulating material is strapped on both sides of the blowing link. This construction minimizes heat loss to the oil and results in a more consistent blowing value when operated in oil
Sheets of #3 and 4 have the last test data run on a 150 and 200 amp fuse, pressurized to 3300 PSIG in Tellus #15 oil manufactured by the Shell Oil Company. This test was run to see if pressurizing had any effect on oil penetration.
Data collected and run by M.J. McCamis, W.M. Marquet, Geo. Borderson and D. Mason.