Lifespan extension by caloric restriction is determined by type and level of food reduction and by reproductive mode in Brachionus manjavacas (Rotifera)
Lifespan extension by caloric restriction is determined by type and level of food reduction and by reproductive mode in Brachionus manjavacas (Rotifera)
Gribble, Kristin E.
Mark Welch, David B.
Mark Welch, David B.
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We measured lifespan and fecundity of three reproductive modes in a clone of
the monogonont rotifer Brachionus manjavacas subjected to chronic caloric
restriction (CCR) over a range of food concentrations or to intermittent fasting
(IF). IF increased lifespan 50 – 70% for all three modes, while CCR increased
lifespan of asexual females derived from sexually- or asexually-produced eggs,
but not that of sexual females. The main effect of CR on both asexual modes
was to delay death at young ages, rather than to prevent death at middle ages or
to greatly extend maximum lifespan; in contrast CR in sexual females greatly
increased the lifespan of a few long-lived individuals. Lifetime fecundity did not
decrease with CCR, suggesting a lack of resource allocation trade-off between
somatic maintenance and reproduction. Multiple outcomes for a clonal lineage
indicate that different responses are established through epigenetic
programming, while differences in lifespan allocations suggest that multiple
genetic mechanisms mediate lifespan extension.
Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2012. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Oxford University Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences 68 (2013): 349-358, doi:10.1093/gerona/gls170.