Bathymetry and sediment thickness survey of the Hawaii-2 cable : cruise report for Kiwi expedition leg 2 on the R/V Roger Revelle

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Stephen, Ralph A.
Swift, Stephen A.
Greaves, Robert J.
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The primary purpose of this cruise was to identify at least two potential observatory sites along the Hawaii-2 cable that would be suitable for drilling a hole to basement. There is a funded program, the Hawaii-2 Observatory (H20), to install a junction box on the cable about mid-way between California and Hawaii (Figures 1 and 2). We want to identify sites in advance so that drilling will be possible near the observatory. This will permit a large range of borehole experiments to be cared out continuously and in real time. Based on available data we chose a section of cable between 140° and 143°W. This cable lies on a ribbon of 'normal' oceanic crust with well defined magnetic anomalies and relatively smooth bathymetry. The goals were to acquire SEABEAM bathymetry data and single channel seismic reflection data along this section of cable, to identify at least two potential sites along the cable and to car out SCS surveys within about 10km radius of the sites. Since the H20 cable has been given to the scientific community it is a valuable resource for research. While transiting to and from the site we felt that it would be wortwhile to acquire SEABEAM data along as much of the cable track as possible. This 'spec' data, Seabeam and magnetometer data between 130°W and 155°W may be useful to other investigators in the future.
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