Diatom hotspots driven by western boundary current instability
Diatom hotspots driven by western boundary current instability
Oliver, Hilde
Zhang, Weifeng G.
Smith, Walker O.
Alatalo, Philip
Chappell, Phoebe Dreux
Hirzel, Andrew
Selden, Corday
Sosik, Heidi M.
Stanley, Rachel H. R.
Zhu, Yifan
McGillicuddy, Dennis J.
Zhang, Weifeng G.
Smith, Walker O.
Alatalo, Philip
Chappell, Phoebe Dreux
Hirzel, Andrew
Selden, Corday
Sosik, Heidi M.
Stanley, Rachel H. R.
Zhu, Yifan
McGillicuddy, Dennis J.
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Climatic changes have decreased the stability of the Gulf Stream (GS), increasing the frequency at which its meanders interact with the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) continental shelf and slope region. These intrusions are thought to suppress biological productivity by transporting low-nutrient water to the otherwise productive shelf edge region. Here we present evidence of widespread, anomalously intense subsurface diatom hotspots in the MAB slope sea that likely resulted from a GS intrusion in July 2019. The hotspots (at ∼50 m) were associated with water mass properties characteristic of GS water (∼100 m); it is probable that the hotspots resulted from the upwelling of GS water during its transport into the slope sea, likely by a GS meander directly intruding onto the continental slope east of where the hotspots were observed. Further work is required to unravel how increasingly frequent direct GS intrusions could influence MAB marine ecosystems.
Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2021. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 48(11), (2021): e2020GL091943, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL091943.
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Oliver, H., Zhang, W. G., Smith, W. O. J. J., Alatalo, P., Chappell, P. D., Hirzel, A. J., Selden, C. R., Sosik, H. M., Stanley, R. H. R., Zhu, Y., & McGillicuddy, D. J. Jr. (2021). Diatom hotspots driven by western boundary current instability. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(11), e2020GL091943.