Dissolved gases in the deep North Atlantic track ocean ventilation processes
Dissolved gases in the deep North Atlantic track ocean ventilation processes
Seltzer, Alan M.
Nicholson, David P.
Smethie, William M.
Tyne, Rebecca L.
Le Roy, Emilie
Stanley, Rachel H. R.
Stute, Martin
Barry, Peter H.
McPaul, Katelyn
Davidson, Perrin W.
Chang, Bonnie X.
Rafter, Patrick A.
Lethaby, Paul
Johnson, Rod J.
Khatiwala, Samar
Jenkins, William J.
Nicholson, David P.
Smethie, William M.
Tyne, Rebecca L.
Le Roy, Emilie
Stanley, Rachel H. R.
Stute, Martin
Barry, Peter H.
McPaul, Katelyn
Davidson, Perrin W.
Chang, Bonnie X.
Rafter, Patrick A.
Lethaby, Paul
Johnson, Rod J.
Khatiwala, Samar
Jenkins, William J.
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Air-sea interaction
Overturning circulation
Gas exchange
Nitrogen cycle
Noble gases
Overturning circulation
Gas exchange
Nitrogen cycle
Noble gases
Gas exchange between the atmosphere and ocean interior profoundly impacts global climate and biogeochemistry. However, our understanding of the relevant physical processes remains limited by a scarcity of direct observations. Dissolved noble gases in the deep ocean are powerful tracers of physical air-sea interaction due to their chemical and biological inertness, yet their isotope ratios have remained underexplored. Here, we present high-precision noble gas isotope and elemental ratios from the deep North Atlantic (~32°N, 64°W) to evaluate gas exchange parameterizations using an ocean circulation model. The unprecedented precision of these data reveal deep-ocean undersaturation of heavy noble gases and isotopes resulting from cooling-driven air-to-sea gas transport associated with deep convection in the northern high latitudes. Our data also imply an underappreciated and large role for bubble-mediated gas exchange in the global air-sea transfer of sparingly soluble gases, including O, N, and SF. Using noble gases to validate the physical representation of air-sea gas exchange in a model also provides a unique opportunity to distinguish physical from biogeochemical signals. As a case study, we compare dissolved N/Ar measurements in the deep North Atlantic to physics-only model predictions, revealing excess N from benthic denitrification in older deep waters (below 2.9 km). These data indicate that the rate of fixed N removal in the deep Northeastern Atlantic is at least three times higher than the global deep-ocean mean, suggesting tight coupling with organic carbon export and raising potential future implications for the marine N cycle.
© The Author(s), 2023. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Seltzer, A. M., Nicholson, D. P., Smethie, W. M., Tyne, R. L., Le Roy, E., Stanley, R. H. R., Stute, M., Barry, P. H., McPaul, K., Davidson, P. W., Chang, B. X., Rafter, P. A., Lethaby, P., Johnson, R. J., Khatiwala, S., & Jenkins, W. J. Dissolved gases in the deep North Atlantic track ocean ventilation processes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(11), (2023): e2217946120, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2217946120.
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Seltzer, A. M., Nicholson, D. P., Smethie, W. M., Tyne, R. L., Le Roy, E., Stanley, R. H. R., Stute, M., Barry, P. H., McPaul, K., Davidson, P. W., Chang, B. X., Rafter, P. A., Lethaby, P., Johnson, R. J., Khatiwala, S., & Jenkins, W. J. (2023). Dissolved gases in the deep North Atlantic track ocean ventilation processes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(11), e2217946120.