James R.
James R.
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Technical ReportSubduction in the subtropical gyre : Seasoar cruises data report(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1995-09) Pallant, Julie S. ; Bahr, Frank B. ; Joyce, Terrence M. ; Dean, Jerome P. ; Luyten, James R.The overall objective of the Subduction Accelerated Research Initiative (ARI) was to bring together several techniques to address the formation and evolution of newly formed water masses. The Seasoar component provided surveys of temperature and salinity to help determine the spatial varability of the temperature, salinity and density fields in both the active frontal regions and in the vicinity of subducting water tagged by bobbers. Data were collected in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean in spring 1991, winter 1992, winter 1993 and spring 1994. "Star" patterns were used to study the mesoscale varability. Temperature, pressure and thickness for each pattern were objectively mapped on potential density surfaces of 26.5, 26.7 and 26.9 kg/m3. Acoustic Doppler Current Profies (ADCP) maps were also created for the the two shallower density surfaces. We describe the Seasoar data collected during the four cruises. A CD-Rom includes 1- and 3-second conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD), cruise navigation, ADCP and Seasoar engineering data, as well as color figures of these data. This data report can also be viewed using an internet information browser (i.e., Mosaic, Netscape) using the provided CD-Rom.
Technical ReportMoored current meter, AVHRR, CTD, and drifter data from the Agulhas Current and Retroflexion region (1985-1987) Volume XLII(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1990-07) Luyten, James R. ; Spencer, A. ; Tarbell, Susan A. ; Luetkemeyer, Kelly ; Flament, P. ; Toole, John M. ; Francis, M. ; Bennett, Sara L.Data are presented from an experiment designed to explore the spatial and temporal structure of the Agulhas Current and Retroflexion by direct means. Included are the current meter results from 10 moorings in the Retroflexion region, CTD stations occupied on the deployment cruise in 1985, data from satellite tracked (ARGOS) freely during surface buoys and numerous images of the sea surface temperature.
Technical ReportExploring the North Atlantic Ocean on floppy disks(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1988-12) Luyten, James R. ; Stommel, Henry M.A selection of hydrographic station data in the Atlantic between 8°S and 70°N is packed on four 5 1/4" floppy disks. Sample utility programs for reading and plotting the data are also on the disks. We present this computer atlas in preliminary form for use by students and professionals, in the belief that easy access to this valuable historical data will be educational and stimulating.