Christian M.
Christian M.
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ArticlePSP toxin levels and plankton community composition and abundance in size-fractionated vertical profiles during spring/summer blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense in the Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank, 2007, 2008, and 2010 : 1. Toxin levels(Elsevier, 2013-04-12) Deeds, Jonathan R. ; Petitpas, Christian M. ; Shue, Vangie ; White, Kevin D. ; Keafer, Bruce A. ; McGillicuddy, Dennis J. ; Milligan, Peter J. ; Anderson, Donald M. ; Turner, Jefferson T.As part of the NOAA ECOHAB funded Gulf of Maine Toxicity (GOMTOX)1 project, we determined Alexandrium fundyense abundance, paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin composition, and concentration in quantitatively-sampled size-fractionated (20–64, 64–100, 100–200, 200–500, and >500 μm) particulate water samples, and the community composition of potential grazers of A. fundyense in these size fractions, at multiple depths (typically 1, 10, 20 m, and near-bottom) during 10 large-scale sampling cruises during the A. fundyense bloom season (May–August) in the coastal Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank in 2007, 2008, and 2010. Our findings were as follows: (1) when all sampling stations and all depths were summed by year, the majority (94%±4%) of total PSP toxicity was contained in the 20–64 μm size fraction; (2) when further analyzed by depth, the 20–64 μm size fraction was the primary source of toxin for 97% of the stations and depths samples over three years; (3) overall PSP toxin profiles were fairly consistent during the three seasons of sampling with gonyautoxins (1, 2, 3, and 4) dominating (90.7%±5.5%), followed by the carbamate toxins saxitoxin (STX) and neosaxitoxin (NEO) (7.7%±4.5%), followed by n-sulfocarbamoyl toxins (C1 and 2, GTX5) (1.3%±0.6%), followed by all decarbamoyl toxins (dcSTX, dcNEO, dcGTX2&3) (<1%), although differences were noted between PSP toxin compositions for nearshore coastal Gulf of Maine sampling stations compared to offshore Georges Bank sampling stations for 2 out of 3 years; (4) surface cell counts of A. fundyense were a fairly reliable predictor of the presence of toxins throughout the water column; and (5) nearshore surface cell counts of A. fundyense in the coastal Gulf of Maine were not a reliable predictor of A. fundyense populations offshore on Georges Bank for 2 out of the 3 years sampled.
ArticleHigh resolution analysis of plankton distributions at the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf-break front(Elsevier, 2023-09-07) Hirzel, Andrew J. ; Alatalo, Philip ; Oliver, Hilde ; Petitpas, Christian M. ; Turner, Jefferson T. ; Zhang, Weifeng Gordon ; McGillicuddy, Dennis J.The Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) is a highly productive ecosystem, supporting several economically important commercial fisheries. Chlorophyll enhancement at the MAB shelf-break front has been observed only intermittently, despite several studies suggesting persistent upwelling at the front. High resolution cross-frontal transects were conducted during three two-week cruises in April 2018, May 2019, and July 2019. Mesoplankton distributions at the front were measured with a Video Plankton Recorder equipped with hydrographic and bio-optical sensors. Zooplankton were also sampled with a Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environment Sensing System. Each of the three cruises had distinctly different frontal characteristics, with lower variability in frontal position in April 2018 and higher variability in May and July 2019, primarily due to frontal eddies and a Gulf Stream warm core ring, respectively. Eulerian means of all transect crossings within each cruise did not show mean frontal chlorophyll enhancement in April 2018 or July 2019, despite individual crossings showing chlorophyll enhancement in April 2018. Transformation of the April 2018 data into a cross-frontal coordinate system revealed a weak enhancement of chlorophyll and copepods at the front. Mean frontal chlorophyll enhancement was observed in May and was associated with enhancement in the periphery of a frontal eddy rather than the front itself. None of the planktonic categories observed were enhanced at the front in the cross-shelf mean distribution, though diatom chains and copepods were more abundant inshore of the front, particularly in May and July 2019, as well as within the center of a frontal eddy in May. The high variability of the MAB frontal region obscured the impact of ephemeral frontal enhancement in mean observations of April 2018, while frontal eddies contributed to chlorophyll enhancement in mean observations of May 2019. The influence of both argues for the necessity for 3-D models rather than idealized 2-D models to explain frontal behavior and its effects on biological responses.