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The DTAG was developed by WHOI principal investigators in 1999 with funding from ONR and WHOI endowment. This non-invasive tag records the sounds heard, and made, by the marine mammal together with its depth and orientation (i.e., pitch, roll, and heading), in a synchronized fashion throughout the dive cycle.
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ArticleThree-dimensional beam pattern of regular sperm whale clicks confirms bent-horn hypothesis(Acoustical Society of America, 2005-03) Zimmer, Walter M. X. ; Tyack, Peter L. ; Johnson, Mark P. ; Madsen, Peter T.The three-dimensional beam pattern of a sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) tagged in the Ligurian Sea was derived using data on regular clicks from the tag and from hydrophones towed behind a ship circling the tagged whale. The tag defined the orientation of the whale, while sightings and beamformer data were used to locate the whale with respect to the ship. The existence of a narrow, forward-directed P1 beam with source levels exceeding 210 dBpeak re: 1 µPa at 1 m is confirmed. A modeled forward-beam pattern, that matches clicks >20° off-axis, predicts a directivity index of 26.7 dB and source levels of up to 229 dBpeak re: 1 µPa at 1 m. A broader backward-directed beam is produced by the P0 pulse with source levels near 200 dBpeak re: 1 µPa at 1 m and a directivity index of 7.4 dB. A low-frequency component with source levels near 190 dBpeak re: 1 µPa at 1 m is generated at the onset of the P0 pulse by air resonance. The results support the bent-horn model of sound production in sperm whales. While the sperm whale nose appears primarily adapted to produce an intense forward-directed sonar signal, less-directional click components convey information to conspecifics, and give rise to echoes from the seafloor and the surface, which may be useful for orientation during dives.
ArticleEcholocation clicks of free-ranging Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris)(Acoustical Society of America, 2005-06) Zimmer, Walter M. X. ; Johnson, Mark P. ; Madsen, Peter T. ; Tyack, Peter L.Strandings of beaked whales of the genera Ziphius and Mesoplodon have been reported to occur in conjunction with naval sonar use. Detection of the sounds from these elusive whales could reduce the risk of exposure, but descriptions of their vocalizations are at best incomplete. This paper reports quantitative characteristics of clicks from deep-diving Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) using a unique data set. Two whales in the Ligurian Sea were simultaneously tagged with sound and orientation recording tags, and the dive tracks were reconstructed allowing for derivation of the range and relative aspect between the clicking whales. At depth, the whales produced trains of regular echolocation clicks with mean interclick intervals of 0.43 s (±0.09) and 0.40 s (±0.07). The clicks are frequency modulated pulses with durations of ~200 µs and center frequencies around 42 kHz, –10 dB bandwidths of 22 kHz, and Q3 dB of 4. The sound beam is narrow with an estimated directionality index of more than 25 dB, source levels up to 214 dBpp re: 1 µPa at 1 m, and energy flux density of 164 dB re: 1 µPa2 s. As the spectral and temporal properties are different from those of nonziphiid odontocetes the potential for passive detection is enhanced.
ArticleOff-axis effects on the multipulse structure of sperm whale usual clicks with implications for sound production(Acoustical Society of America, 2005-11) Zimmer, Walter M. X. ; Madsen, Peter T. ; Teloni, Valeria ; Johnson, Mark P. ; Tyack, Peter L.Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) produce multipulsed clicks with their hypertrophied nasal complex. The currently accepted view of the sound generation process is based on the click structure measured directly in front of, or behind, the whale where regular interpulse intervals (IPIs) are found between successive pulses in the click. Most sperm whales, however, are recorded with the whale in an unknown orientation with respect to the hydrophone where the multipulse structure and the IPI do not conform to a regular pulse pattern. By combining far-field recordings of usual clicks with acoustic and orientation information measured by a tag on the clicking whale, we analyzed clicks from known aspects to the whale. We show that a geometric model based on the bent horn theory for sound production can explain the varying off-axis multipulse structure. Some of the sound energy that is reflected off the frontal sac radiates directly into the water creating an intermediate pulse p1/2 seen in off-axis recordings. The powerful p1 sonar pulse exits the front of the junk as predicted by the bent-horn model, showing that the junk of the sperm whale nasal complex is both anatomically and functionally homologous to the melon of smaller toothed whales.
ArticleModeling acoustic propagation of airgun array pulses recorded on tagged sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus)(Acoustical Society of America, 2006-12) DeRuiter, Stacy L. ; Tyack, Peter L. ; Lin, Ying-Tsong ; Newhall, Arthur E. ; Lynch, James F. ; Miller, Patrick J. O.In 2002 and 2003, tagged sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) were experimentally exposed to airgun pulses in the Gulf of Mexico, with the tags providing acoustic recordings at measured ranges and depths. Ray trace and parabolic equation (PE) models provided information about sound propagation paths and accurately predicted time of arrival differences between multipath arrivals. With adequate environmental information, a broadband acoustic PE model predicted the relative levels of multipath arrivals recorded on the tagged whales. However, lack of array source signature data limited modeling of absolute received levels. Airguns produce energy primarily below 250 Hz, with spectrum levels about 20–40 dB lower at 1 kHz. Some arrivals recorded near the surface in 2002 had energy predominantly above 500 Hz; a surface duct in the 2002 sound speed profile helps explain this effect, and the beampattern of the source array also indicates an increased proportion of high-frequency sound at near-horizontal launch angles. These findings indicate that airguns sometimes expose animals to measurable sound energy above 250 Hz, and demonstrate the influences of source and environmental parameters on characteristics of received airgun pulses. The study also illustrates that on-axis source levels and simple geometric spreading inadequately describe airgun pulse propagation and the extent of exposure zones.
Recording, acousticalZiphius cavirostris Liguria, Italy 7/23/2006 Animal a Audio Recording1(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2007-07-09T16:44:14Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionRecording of untagged beaked whales made by a DTAG floating at depth. Excellent quality recording at start, poor at end. Location: Liguria, Italy, Species: Ziphius cavirostris (Cuvier's Beaked Whale), Permit: NMFS 981-1707-00 to Peter Tyack, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Depth: 673(start)-133(finish), Water Depth: 2105
Recording, acousticalMesoplodon densirostris El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain 10/21/2005 Animal a Audio Recording1(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2007-07-09T17:50:07Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionRecording of untagged beaked whales made by a DTAG floating at depth. Excellent quality recording at start, poor at end. Location: El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain, Species: Mesoplodon densirostris (Blainville's Beaked Whale), Permit: Canary Islands Government permit to University of La Laguna, Depth: 595(start)-236(finish), Water Depth: 97
Working PaperPhotoidentification catalog of Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) in the Ligurian Sea(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: Alessandro Bocconcelli, abocconcelli@whoi.edu, 2008-04-08T19:56:48Z) Revelli, Eletta ; Pusser, Todd ; Bocconcelli, Alessandro ; Ballardini, Marco ; Sturlese, Albert ; Johnson, Mark P.A photo-ID catalog of Cuvier's beaked whales was compiled by analyzing data collected in the Ligurian Sea from 1998 to 2007. Data were collected during dedicated surveys for beaked whales, opportunistic whale watching cruises, and during several tagging efforts. A total of 2,300 photographs was collected and referenced to time and GPS position. Of these photographs, 650 were of sufficient quality to use for photo-identification. Photographs were divided into four categories, based on scarring and pigmentation patterns: very distinctive (heavily scarred and/or bold pigmentation), distinctive (many distinct scars and/or bold pigmentation), slightly distinctive (few scars and lack of bold pigmentation), and not distinctive (no scars and solid brown animal). 127 individual whales were identified, of which 10 were classified as adult males, 3 as adult females, 3 as calves, and 27 as immature whales, based on the above criteria. An additional 26 whales were classified as possible males, and 28 as possible females. During the 9 year study period, 34 whales were resighted, and the longest time between resights was 7 years.
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 9/11/2002 Animal b Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T17:59:55Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 785
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 9/11/2002 Animal c Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T18:53:29Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 785
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/26/2002 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T19:58:14Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 857
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/26/2002 Animal b Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T19:58:15Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 779
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 9/6/2002 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T19:58:16Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 1615
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/27/2002 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T19:58:17Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 705
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 9/10/2002 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T19:58:18Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 995
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/28/2002 Animal c Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T19:58:19Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 753
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/27/2002 Animal b Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T19:58:20Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 63
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/25/2002 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T19:58:21Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 1031
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/23/2002 Animal c Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T19:58:21Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 829
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 9/5/2002 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T19:58:22Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 1299
DatasetPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 9/11/2002 Animal a Depth Profile(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2008-07-25T19:58:23Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionDTAG data from a tagged sperm whale; depth (m) over time (s). Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Water Depth: 785