Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Nd, Ni, and Pb from Leg 1 (Seattle, WA to Hilo, HI) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1814) on R/V Roger Revelle from September to October 2018

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Date Created
Pacific Meridional Transect along 152W (GP15)
Pacific Ocean from Aleutians to Tahiti along 152 W
westlimit: -156.962; southlimit: 19.681; eastlimit: -151.999; northlimit: 56.094
Related Materials
Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Nd, Ni, and Pb from Leg 1 (Seattle, WA to Hilo, HI) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1814) on R/V Roger Revelle from September to October 2018. For a complete list of measurements, refer to the full dataset description in the supplemental file 'Dataset_description.pdf'. The most current version of this dataset is available at: https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/835589
Dataset: GP15 Dissolved Ba Cd Cu Ga Mn Nd Ni and Pb Leg 1
Embargo Date
Shiller, A. M. (2021). Dissolved concentrations of Ba, Cd, Cu, Ga, Mn, Nd, Ni, and Pb from Leg 1 (Seattle, WA to Hilo, HI) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1814) on R/V Roger Revelle from September to October 2018 (Version 3) [Data set]. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). https://doi.org/10.26008/1912/BCO-DMO.835589.3
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