Editorial workflow of a community-led, all-volunteer scientific journal: lessons from the launch of Seismica
Editorial workflow of a community-led, all-volunteer scientific journal: lessons from the launch of Seismica
Mark, Hannah F.
Ragon, Thea
Funning, Gareth
Hicks, Stephen P.
Rowe, Christie
Teplitzky, Samantha
Convers, Jaime
Karasozen, Ezgi
Corona-Fernandez, R. Daniel
Fagereng, Ake
Ragon, Thea
Funning, Gareth
Hicks, Stephen P.
Rowe, Christie
Teplitzky, Samantha
Convers, Jaime
Karasozen, Ezgi
Corona-Fernandez, R. Daniel
Fagereng, Ake
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Seismica is a community-led, volunteer-run, diamond open-access journal for seismology and earthquake science, and Seismica's mission and core values align with the principles of Open Science. This article describes the editorial workflow that Seismica uses to go from a submitted manuscript to a published article. In keeping with Open Science principles, the main goals of sharing this workflow description are to increase transparency around academic publishing, and to enable others to use elements of Seismica's workflow for journals of a similar size and ethos. We highlight aspects of Seismica's workflow that differ from practices at journals with paid staff members, and also discuss some of the challenges encountered, solutions developed, and lessons learned while this workflow was developed and deployed over Seismica's first year of operations.
© The Author(s), 2023. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Mark, H., Ragon, T., Funning, G., Hicks, S., Rowe, C., Teplitzky, S., Convers, J., Karasözen, E., Corona-Fernandez, R., & Fagereng, Å. (2023). Editorial workflow of a community-led, all-volunteer scientific journal: lessons from the launch of Seismica. Seismica, 2(2), https://doi.org/10.26443/seismica.v2i2.1091.
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Mark, H., Ragon, T., Funning, G., Hicks, S., Rowe, C., Teplitzky, S., Convers, J., Karasözen, E., Corona-Fernandez, R., & Fagereng, Å. (2023). Editorial workflow of a community-led, all-volunteer scientific journal: lessons from the launch of Seismica. Seismica, 2(2).