Predicting seabed burial of cylinders by wave-induced scour : application to the sandy inner shelf off Florida and Massachusetts
Predicting seabed burial of cylinders by wave-induced scour : application to the sandy inner shelf off Florida and Massachusetts
Trembanis, Arthur C.
Friedrichs, Carl T.
Richardson, Michael D.
Traykovski, Peter A.
Howd, Peter A.
Elmore, Paul A.
Wever, Thomas F.
Friedrichs, Carl T.
Richardson, Michael D.
Traykovski, Peter A.
Howd, Peter A.
Elmore, Paul A.
Wever, Thomas F.
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Heterogeneous sediment
Inner continental shelf
Mine burial
Real-time forecasts
Scour modeling
Inner continental shelf
Mine burial
Real-time forecasts
Scour modeling
A simple parameterized model for wave-induced
burial of mine-like cylinders as a function of grain-size,
time-varying, wave orbital velocity and mine diameter was
implemented and assessed against results from inert instrumented
mines placed off the Indian Rocks Beach (IRB, FL), and off the
Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO, Edgartown,
MA). The steady flow scour parameters provided by Whitehouse
(1998) for self-settling cylinders worked well for predicting burial
by depth below the ambient seabed for Ο (0.5 m) diameter mines
in fine sand at both sites. By including or excluding scour pit
infilling, a range of percent burial by surface area was predicted
that was also consistent with observations. Rapid scour pit infilling
was often seen at MVCO but never at IRB, suggesting that the
environmental presence of fine sediment plays a key role in promoting
infilling. Overprediction of mine scour in coarse sand was
corrected by assuming a mine within a field of large ripples buries
only until it generates no more turbulence than that produced by
surrounding bedforms. The feasibility of using a regional wave
model to predict mine burial in both hindcast and real-time forecast
mode was tested using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA, Washington, DC) WaveWatch 3 (WW3)
model. Hindcast waves were adequate for useful operational
forcing of mine burial predictions, but five-day wave forecasts
introduced large errors. This investigation was part of a larger
effort to develop simple yet reliable predictions of mine burial
suitable for addressing the operational needs of the U.S. Navy.
Author Posting. © IEEE, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of IEEE for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 32 (2007): 167-183, doi:10.1109/JOE.2007.890958.
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IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 32 (2007): 167-183