Stratification breakdown in Antarctic coastal polynyas, part I: influence of physical factors on the destratification timescale

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Xu, Yilang
Zhang, Weifeng Gordon
Maksym, Ted
Ji, Rubao
Li, Yun
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Sea ice
Coastal flows
Oceanic mixed layer
Numerical analysis/modeling
This study examines the process of water-column stratification breakdown in Antarctic coastal polynyas adjacent to an ice shelf with a cavity underneath. This first part of a two-part sequence seeks to quantify the influence of offshore katabatic winds, alongshore winds, air temperature, and initial ambient stratification on the time scales of polynya destratification through combining process-oriented numerical simulations and analytical scaling. In particular, the often-neglected influence of wind-driven circulation on the lateral transport of the water formed at the polynya surface—which we call Polynya Source Water (PSW)—is systematically examined here. First, an ice shelf–sea ice–ocean coupled numerical model is adapted to simulate the process of PSW formation in polynyas of various configurations. The simulations highlight that (i) before reaching the bottom, majority of the PSW is actually carried away from the polynya by katabatic wind–induced offshore outflow, diminishing water-column mixing in the polynya and intrusion of the PSW into the neighboring ice shelf cavity, and (ii) alongshore coastal easterly winds, through inducing onshore Ekman transport, reduce offshore loss of the PSW and enhance polynya mixing and PSW intrusion into the cavity. Second, an analytical scaling of the destratification time scale is derived based on fundamental physical principles to quantitatively synthesize the influence of the physical factors, which is then verified by independent numerical sensitivity simulations. This work provides insights into the mechanisms that drive temporal and cross-polynya variations in stratification and PSW formation in Antarctic coastal polynyas, and establishes a framework for studying differences among the polynyas in the ocean.
Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2023. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Xu, Y., Zhang, W. (Gordon), Maksym, T., Ji, R., & Li, Y. (2023a). Stratification breakdown in Antarctic coastal polynyas, part I: influence of physical factors on the destratification timescale. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(9), 2047-2067,
Embargo Date
Xu, Y., Zhang, W. (Gordon), Maksym, T., Ji, R., & Li, Y. (2023a). Stratification breakdown in Antarctic coastal polynyas, part I: influence of physical factors on the destratification timescale. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(9), 2047-2067.
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