Cruise Report S-203 : Scientific data collected aboard SSV Robert C. Seamans, Papeete, Tahiti – Rangiroa Atoll, Tuamoto Archipelago – Nuku Hiva, Marquesas – Honolulu, Hawaii. 7 February, 2006 - 18 March, 2006

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Schell, Jeffrey M.
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This cruise report provides a record of data collected during S203 aboard the SSV Robert C. Seamans from Papeete, Tahiti to Honolulu, Hawaii (Figure 1) with stops at Rangiroa Atoll, and Nuku Hiva, Marquesas. We collected samples or data with 189 individual deployments from 69 discrete stations (Table 2) along our cruise track. In addition we continuously sampled water depth, sub-bottom profiles and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiles (ADCP) along with flow-through sea surface temperature, salinity and in vivo fluorescence. This report summarizes physical, chemical and biological characteristics at the sea surface (Table 3, Figure 2) and at depth (Tables 4 and 5, Figure 3a) along our cruise track and around surveyed seamounts (Figure 3b). Large scale hydrography are summarized by contour plots of temperature, salinity and sound velocity or fluorescence along our cruise track (Figure 4a) and around surveyed seamounts (Figure 4b and c); whereas large scale current patterns are summarized by contour plots of current direction, magnitude and echo amplitude (Figure 5a - c). The distribution of neuston net stations, meter net stations and corresponding zooplankton density and numbers of select nekton species are presented (Table 6 and 7). Distribution and depth of phytoplankton drift nets are also provided (Table 8). Location and relevant station depths for bathyphotometer, secchi disc and shipek grab (atop seamount summits) deployments are shown in tables 9-11 respectively. A complete oceanographic survey of two seamounts, west of the Marquesan Islands was completed. Additional CTD, CHIRP, ADCP and biological data not reported here are available on request through Sea Education Association (SEA) and the Chief Scientist. The information in this report is not intended to represent final interpretation of the data and should not be excerpted or cited without written permission from SEA. In addition, diel patterns of myctophids (lantern fish), pteropods and bioluminescence potential were studied in relation to the lunar phase. Results, not reported here, are available upon request through SEA. As part of SEA’s educational program, undergraduates conducted idependent oceanographic research during the cruise. Project topics explored physical, chemical, biological and geological oceanography (Table 12). Student research efforts culminated in a written report and public presentation to the ship’s company. These papers are available on request from SEA.
Papeete, Tahiti – Rangiroa Atoll, Tuamoto Archipelago – Nuku Hiva, Marquesas – Honolulu, Hawaii. 7 February, 2006 - 18 March, 2006
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