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The DTAG was developed by WHOI principal investigators in 1999 with funding from ONR and WHOI endowment. This non-invasive tag records the sounds heard, and made, by the marine mammal together with its depth and orientation (i.e., pitch, roll, and heading), in a synchronized fashion throughout the dive cycle.
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ArticleEcholocation clicks of free-ranging Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris)(Acoustical Society of America, 2005-06) Zimmer, Walter M. X. ; Johnson, Mark P. ; Madsen, Peter T. ; Tyack, Peter L.Strandings of beaked whales of the genera Ziphius and Mesoplodon have been reported to occur in conjunction with naval sonar use. Detection of the sounds from these elusive whales could reduce the risk of exposure, but descriptions of their vocalizations are at best incomplete. This paper reports quantitative characteristics of clicks from deep-diving Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) using a unique data set. Two whales in the Ligurian Sea were simultaneously tagged with sound and orientation recording tags, and the dive tracks were reconstructed allowing for derivation of the range and relative aspect between the clicking whales. At depth, the whales produced trains of regular echolocation clicks with mean interclick intervals of 0.43 s (±0.09) and 0.40 s (±0.07). The clicks are frequency modulated pulses with durations of ~200 µs and center frequencies around 42 kHz, –10 dB bandwidths of 22 kHz, and Q3 dB of 4. The sound beam is narrow with an estimated directionality index of more than 25 dB, source levels up to 214 dBpp re: 1 µPa at 1 m, and energy flux density of 164 dB re: 1 µPa2 s. As the spectral and temporal properties are different from those of nonziphiid odontocetes the potential for passive detection is enhanced.
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts 4/10/2009 Animal a Depth Profile(The EAARL, Pennsylvania State University, contacts: Susan Parks, sep20@psu.edu; and The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu, 2010-12-14) Parks, Susan E. ; Environmental Acoustics Program, Pennsylvania State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: Scott Kraus NMFS permit #655-1652-01, Water Depth: 24m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts 4/13/2010 Animal a Depth Profile(The EAARL, Pennsylvania State University, contacts: Susan Parks, sep20@psu.edu; and The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu, 2010-12-14) Parks, Susan E. ; Environmental Acoustics Program, Pennsylvania State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: NOAA Fisheries Permit# 775-1875, Water Depth: 29m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts 4/17/2009 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contact: dtag@whoi.edu; and The EAARL, Pennsylvania State University, contacts: Susan Parks, sep20@psu.edu, 2010-12-14) Parks, Susan E. ; Environmental Acoustics Program, Pennsylvania State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: Scott Kraus NMFS permit #655-1652-01, Water Depth: 30m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts 4/2/2010 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and The EAARL, Pennsylvania State University, contacts: Susan Parks, sep20@psu.edu, 2010-12-14) Parks, Susan E. ; Environmental Acoustics Program, Pennsylvania State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: NOAA Fisheries Permit# 775-1875, Water Depth: 20m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts 4/2/2010 Animal b Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and The EAARL, Pennsylvania State University, contacts: Susan Parks, sep20@psu.edu, 2010-12-14) Parks, Susan E. ; Environmental Acoustics Program, Pennsylvania State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: NOAA Fisheries Permit# 775-1875, Water Depth: 29m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts 4/25/2009 Animal a Depth Profile(The EAARL, Pennsylvania State University, contacts: Susan Parks, sep20@psu.edu; and The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu, 2010-12-14) Parks, Susan E. ; Environmental Acoustics Program, Pennsylvania State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: Scott Kraus NMFS permit #655-1652-01, Water Depth: 25m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts 4/3/2010 Animal b Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and The EAARL, Pennsylvania State University, contacts: Susan Parks, sep20@psu.edu, 2010-12-14) Parks, Susan E. ; Environmental Acoustics Program, Pennsylvania State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: NOAA Fisheries Permit# 775-1875, Water Depth: 15m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts 4/4/2010 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and The EAARL, Pennsylvania State University, contacts: Susan Parks, sep20@psu.edu, 2010-12-14) Parks, Susan E. ; Environmental Acoustics Program, Pennsylvania State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: NOAA Fisheries Permit# 775-1875, Water Depth: 15m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts 4/5/2010 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and The EAARL, Pennsylvania State University, contacts: Susan Parks, sep20@psu.edu, 2010-12-14) Parks, Susan E. ; Environmental Acoustics Program, Pennsylvania State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: NOAA Fisheries Permit# 775-1875, Water Depth: 31m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Fundy, Canada 7/26/2001 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and NRC, NOAA, contacts: Doug Nowacek, doug.nowacek@duke.edu, 2010-12-14) Nowacek, Douglas P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ; National Research Council ; National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationLocation: Bay of Fundy, Canada, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: US National Marine Fisheries Service Permit #1014 issued to Scott Kraus and Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans Permit # 2001-559, Water Depth: m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Fundy, Canada 7/29/2005 Animal b Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and Florida State University, contacts: Doug Nowacek, doug.nowacek@duke.edu, 2010-12-14) Nowacek, Douglas P. ; Florida State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Fundy, Canada, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: , Water Depth: 209m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Fundy, Canada 7/30/2005 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and Florida State University, contacts: Doug Nowacek, doug.nowacek@duke.edu, 2010-12-14) Nowacek, Douglas P. ; Florida State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Fundy, Canada, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: , Water Depth: 211m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Fundy, Canada 7/30/2005 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and Florida State University, contacts: Doug Nowacek, doug.nowacek@duke.edu, 2010-12-14) Nowacek, Douglas P. ; Florida State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Fundy, Canada, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: , Water Depth: 211m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Fundy, Canada 8/1/2000 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and NRC, NOAA, contacts: Doug Nowacek, doug.nowacek@duke.edu, 2010-12-14) Nowacek, Douglas P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ; National Research Council ; National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationLocation: Bay of Fundy, Canada, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: US National Marine Fisheries Service Permit #1014 issued to Scott Kraus and Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans Permit # 2000-489, Water Depth: 132m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Fundy, Canada 8/1/2002 Animal b Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and NRC, NOAA, contacts: Doug Nowacek, doug.nowacek@duke.edu, 2010-12-14) Nowacek, Douglas P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ; National Research Council ; National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationLocation: Bay of Fundy, Canada, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: , Water Depth: 205m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Fundy, Canada 8/10/2002 Animal c Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and NRC, NOAA, contacts: Doug Nowacek, doug.nowacek@duke.edu, 2010-12-14) Nowacek, Douglas P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ; National Research Council ; National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationLocation: Bay of Fundy, Canada, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: , Water Depth: 205m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Fundy, Canada 8/11/2000 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and NRC, NOAA, contacts: Doug Nowacek, doug.nowacek@duke.edu, 2010-12-14) Nowacek, Douglas P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ; National Research Council ; National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationLocation: Bay of Fundy, Canada, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: US National Marine Fisheries Service Permit #1014 issued to Scott Kraus and Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans Permit # 2000-489, Water Depth: 56m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Fundy, Canada 8/12/2005 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and Florida State University, contacts: Doug Nowacek, doug.nowacek@duke.edu, 2010-12-14) Nowacek, Douglas P. ; Florida State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Fundy, Canada, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: , Water Depth: 200m
DatasetEubalaena glacialis Bay of Fundy, Canada 8/14/2005 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, contacts: dtag@whoi.edu; and Florida State University, contacts: Doug Nowacek, doug.nowacek@duke.edu, 2010-12-14) Nowacek, Douglas P. ; Florida State University ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionLocation: Bay of Fundy, Canada, Species: Eubalaena glacialis (Northern Atlantic Right Whale), Permit: , Water Depth: 196m