Squid express conserved ADAR orthologs that possess novel features

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Doryteuthis pealeii
RNA editing
Adenosine deamination
Genetic recoding
The coleoid cephalopods display unusually extensive mRNA recoding by adenosine deamination, yet the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Because the adenosine deaminases that act on RNA (ADAR) enzymes catalyze this form of RNA editing, the structure and function of the cephalopod orthologs may provide clues. Recent genome sequencing projects have provided blueprints for the full complement of coleoid cephalopod ADARs. Previous results from our laboratory have shown that squid express an ADAR2 homolog, with two splice variants named sqADAR2a and sqADAR2b and that these messages are extensively edited. Based on octopus and squid genomes, transcriptomes, and cDNA cloning, we discovered that two additional ADAR homologs are expressed in coleoids. The first is orthologous to vertebrate ADAR1. Unlike other ADAR1s, however, it contains a novel N-terminal domain of 641 aa that is predicted to be disordered, contains 67 phosphorylation motifs, and has an amino acid composition that is unusually high in serines and basic amino acids. mRNAs encoding sqADAR1 are themselves extensively edited. A third ADAR-like enzyme, sqADAR/D-like, which is not orthologous to any of the vertebrate isoforms, is also present. Messages encoding sqADAR/D-like are not edited. Studies using recombinant sqADARs suggest that only sqADAR1 and sqADAR2 are active adenosine deaminases, both on perfect duplex dsRNA and on a squid potassium channel mRNA substrate known to be edited in vivo. sqADAR/D-like shows no activity on these substrates. Overall, these results reveal some unique features in sqADARs that may contribute to the high-level RNA recoding observed in cephalopods.
© The Author(s), 2023. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Vallecillo-Viejo, I., Voss, G., Albertin, C., Liscovitch-Brauer, N., Eisenberg, E., & Rosenthal, J. Squid express conserved ADAR orthologs that possess novel features. Frontiers in Genome Editing, 5, (2023): 1181713, https://doi.org/10.3389/fgeed.2023.1181713.
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Vallecillo-Viejo, I., Voss, G., Albertin, C., Liscovitch-Brauer, N., Eisenberg, E., & Rosenthal, J. (2023). Squid express conserved ADAR orthologs that possess novel features. Frontiers in Genome Editing, 5, 1181713.
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