Albertin Caroline B.

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Caroline B.

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  • Article
    Cephalopod genomics : a plan of strategies and organization
    (Genomic Standards Consortium, 2012-09-26) Albertin, Caroline B. ; Bonnaud, Laure ; Brown, C. Titus ; Crookes-Goodson, Wendy J. ; da Fonseca, Rute R. ; Di Cristo, Carlo ; Dilkes, Brian P. ; Edsinger-Gonzales, Eric ; Freeman, Robert J. ; Hanlon, Roger T. ; Koenig, Kristen M. ; Lindgren, Annie R. ; Martindale, Mark Q. ; Minx, Patrick ; Moroz, Leonid L. ; Nodl, Marie-Therese ; Nyholm, Spencer V. ; Ogura, Atsushi ; Pungor, Judit R. ; Rosenthal, Joshua J. C. ; Schwarz, Erich M. ; Shigeno, Shuichi ; Strugnell, Jan M. ; Wollesen, Tim ; Zhang, Guojie ; Ragsdale, Clifton W.
    The Cephalopod Sequencing Consortium (CephSeq Consortium) was established at a NESCent Catalysis Group Meeting, “Paths to Cephalopod Genomics- Strategies, Choices, Organization,” held in Durham, North Carolina, USA on May 24-27, 2012. Twenty-eight participants representing nine countries (Austria, Australia, China, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, Spain and the USA) met to address the pressing need for genome sequencing of cephalopod molluscs. This group, drawn from cephalopod biologists, neuroscientists, developmental and evolutionary biologists, materials scientists, bioinformaticians and researchers active in sequencing, assembling and annotating genomes, agreed on a set of cephalopod species of particular importance for initial sequencing and developed strategies and an organization (CephSeq Consortium) to promote this sequencing. The conclusions and recommendations of this meeting are described in this White Paper.
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    Genome and transcriptome mechanisms driving cephalopod evolution
    (Nature Research, 2022-05-04) Albertin, Carolin B. ; Medina-Ruiz, Sofia ; Mitros, Therese ; Schmidbaur, Hannah ; Sanchez, Gustavo ; Wang, Z. Yan ; Grimwood, Jane ; Rosenthal, Joshua J. C. ; Ragsdale, Clifton W. ; Simakov, Oleg ; Rokhsar, Daniel S.
    Cephalopods are known for their large nervous systems, complex behaviors and morphological innovations. To investigate the genomic underpinnings of these features, we assembled the chromosomes of the Boston market squid, Doryteuthis (Loligo) pealeii, and the California two-spot octopus, Octopus bimaculoides, and compared them with those of the Hawaiian bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes. The genomes of the soft-bodied (coleoid) cephalopods are highly rearranged relative to other extant molluscs, indicating an intense, early burst of genome restructuring. The coleoid genomes feature multi-megabase, tandem arrays of genes associated with brain development and cephalopod-specific innovations. We find that a known coleoid hallmark, extensive A-to-I mRNA editing, displays two fundamentally distinct patterns: one exclusive to the nervous system and concentrated in genic sequences, the other widespread and directed toward repetitive elements. We conclude that coleoid novelty is mediated in part by substantial genome reorganization, gene family expansion, and tissue-dependent mRNA editing.
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    A draft genome sequence of the elusive giant squid, Architeuthis dux
    (Oxford University Press, 2020-01-16) da Fonseca, Rute R. ; Couto, Alvarina ; Machado, Andre M. ; Brejova, Brona ; Albertin, Carolin B. ; Silva, Filipe ; Gardner, Paul ; Baril, Tobias ; Hayward, Alex ; Campos, Alexandre ; Ribeiro, Ângela M. ; Barrio-Hernandez, Inigo ; Hoving, Henk-Jan ; Tafur-Jimenez, Ricardo ; Chu, Chong ; Frazão, Barbara ; Petersen, Bent ; Peñaloza, Fernando ; Musacchia, Francesco ; Alexander, Graham C., Jr. ; Osório, Hugo ; Winkelmann, Inger ; Simakov, Oleg ; Rasmussen, Simon ; Rahman, M. Ziaur ; Pisani, Davide ; Vinther, Jakob ; Jarvis, Erich ; Zhang, Guojie ; Strugnell, Jan M. ; Castro, L. Filipe C. ; Fedrigo, Olivier ; Patricio, Mateus ; Li, Qiye ; Rocha, Sara ; Antunes, Agostinho ; Wu, Yufeng ; Ma, Bin ; Sanges, Remo ; Vinar, Tomas ; Blagoev, Blagoy ; Sicheritz-Ponten, Thomas ; Nielsen, Rasmus ; Gilbert, M. Thomas P.
    Background: The giant squid (Architeuthis dux; Steenstrup, 1857) is an enigmatic giant mollusc with a circumglobal distribution in the deep ocean, except in the high Arctic and Antarctic waters. The elusiveness of the species makes it difficult to study. Thus, having a genome assembled for this deep-sea–dwelling species will allow several pending evolutionary questions to be unlocked. Findings: We present a draft genome assembly that includes 200 Gb of Illumina reads, 4 Gb of Moleculo synthetic long reads, and 108 Gb of Chicago libraries, with a final size matching the estimated genome size of 2.7 Gb, and a scaffold N50 of 4.8 Mb. We also present an alternative assembly including 27 Gb raw reads generated using the Pacific Biosciences platform. In addition, we sequenced the proteome of the same individual and RNA from 3 different tissue types from 3 other species of squid (Onychoteuthis banksii, Dosidicus gigas, and Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) to assist genome annotation. We annotated 33,406 protein-coding genes supported by evidence, and the genome completeness estimated by BUSCO reached 92%. Repetitive regions cover 49.17% of the genome. Conclusions: This annotated draft genome of A. dux provides a critical resource to investigate the unique traits of this species, including its gigantism and key adaptations to deep-sea environments.
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    Identification of LINE retrotransposons and long non-coding RNAs expressed in the octopus brain
    (BMC, 2022-05-18) Petrosino, Giuseppe ; Ponte, Giovanna ; Volpe, Massimiliano ; Zarrella, Ilaria ; Ansaloni, Federico ; Langella, Concetta ; Di Cristina, Giulia ; Finaurini, Sara ; Russo, Monia T. ; Basu, Swaraj ; Musacchia, Francesco ; Ristoratore, Filomena ; Pavlinic, Dinko ; Benes, Vladimir ; Ferrante, Maria I. ; Albertin, Carolin B. ; Simakov, Oleg ; Gustincich, Stefano ; Sanges, Remo
    Background Transposable elements (TEs) widely contribute to the evolution of genomes allowing genomic innovations, generating germinal and somatic heterogeneity, and giving birth to long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). These features have been associated to the evolution, functioning, and complexity of the nervous system at such a level that somatic retrotransposition of long interspersed element (LINE) L1 has been proposed to be associated to human cognition. Among invertebrates, octopuses are fascinating animals whose nervous system reaches a high level of complexity achieving sophisticated cognitive abilities. The sequencing of the genome of the Octopus bimaculoides revealed a striking expansion of TEs which were proposed to have contributed to the evolution of its complex nervous system. We recently found a similar expansion also in the genome of Octopus vulgaris. However, a specific search for the existence and the transcription of full-length transpositionally competent TEs has not been performed in this genus. Results Here, we report the identification of LINE elements competent for retrotransposition in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus bimaculoides and show evidence suggesting that they might be transcribed and determine germline and somatic polymorphisms especially in the brain. Transcription and translation measured for one of these elements resulted in specific signals in neurons belonging to areas associated with behavioral plasticity. We also report the transcription of thousands of lncRNAs and the pervasive inclusion of TE fragments in the transcriptomes of both Octopus species, further testifying the crucial activity of TEs in the evolution of the octopus genomes. Conclusions The neural transcriptome of the octopus shows the transcription of thousands of putative lncRNAs and of a full-length LINE element belonging to the RTE class. We speculate that a convergent evolutionary process involving retrotransposons activity in the brain has been important for the evolution of sophisticated cognitive abilities in this genus.
  • Still Image
    Bilaterian phylogenetic trees
    ( 2014-12-19) Albertin, Caroline B. ; Simakov, Oleg ; Mitros, Therese ; Wang, Z. Yan ; Pungor, Judit R. ; Edsinger-Gonzales, Eric ; Brenner, Sydney ; Ragsdale, Clifton W. ; Rokhsar, Daniel S
  • Article
    Coupled genomic evolutionary histories as signatures of organismal innovations in cephalopods: co-evolutionary signatures across levels of genome organization may shed light on functional linkage and origin of cephalopod novelties
    (Wiley, 2019-10-30) Ritschard, Elena A. ; Whitelaw, Brooke ; Albertin, Caroline B. ; Cooke, Ira R. ; Strugnell, Jan M. ; Simakov, Oleg
    How genomic innovation translates into organismal organization remains largely unanswered. Possessing the largest invertebrate nervous system, in conjunction with many species‐specific organs, coleoid cephalopods (octopuses, squids, cuttlefishes) provide exciting model systems to investigate how organismal novelties evolve. However, dissecting these processes requires novel approaches that enable deeper interrogation of genome evolution. Here, the existence of specific sets of genomic co‐evolutionary signatures between expanded gene families, genome reorganization, and novel genes is posited. It is reasoned that their co‐evolution has contributed to the complex organization of cephalopod nervous systems and the emergence of ecologically unique organs. In the course of reviewing this field, how the first cephalopod genomic studies have begun to shed light on the molecular underpinnings of morphological novelty is illustrated and their impact on directing future research is described. It is argued that the application and evolutionary profiling of evolutionary signatures from these studies will help identify and dissect the organismal principles of cephalopod innovations. By providing specific examples, the implications of this approach both within and beyond cephalopod biology are discussed.
  • Article
    Emergence of novel cephalopod gene regulation and expression through large-scale genome reorganization
    (Nature Research, 2022-04-21) Schmidbaur, Hannah ; Kawaguchi, Akane ; Clarence, Tereza ; Fu, Xiao ; Hoang, Oi Pui ; Zimmermann, Bob ; Ritschard, Elena A. ; Weissenbacher, Anton ; Foster, Jamie S. ; Nyholm, Spencer V. ; Bates, Paul A. ; Albertin, Carolin B. ; Tanaka, Elly ; Simakov, Oleg
    Coleoid cephalopods (squid, cuttlefish, octopus) have the largest nervous system among invertebrates that together with many lineage-specific morphological traits enables complex behaviors. The genomic basis underlying these innovations remains unknown. Using comparative and functional genomics in the model squid Euprymna scolopes, we reveal the unique genomic, topological, and regulatory organization of cephalopod genomes. We show that coleoid cephalopod genomes have been extensively restructured compared to other animals, leading to the emergence of hundreds of tightly linked and evolutionary unique gene clusters (microsyntenies). Such novel microsyntenies correspond to topological compartments with a distinct regulatory structure and contribute to complex expression patterns. In particular, we identify a set of microsyntenies associated with cephalopod innovations (MACIs) broadly enriched in cephalopod nervous system expression. We posit that the emergence of MACIs was instrumental to cephalopod nervous system evolution and propose that microsyntenic profiling will be central to understanding cephalopod innovations.
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    The evolution of synaptic and cognitive capacity: insights from the nervous system transcriptome of Aplysia
    (National Academy of Sciences, 2022-07-08) Orvis, Joshua ; Albertin, Carolin B. ; Shrestha, Pragya ; Chen, Shuangshuang ; Zheng, Melanie ; Rodriguez, Cheyenne J. ; Tallon, Luke J. ; Mahurkar, Anup ; Zimin, Aleksey V. ; Kim, Michelle ; Liu, Kelvin ; Kandel, Eric R. ; Fraser, Claire M. ; Sossin, Wayne ; Abrams, Thomas W.
    The gastropod mollusk Aplysia is an important model for cellular and molecular neurobiological studies, particularly for investigations of molecular mechanisms of learning and memory. We developed an optimized assembly pipeline to generate an improved Aplysia nervous system transcriptome. This improved transcriptome enabled us to explore the evolution of cognitive capacity at the molecular level. Were there evolutionary expansions of neuronal genes between this relatively simple gastropod Aplysia (20,000 neurons) and Octopus (500 million neurons), the invertebrate with the most elaborate neuronal circuitry and greatest behavioral complexity? Are the tremendous advances in cognitive power in vertebrates explained by expansion of the synaptic proteome that resulted from multiple rounds of whole genome duplication in this clade? Overall, the complement of genes linked to neuronal function is similar between Octopus and Aplysia. As expected, a number of synaptic scaffold proteins have more isoforms in humans than in Aplysia or Octopus. However, several scaffold families present in mollusks and other protostomes are absent in vertebrates, including the Fifes, Lev10s, SOLs, and a NETO family. Thus, whereas vertebrates have more scaffold isoforms from select families, invertebrates have additional scaffold protein families not found in vertebrates. This analysis provides insights into the evolution of the synaptic proteome. Both synaptic proteins and synaptic plasticity evolved gradually, yet the last deuterostome-protostome common ancestor already possessed an elaborate suite of genes associated with synaptic function, and critical for synaptic plasticity.
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    Squid express conserved ADAR orthologs that possess novel features
    (Frontiers Media, 2023-06-05) Vallecillo-Viejo, Isabel C. ; Voss, Gjendine ; Albertin, Caroline B. ; Liscovitch-Brauer, Noa ; Eisenberg, Eli ; Rosenthal, Joshua J. C.
    The coleoid cephalopods display unusually extensive mRNA recoding by adenosine deamination, yet the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Because the adenosine deaminases that act on RNA (ADAR) enzymes catalyze this form of RNA editing, the structure and function of the cephalopod orthologs may provide clues. Recent genome sequencing projects have provided blueprints for the full complement of coleoid cephalopod ADARs. Previous results from our laboratory have shown that squid express an ADAR2 homolog, with two splice variants named sqADAR2a and sqADAR2b and that these messages are extensively edited. Based on octopus and squid genomes, transcriptomes, and cDNA cloning, we discovered that two additional ADAR homologs are expressed in coleoids. The first is orthologous to vertebrate ADAR1. Unlike other ADAR1s, however, it contains a novel N-terminal domain of 641 aa that is predicted to be disordered, contains 67 phosphorylation motifs, and has an amino acid composition that is unusually high in serines and basic amino acids. mRNAs encoding sqADAR1 are themselves extensively edited. A third ADAR-like enzyme, sqADAR/D-like, which is not orthologous to any of the vertebrate isoforms, is also present. Messages encoding sqADAR/D-like are not edited. Studies using recombinant sqADARs suggest that only sqADAR1 and sqADAR2 are active adenosine deaminases, both on perfect duplex dsRNA and on a squid potassium channel mRNA substrate known to be edited in vivo. sqADAR/D-like shows no activity on these substrates. Overall, these results reveal some unique features in sqADARs that may contribute to the high-level RNA recoding observed in cephalopods.
  • Article
    Cephalopod-omics: emerging fields and technologies in cephalopod biology
    (Oxford University Press, 2023-06-27) Baden, Tom ; Briseno, John ; Coffing, Gabrielle ; Cohen-Bodenes, Sophie ; Courtney, Amy ; Dickerson, Dominick ; Dolen, Gul ; Fiorito, Graziano ; Gestal, Camino ; Gustafson, Taryn ; Heath-Heckman, Elizabeth ; Hua, Qiaz ; Imperadore, Pamela ; Kimbara, Ryosuke ; Krol, Mirela ; Lajbner, Zdenek ; Lichilín, Nicolas ; Macchi, Filippo ; McCoy, Matthew J. ; Nishiguchi, Michele K. ; Nyholm, Spencer V. ; Otjacques, Eve ; Perez-Ferrer, Pedro Antonio ; Ponte, Giovanna ; Pungor, Judit R. ; Rogers, Thea F. ; Rosenthal, Joshua J. C. ; Rouressol, Lisa ; Rubas, Noelle ; Sanchez, Gustavo ; Santos, Catarina Pereira ; Schultz, Darrin T. ; Seuntjens,Eve ; Songco-Casey, Jeremea O. ; Stewart, Ian Erik ; Styfhals, Ruth ; Tuanapaya, Surangkana ; Vijayan, Nidhi ; Weissenbacher, Anton ; Zifcakova, Lucia ; Schulz, Grace ; Weertman, Willem ; Simakov, Oleg ; Albertin, Caroline B.
    Few animal groups can claim the level of wonder that cephalopods instill in the minds of researchers and the general public. Much of cephalopod biology, however, remains unexplored: the largest invertebrate brain, difficult husbandry conditions, and complex (meta-)genomes, among many other things, have hindered progress in addressing key questions. However, recent technological advancements in sequencing, imaging, and genetic manipulation have opened new avenues for exploring the biology of these extraordinary animals. The cephalopod molecular biology community is thus experiencing a large influx of researchers, emerging from different fields, accelerating the pace of research in this clade. In the first post-pandemic event at the Cephalopod International Advisory Council (CIAC) conference in April 2022, over 40 participants from all over the world met and discussed key challenges and perspectives for current cephalopod molecular biology and evolution. Our particular focus was on the fields of comparative and regulatory genomics, gene manipulation, single-cell transcriptomics, metagenomics, and microbial interactions. This article is a result of this joint effort, summarizing the latest insights from these emerging fields, their bottlenecks, and potential solutions. The article highlights the interdisciplinary nature of the cephalopod-omics community and provides an emphasis on continuous consolidation of efforts and collaboration in this rapidly evolving field.