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The DTAG was developed by WHOI principal investigators in 1999 with funding from ONR and WHOI endowment. This non-invasive tag records the sounds heard, and made, by the marine mammal together with its depth and orientation (i.e., pitch, roll, and heading), in a synchronized fashion throughout the dive cycle.
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Browsing DTAG by Subject "Audio recording - Sperm Whale, Cachalot"
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Recording, acousticalPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/23/2002 Animal c Audio Recordings(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2010-08-03T14:17:59Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionCodas during the discent phase of the first deep dive. Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Sponsor: Mineral Management Service, Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Depth at start: 70.60 m, Depth at end: 119.72 m, Start time in sec since tag on: 28, End time in sec since tag on 52
Recording, acousticalPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/23/2002 Animal c Audio Recordings(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2010-08-03T14:17:59Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionRegular clicks during the discent phase of the first deep dive. Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Sponsor: Mineral Management Service, Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Depth at start: 252.64 m, Depth at end: 295.98 m, Start time in sec since tag on: 120, End time in sec since tag on 148
Recording, acousticalPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/23/2002 Animal c Audio Recordings(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2010-08-03T14:13:52Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionBuzz at max depth of the first deep dive. Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Sponsor: Mineral Management Service, Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Depth at start: 736.99 m, Depth at end: 744.78 m, Start time in sec since tag on: 557, End time in sec since tag on 569
Recording, acousticalPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/25/2002 Animal a Audio Recordings(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2010-08-03T14:17:59Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionClicks during the discent phase of the first deep dive. Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Sponsor: Mineral Management Service, Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Depth at start: 159.29 m, Depth at end: 183.73 m, Start time in sec since tag on: 4476, End time in sec since tag on 4506
Recording, acousticalPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/25/2002 Animal a Audio Recordings(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2010-08-03T14:18:00Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionClicks and long buzz during the discent phase of the first deep dive. Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Sponsor: Mineral Management Service, Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Depth at start: 426.87 m, Depth at end: 479.99 m, Start time in sec since tag on: 4708, End time in sec since tag on 4738
Recording, acousticalPhyseter macrocephalus Gulf of Mexico 8/25/2002 Animal a Audio Recordings(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2010-08-03T14:17:58Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionOverlapping coda exchange, focal codas and clicks during the discent phase of the first deep dive. Permit: Research was conducted under permit #981-1578 issued by NMFS under the authority of the MMPA and the EPA, Sponsor: Mineral Management Service, Location: Gulf of Mexico, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Depth at start: 89.74 m, Depth at end: 133.79 m, Start time in sec since tag on: 4398, End time in sec since tag on 4436
Recording, acousticalPhyseter macrocephalus Mediterranean 7/10/2002 Animal b Audio Recordings(The DTAG Project, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Contact: dtag@whoi.edu, 2010-05-24T14:43:56Z) Johnson, Mark P. ; Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionBuzz at depth during a 915 m deep dive. Permit: , Sponsor: , Location: Mediterranean, Species: Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale, Cachalot), Depth at start: 758.81 m, Depth at end: 772.28 m, Start time in sec since tag on: 13729, End time in sec since tag on 13749