Exchanges between hemispheres and gyres : a direct approach to the mean circulation of the equatorial Pacific
Exchanges between hemispheres and gyres : a direct approach to the mean circulation of the equatorial Pacific
Wijffels, Susan E.
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10°N - 14°S
Equatorial Pacific
Equatorial Pacific
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Ocean circulation
Moana Wave (Ship) Cruise MW89
Moana Wave (Ship) Cruise MW89
An extensive set of new high-quality hydrographic data is assembled in order to determine
the mean circulation in the equatorial Pacific, and thus the pathways for cross-equatorial and
cross-gyre exchange. Making up the core of the data set are two onetime transpacific zonal
sections nominally at 10°N and 14°S. Supplementing these are repeat surveys of the equatorial
currents along the 165°E meridian with direct shear measurements, and repeat surveys of
the western boundary current at 8°N including direct velocity measurements. The repeat survey
data are crucial for obtaining a good estimate of the mean conditions in the face of strong
annual and interannual variability of the near-equatorial flow field. A comparison with historical
XBT and hydrographic data shows that the interior thermocline transports in the one-time
sections are fortuitously representative of the mean conditions.
A detailed study of the water mass distribution along the sections is the basis for choosing
reference levels for the thermal wind shear in an initial guess circulation field. Using an
inverse model, the initial guess circulation is adjusted such that volume, heat and salt arc conserved
in a set of subthermocline layers (δΘ > 26.7). Cross-isopycnal diffusion and advection
are explicitly accounted for in the inverse model, and the diapycnal diffusivity is constrained
to be positive, though its value is allowed to vary with depth and location. Net mass conservation
constraints are applied to the enclosed volumes of the North Pacific and eastern
Pacific, and essentially require that the Ekman divergence be equal to the geostrophic
convergence. The Ekman fluxes as estimated from wind-stress climatologies are an
important element of the mass budget, and yet are subject to large uncertainties. The
model is therefore given the freedom to determine the Ekman fluxes within the range of error
of the wind-stresses.
The circulation of the coldest waters (Θ < 1.2°C) is dominated by the northward flow of
Lower Circumpolar Water (LCPW) in a system of narrow western boundary currents. A net
transport of 12.1 Sv of LCPW flows across 14°S, 9.6 Sv of which flows into the North Pacific
across 10°N. The bulk of the LCPW flux across the equator appears to occur in the denser
part of the western boundary current which follows topography directly across the equator.
Dissipation in the boundary layer can thus modify the potential vorticity of the fluid and
allow it to cross the equator. The circulation of the upper part of the LCPW is dominated by
a strong westward jet at the equator which is supplied both by upwelling from below and the
recirculation of modified LCPW from the North Pacific.
At mid-depth (4.0 > Θ > 1.2°C) high silica and low oxygen concentrations mark the North Pacific Deep Water (NPDW) which is present in both the North and South Pacific Oceans.
Across both 10°N and 14°S, a net of 11 Sv of NPDW flows southward, returning the northward
mass flux associated with the LCPW. In contrast to the LCPW, narrow western boundary
currents are not present in this layer, and it is not clear how the deep water flows across
the equator. Strong zonal jets on and about the equator may be important in allowing mass to
cross the equator by increasing the time available for the cross-equatorial diffusion of potential
vorticity to act on a fluid parcel.
At intermediate depths equatorward advection is suggested by the presence of intermediate
water salinity minima formed in the subpolar latitudes: Antarctic Intermediate Water dominates
the 4 to 8°C classes south of the equator, while North Pacific Intermediate Water occupies
this range north of the equator. Determination of the mean circulation of the intermediate
waters is, however, confounded by the large eddies that dominate the geostrophic transport
stream function along the onetime zonal sections.
The equatorial thermocline is occupied by waters of subtropical origin: the shallow salinity
minimum waters and saline Central Water from both the North and South Pacific Ocean. The
equator marks the location of a front between northern and southern subtropical gyre waters,
except in the lower thermocline where water from the South Pacific subtropical gyre penetrates
to about 4°N to feed the Northern Subsurface Countercurrent at 165°E. All of the equatorward
flowing thermocline waters are entrained in the eastward equatorial currents which
in turn feed the upwelling system in the eastern Pacific. The upwelled waters largely supply
the South Equatorial Current in the eastern Pacific, accounting for its large transport compared
to that predicted by Sverdrup dynamics. Northward flow across the equator of the
upwelled waters in the thermocline or surface layer in the western Pacific is necessary to supply
the Ekman flux into the North Pacific.
The analysis indicates that the Pacific Ocean does not convert a large amount of abyssal water
to thermocline water, as required by several theories of the global thermohaline circulation.
In contrast to the Atlantic Ocean, the thermocline circulation in the Pacific appears decoupled
from the abyssal overturning, with little upwelling of abyssal waters occurring in either the
North Pacific or the equatorial Pacific. The leakage of Pacific water into the Indian Ocean is
deduced to be essentially zero, though an error analysis allows a range of 0-8 x 106m3s-1.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution September 1993
Embargo Date
Wijffels, S. E. (1993). Exchanges between hemispheres and gyres : a direct approach to the mean circulation of the equatorial Pacific [Doctoral thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution]. Woods Hole Open Access Server.