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Working PaperAFRAME : a video animation capability for displaying FINDIF numerical model output(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1995-07) Little, William S. ; Stephen, Ralph A.This report describes the development of a facility for recording time-varying computer graphics on video tape. The primary purpose of the facility is to produce animation sequences of ocean and seafloor acoustic wave fields from output of the synthetic seismogram numerical model FINDIF, and to record them on convenient portable VHS video tapes. The facility utilizes a suite of computer programs called AFRAME, and an Abekas model A60 digital video disk which is connected to the modeling computer and to broadcast quality video recording equipment.
Working PaperAlvin battery charging procedures(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1975-04) Hosom, David S. ; Donnelly, J. D. ; Page, W.The following procedures are currently used for initial activation and routine maintenance on the lead acid storage batteries used on the DSRV ALVIN.
Working PaperAlvin gyrocompass performance report : 5 June 1974 to 15 September 1974(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1975-05) Hosom, David S. ; Donnelly, J. D.This report documents the performance of two gyrocompasses used on ALVIN between 5 June and 15 Sept., 1974. During this period ALVIN participated in Project FAMOUS and completed a series of dives on the new England Sea Mounts. A Gyrosystems, Inc., Model 800 gyrocompass was used from June 5th until August 9th. A Sperry Marine Systems Company subminiature gyrocompass was used from August 9 through September 15. The Sperry and Gyrosystems compasses provided an accuracy within several degrees when cmpared to the ship's compass. The data does not represent a controlled evaluation since it was impossible to take reading simultaneously on ALVIN's and the support ship's compasses. Therefore this report should be considered as an at sea operational evaluation. Within the limitations of the evaluation and using the method described for calculating "offset" and "average error" the following summary comparison can be made. The Sperry gyrocompass had an average error of about 1.4°. The Gyrosystems Model 800 had an average error of 4.6°.
Working PaperAlvin operators manual(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1975-11) Shumaker, Lawrence A.The safe operation of the Deep Submergence Research vehicle ALVIN requires a great deal of planning and a high level of competence on the part of all persons concerned with the operation. In particular however it requires that the pilots have a thorough knowledge of the vehicle and the operating procedures which have been developed over a long period of varying types of operations. The primary purpose of an Operator's manual is to provide a framework around which pilots may build their knowledge and skills in such a fashion that everyone will know, at least ina general way, how the pilot will react to operational situations and to casualties. This allows the Surface Controller as well as the rest of the support crew to render a maximum of assistance with a minimum of communications and confusion. It must be understood however that under any given circumstance the pilot at the time is the only one who can assess the specific requirements for safe operation and decide on a course of action. in this sense the procedures in this Manual are meant to serve only as guidelines and the pilot is expected to utilize judgement and initiative in the operation of the DSRV.
Working PaperAlvin titanium electrical penetrator design, manufacture, and testing : interim report(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1976-05) Sharp, Arnold G. ; Walden, Barrie B. ; Hosom, David S.Under the U.S. Navy's Project TITANES a new titanium alloy pressure hull has been designed, built, and installed for use in the deep-submersible ALVIN. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution was assigned the task of designing, procuring and testing the through-hull electrical penetrators for the new sphere. This interim report traces the progress of this Woods Hole program from the initial design stage, through the various phases of manufacture and electrical testing, to the installation of the units in the completed hull, and the numerous laboratory~ pressure tank, and at-sea tests conducted to verify the satisfactory performance of the new penetrators. The results of all laboratory and in-service testing done to date support the conclusion that the performance of the titanium penetrators meets all of the original specifications.
Working PaperAlvin users manual(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1976-11) Bland, Edward L. ; Donnelly, J. D. ; Shumaker, Lawrence A.In order to plan a successful cruise utilizing the ALVIN/LULU system it is important for the user to understand the capabilities and limitations of the system. The Deep Submergence Engineering and Operations Section provides this manual as a means for the user to become familiar not only with the deep submersible ALVIN and its mother ship LULU, but also with the constraints put on the system by the environment, both above and below the ocean surface, and by geographic considerations. We strongly urge that, after reading this manual, potential ALVIN users contact us to discuss their plans and objectives. Such detailed discussion with experienced members of our group often lead to improved methods for accomplishing scientific objectives.
Working PaperAmbient noise analysis and finite difference modelling of VLF borehole seismic data(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1987-03) Stephen, Ralph A. ; Swift, Stephen A. ; Bolmer, S. ThompsonThis report describes a preliminary analysis of borehole seismic data to determine VLF/Sub-bottom Seismic Noise in the Atlantic and the preliminary results of finite difference modelling for a Cape Fear environment. Noise levels were not a simple function of depth and there are indications that noise levels may depend on local geology about a given receiver position and/or on clamping. Coherency of the noise was generally poor (<0.8) and was independent of depth. There is no evidence for distinct polarizations or directionality of the noise. The lowest determined value for ambient noise power on the vertical component was 10-4 nm2/Hz in the frequency range from 5-50 Hz. The better clamped horizontal component had comparable power values. In conclusion, although the drill ship was on the site and drill pipe was in the hole, analysis of the data for a large number of windows can provide meaningful upper bounds on the ambient noise levels in the upper crust.
Working PaperBathymetry and sediment thickness survey of the Hawaii-2 cable : cruise report for Kiwi expedition leg 2 on the R/V Roger Revelle(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1997) Stephen, Ralph A. ; Swift, Stephen A. ; Greaves, Robert J.The primary purpose of this cruise was to identify at least two potential observatory sites along the Hawaii-2 cable that would be suitable for drilling a hole to basement. There is a funded program, the Hawaii-2 Observatory (H20), to install a junction box on the cable about mid-way between California and Hawaii (Figures 1 and 2). We want to identify sites in advance so that drilling will be possible near the observatory. This will permit a large range of borehole experiments to be cared out continuously and in real time. Based on available data we chose a section of cable between 140° and 143°W. This cable lies on a ribbon of 'normal' oceanic crust with well defined magnetic anomalies and relatively smooth bathymetry. The goals were to acquire SEABEAM bathymetry data and single channel seismic reflection data along this section of cable, to identify at least two potential sites along the cable and to car out SCS surveys within about 10km radius of the sites. Since the H20 cable has been given to the scientific community it is a valuable resource for research. While transiting to and from the site we felt that it would be wortwhile to acquire SEABEAM data along as much of the cable track as possible. This 'spec' data, Seabeam and magnetometer data between 130°W and 155°W may be useful to other investigators in the future.
Working PaperBottom array specifications for the low frequency acoustic seismic experiment (LFASE)(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1991-10) Bocconcelli, Alessandro ; Berteaux, Henri O. ; Stephen, Ralph A. ; Spiess, Fred ; Spiess, Fred ; Craig, Harmon ; Spiess, FredThe Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment (LFASE) was conducted to measure sound propagation and ambient noise above, at and below the sea floor. To this end an array consisting of four geophone nodes was introduced into a DSDP borehole. These seismic sensors were clamped inside the borehole at various depths below the ocean floor. The geophone array was connected by an electromechanical cable to a bottom reentry structure (BCU frame) housing the Data Recording Unit (DRU), the Data Telemetry Unit (DTU), the Bottom Control Unit (BCU) and the power supply.
Working PaperBroadband borehole seismic system integration tests : report of the system integration tests at MPL/SIO(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1998) Goldsborough, Robert G. ; Austin, Gary ; Bolmer, S. Thompson ; Jabson, David M. ; Jonke, Patrick ; Gould, Matthew R. ; Hildebrand, John A. ; Hollinshead, C. B. ; Offield, Glen ; Orcutt, John ; Peal, Kenneth R. ; Spiess, Fred N. ; Stephen, Ralph A. ; Vernon, Frank L. ; Willoughby, David F. ; Zimmerman, RichardThis report describes a series of tests performed at SIO/MPL, Point Lorna the week of 17 November 1997 designed to achieve integration of the Broadband Borehole Seismic System (BBBSS) in preparation for the OSN Pilot Experiment cruise on RN Thompson during January 1997. Representatives from all groups were present (see appendix A), with their respective parts of the system and support equipment. It was anticipated that these tests would result in the complete integration of the various components of the borehole seismometer system in preparation for the January cruise. The system would be assembled and tested following a plan (see appendix C) that would culminate in the fully integrated borehole seismometer being wet tested off the MPL pier.
Working PaperA comparative study of the heave and pitch motions of, the deep submersible, Alvin and her support catamaran during surface operations(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1967-05-10) Booth, Ronald J.The heaving and pitching motions of ALVIN and her support catamaran are predicted theoretically and experimentally determined at zero speed by model tests. Comparison is made between theory predictions and experimental results for each of the vessels and then the model test results for the two vessels, with ALVIN in the recovery position are compared. The theoretical results were computed by a computer program based on the Korvin-Kroukovsky linear theory of ship motions in conjunction with Grim's added mass and damping coefficients. The experimental work with 1/20 scale models was performed at the M.I.T. ship Model Towing Tank. It is concluded that theory predictions, correlates reasonably well with model test results for the catamaran. Teh comparisons for ALVIN were invalidated by questionable experimental data and possible inapplicability of theory. From experimental tests, it was concluded, that the motions of the two ships are synchronous at wavelengths about equal to the length of the catamaran, that the catamaran significantly damps the heave of ALVIN, and that the ALVIN has little effect on the catamaran, in the recovery position. Recommendations for further research in this important part of a "Deep Submergence Vehicle System" are presented.
Working PaperCriteria for the selection, training and qualification of pilots for the deep submergence engineering and operations section(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1968-02) Bland, Edward L.Because of the comparative newness of the deep submergence vehicle and the business of selecting and training new operators, a standard set of procedures do not exist. A firm program will only resolve itself after a number of operators have been successfully trained and qualified. Subsequent additions, deletions and revisions to the system will be made as the experience level increases. Background and experience requirements are not firm at this point - they will be flexible to fit the abilities and background of the particular individual and organization. Minimum selection requirements such as physical and psychological fitness, integrity, maturity and judgment must, of necessity, be defined however. Other selection requirements may be altered to fit the individual.
Working PaperCruise plans for R/V Chain cruise #43 : Indian Ocean expedition(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1964-01) Bunce, Elizabeth T.The proposed cruise of R/V CHAIN to the Indian Ocean will take place from February to June 1964. Following the Indian Ocean section of the cruise, R/V CHAIN will proceed to the Mediterranean Sea and will do further work in this area. The latter program will be covered in a separate cruise plan. The background and objectives of the scientific program in the Indian Ocean are detailed in the research proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation, found in Appendix A.
Working PaperDesign and manufacture of new emergency hull release for Alvin(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1965-08) Mavor, James W. ; Sharp, Arnold G.The emergency hull release of ALVIN was redesigned in an effort to reduce shaft bending stress and to eliminate galling of contacting surfaces. new design features quarter-turn cam on unthreaded shaft instead of eight-turn threaded shaft of original device. major components are made of Monel K-500 and phosphor bronze inserts used at points of high contact stress.
Working PaperDesign curves for oceanographic pressure-resistant housings(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1981-08) Sharp, Arnold G.Curves have been prepared to serve as a guide in designing externally pressurized cylindrical and spherical housings and flat end closures. The plots show wall thickness-to-diameter ratio as a function of collapse depth over the range 0-10,000 meters (0-32,800 feet). Curves are plotted for the commonly used stainless steels and aluminum and titanium alloys. Also, there are three dimensionless curves that can be used for any structural material. Included is a brief review of the equations used in plotting the curves.
Working PaperA discussion of various means for improving visibility from the DSRV Alvin or similar vehicles(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1966-11) Baxter, LincolnPlots of distortion and lateral chromatic aberration of plan ports for underwater viewing are given. Optical characteristics of window materials are discussed. Various simple lens and mirror systems to correct the window aberrations and/or give a wider field of view are evaluated. Unless infinity viewing system (those that project a field of view to both eyes) or more conventional internal telescopes or binoculars are employed the observer or pilot must crouch with face very close to the window to perceive a wide field. Because of the great volume required for the optics of infinity viewing systems, binocular telescopes with eyepieces are thought to be more practical means for increasing pilot and observer comfort. it is shown that hemispherical pressure windows are required for high performance scanning systems and a layout for such a system is given.
Working PaperDSRV Alvin weight report : 1971(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1971-08) Sharp, Arnold G. ; Winget, Clifford L. ; Eliason, Andrew H.Complete weight and stability calculations are presented for the newly rebuilt research submarine ALVIN. Longitudinal and vertical components of the BG distance are given for the vehicle in its normal condition, and in a number of emergency conditions. Some of the post-refit certification trials also are described and test results are given. Experimentally determined values of BG are compared with the computed values.
Working PaperDSRV Alvin weight report : 1972(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1972-12) Sharp, Arnold G. ; Eliason, Andrew H.Complete weight and stability computations are presented for the research submarine ALVIN for the year 1972. Longitudinal and vertical components of the BG distance are shown for the vehicle in its normal submerged condition, for the vehicle with the large rock drill attached and then released, and for a number of vehicle emergency conditions. Calculations for pounds per inch immersion and moment to trim one degree also are included. Results of the tethered trim dive are presented and discussed.
Working PaperDSRV Alvin weight report : 1974(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1974-12) Sharp, Arnold G.Weight and stability computations are presented for the research submarine ALVIN for the year 1974. Longitudinal and vertical components of the BG distance are shown for the vehicle in its normal submerged condition, and for a number of vehicle emergency conditions. Calculations for pounds per inch immersion and moment to heel one degree also are included.
Working PaperDSRV Alvin weight report : 1975(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1975-10) Sharp, Arnold G.Weight and stability information has been updated for the research submarine ALVIN for 1975. The report includes results of the computations programmed for the Institution's XDS Sigma-7 computer, observed values resulting from the tethered trim dive and inclining experiments, and miscellaneous stability calculations. principal results are the weight, displacement, and longitudinal and vertical components of the BG and GM distances, for the complete submersible, and for various major sub-assemblies.