Stratification breakdown in Antarctic coastal polynyas, part II: influence of an ice tongue and coastline geometry

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Xu, Yilang
Zhang, Weifeng Gordon
Maksym, Ted
Ji, Rubao
Li, Yun
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Sea ice
Coastal flows
Oceanic mixed layer
Numerical analysis/modeling
This is Part II of a study examining wintertime destratification in Antarctic coastal polynyas, focusing on providing a qualitative description of the influence of ice tongues and headlands, both common geometric features neighboring the polynyas. The model of a coastal polynya used in Part I is modified to include an ice tongue and a headland to investigate their impacts on the dispersal of water formed at the polynya surface, which is referred to as Polynya Source Water (PSW) here. The model configuration qualitatively represents the settings of some coastal polynyas, such as the Terra Nova Bay Polynya. The simulations highlight that an ice tongue next to a polynya tends to break the alongshore symmetry in the lateral return flows toward the polynya, creating a stagnant region in the corner between the ice tongue and polynya where outflow of the PSW in the water column is suppressed. This enhances sinking of the PSW and accelerates destratification of the polynya water column. Adding a headland to the other side of the polynya tends to restore the alongshore symmetry in the lateral return flows, which increases the offshore PSW transport and slows down destratification in the polynya. This work stresses the importance of resolving small-scale geometric features in simulating vertical mixing in the polynya. It provides a framework to explain spatial and temporal variability in rates of destratification and Dense Shelf Water formation across Antarctic coastal polynyas, and helps understand why some polynyas are sources of Antarctic Bottom Water while others are not.
Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2023. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Xu, Y., Zhang, W. (Gordon), Maksym, T., Ji, R., & Li, Y. (2023b). Stratification breakdown in Antarctic coastal polynyas, part II: influence of an ice tongue and coastline geometry. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(9), 2069-2088,
Embargo Date
Xu, Y., Zhang, W. (Gordon), Maksym, T., Ji, R., & Li, Y. (2023b). Stratification breakdown in Antarctic coastal polynyas, part II: influence of an ice tongue and coastline geometry. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(9), 2069-2088.
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