Geomorphology and Neogene tectonic evolution of the Palomares continental margin (Western Mediterranean)
Geomorphology and Neogene tectonic evolution of the Palomares continental margin (Western Mediterranean)
Gomez de la Peña, Laura
Gracia, Eulalia
Munoz, Araceli
Acosta, Juan
Gomez-Ballesteros, María
Ranero, Cesar R.
Uchupi, Elazar
Gracia, Eulalia
Munoz, Araceli
Acosta, Juan
Gomez-Ballesteros, María
Ranero, Cesar R.
Uchupi, Elazar
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Multichannel Seismic reflection
SE Iberia margin
Geodynamic evolution
SE Iberia margin
Geodynamic evolution
The Palomares continental margin is located in the southeastern part of Spain. The
margin main structure was formed during Miocene times, and it is currently part of the
wide deformation zone characterizing the region between the Iberian and African plates,
where no well-defined plate boundary occurs. The convergence between these two
plates is here accommodated by several structures, including the left lateral strike-slip
Palomares Fault. The region is characterized by sparse, low to moderate magnitude
(Mw < 5.2) shallow instrumental earthquakes, although large historical events have also
occurred. To understand the recent tectonic history of the margin we analyze new high-resolution multibeam bathymetry data and re-processed three multichannel seismic
reflection profiles crossing the main structures. The analysis of seafloor morphology
and associated subsurface structure provides new insights of the active tectonic features
of the area. In contrast to other segments of the southeastern Iberian margin, the
Palomares margin contains numerous large and comparatively closely spaced canyons
with heads that reach near the coast. The margin relief is also characterized by the
presence of three prominent igneous submarine ridges that include the Aguilas,
Abubacer and Maimonides highs. Erosive processes evidenced by a number of scars,
slope failures, gullies and canyon incisions shape the present-day relief of the Palomares
margin. Seismic images reveal the deep structure distinguishing between Miocene
structures related to the formation of the margin and currently active features, some of
which may reactivate inherited structures. The structure of the margin started with an
extensional phase accompanied by volcanic accretion during the Serravallian, followed
by a compressional pulse that started during the Latemost Tortonian. Nowadays,
tectonic activity offshore is subdued and limited to few, minor faults, in comparison
with the activity recorded onshore. The deep Algero-Balearic Basin is affected by
surficial processes, associated to halokinesis of Messinian evaporites.
© The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Tectonophysics 689 (2016): 25-39, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.03.009.