Seismicity and structure of the Orozco transform fault from ocean bottom seismic observations
Seismicity and structure of the Orozco transform fault from ocean bottom seismic observations
Trehu, Anne M.
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Orozco Fracture Zone
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Seismic waves
Ocean bottom
Ocean bottom
In this thesis, seismic waves generated by sources
ranging from 2.7 kg shots of TNT to magnitude 5 earthquakes
are studied in order to determine the seismic activity and
crustal structure of the Orozco transform fault. Most of the
data were collected by a network of 29 ocean bottom
seismometers (OBS) and hydrophones (OBH) which were deployed
as part of project ROSE (Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment).
Additional information is provided by magnetic anomaly and
bathymetric data collected during and prior to ROSE and by
teleseismic earthquakes recorded by the WWSSN (Worldwide
Seismic Station Network).
In Chapter II, the tectonic setting, bathymetry and
teleseismic history of the Orozco Fracture Zone are
summarized. Covering an area of 90 x 90 km which includes
ridges and troughs trending both parallel and perpendicular
to the present spreading direction (approximately east-west),
the bathymetry of the transform portion of the fracture zone
does not resemble that of other transform faults which have
been studied in detail. A detailed study of one of the
largest teleseismic earthquakes (mb=5.1) indicates right
lateral strike-slip faulting with a strike parallel to the
present spreading direction and a focal depth of less than 5
km. The moment sum from teleseismic earthquakes suggests an
average fault width of at most a few kilometers. Because the
teleseismic earthquake locations are too imprecise to define
the present plate boundary and the magnetic anomaly data are
too sparse to resolve the recent tectonic history, more
questions are raised than are answered by the results in this
chapter. These questions provide the focus for the study of
the ROSE data.
Chapter III contains an examination of the transfer
function between seafloor motion and data recorded by the MIT
OBS. The response of the recording system is determined and
the coupling of the OBS to the seafloor during tests at two
nearshore sites is analysed. Applying these results to the
ROSE data, we conclude that the ground motion in the absence
of the instrument can be adequately determined for at least
one of the MIT OBS deployed during ROSE.
Hypocentral parameters for 70 earthquakes, calculated
for an assumed laterally homogeneous velocity structure which
was adapted from the results of several refraction surveys in
the area, are presented in Chapter IV. Because of the large
number of stations in the ROSE network, the epicentral
locations, focal depths and source mechanisms are determined
with a precision unprecedented in marine microseismic work.
Relative to the assumed model, most horizontal errors are
less than ±1 km; vertical errors are somewhat larger. All
epicenters are within the transform region of the Orozco
Fracture Zone. About half of the epicenters define a narrow
line of activity parallel to the spreading direction and
situated along a deep topographic trough which forms the
northern boundary of the transform zone (region 1). Most
well determined depths are very shallow (<4km) and no
shallowing of activity is observed as the rise-transform
intersection is approached. In fact, the deepest depths
(4-10km) are for earthquakes within 10 km of the
intersection; these apparent depth differences are supported
by the waveforms recorded a t the MIT OBS. First motion
polarities for all but two of the earthquakes in region 1 are
compatible with right lateral strike-slip faulting along a
nearly vertical plane striking parallel to the spreading
direct ion. Another zone of activity is observed in the
central part of the transform (region 2). The apparent
horizontal and vertical distribution of activity is more
scattered than for the first group and the first motion
radiation patterns of these events do not appear to be
compatible with any known fault mechanism. No difference can
be resolved between the stress drops or b values in the two regions.
In Chapter V, lateral variations in the crustal
structure within the transform region are determined and the
effect of these structures on the results of the previous
chapter is evaluated. Several data sources provide
information on different aspects of the crustal structure.
Incident angles and azimuths of body waves from shots and
earthquakes measured at one of the MIT OSS show systematic
deflections from the angles expected for a laterally
homogeneous structure. The effect of various factors on the
observed angles and azimuths is discussed and it is concluded
that at least some of the deflection reflects regional
lateral velocity heterogeneity. Structures which can explain
the observations are found by tracing rays through three
dimensional velocity grids. High velocities are inferred at
upper mantle depths beneath a shallow, north-south trending
ridge to the west of the OBS, suggesting that the crust under
the ridge is no thicker, and perhaps thinner, than the
surrounding crust. Observations from sources in region 2
suggest the presence of a low velocity zone in the central
transform between the sources and the receiver. That the
presence of such a body provides answers to several of the
questions raised in Chapter IV about the hypocenters and
mechanisms of earthquakes in region 2 is circumstantial
evidence supporting this model. These proposed structures do
not significantly affect the hypocenters and fault plane
solutions for sources in region 1. The crustal velocity
structure beneath the north-south trending ridges in the
central transform and outside of the transform zone is
determined by travel time and amplitude modeling of the data
from several lines of small shots recorded at WHOI OBH.
Outside of the transform zone, a velocity-depth structure
typical of oceanic crust throughout the world oceans is found
from three unreversed profiles: a 1 to 2 km thick layer in
which the velocity increases from about 3 to 6.7 km/sec
overlies a 4 to 4.5 km thick layer with a nearly constant
velocity of 6.8 km/sec. A reversed profile over one of the
north-south trending ridges, on the other hand, indicates an
anomalous velocity structure with a gradient of 0.5 sec-1
throughout most of the crust ( from 5.25 km/sec to 7.15
km/sec over 3.5 km). A decrease in the gradient at the base
of the crust to about 0.1 sec-1 and a thin, higher gradient
layer in the upper few hundred meters are also required to
fit the travel time and amplitude data. A total crustal
thickness of about 5.4 km is obtained. An upper mantle
velocity of 8.0 to 8.13 km/sec throughout much of the
transform zone is determined from travel times of large shots
of TNT recorded at MIT and WHOI instruments. "Relocations" of
the large shots relative to the velocity model assumed in
Chapter IV support the conclusion from the ray tracing that
results from region 2 may be systematically biased because of
lateral velocity heterogeneity whereas results from region 1
are not affected.
In the last chapter, the results on crustal structure
and seismicity are combined in order to define the present
plate boundary and to speculate on the history of the present
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 1982
Embargo Date
Trehu, A. M. (1982). Seismicity and structure of the Orozco transform fault from ocean bottom seismic observations [Doctoral thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution]. Woods Hole Open Access Server.