Review of oceanic mesoscale processes in the North Pacific: physical and biogeochemical impacts
Review of oceanic mesoscale processes in the North Pacific: physical and biogeochemical impacts
Ueno, Hiromichi
Bracco, Annalisa
Barth, John A.
Budyansky, Maxim V.
Hasegawa, Daisuke
Itoh, Sachihiko
Kim, Sung Yong
Ladd, Carol
Lin, Xiaopei
Park, Young-Gyu
Prants, Sergey
Ross, Tetjana
Rypina, Irina I.
Sasai, Yoshikazu
Trusenkova, Olga O.
Ustinova, Elena I.
Zhong, Yisen
Bracco, Annalisa
Barth, John A.
Budyansky, Maxim V.
Hasegawa, Daisuke
Itoh, Sachihiko
Kim, Sung Yong
Ladd, Carol
Lin, Xiaopei
Park, Young-Gyu
Prants, Sergey
Ross, Tetjana
Rypina, Irina I.
Sasai, Yoshikazu
Trusenkova, Olga O.
Ustinova, Elena I.
Zhong, Yisen
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Mesoscale processes
North Pacific
Biophysical interactions
Climate variability and change
North Pacific
Biophysical interactions
Climate variability and change
Mesoscale eddies impact the marine ecosystem of the North Pacific and its marginal Seas.•Impacts vary with time and regions. Knowns and unknowns are summarized.•How climate change will modify mesoscale processes remains a key open challenge.Physical transport dynamics occurring at the ocean mesoscale (∼20 km – 200 km) largely determine the environment in which biogeochemical processes occur. As a result, understanding and modeling mesoscale transport is crucial for determining the physical modulations of the marine ecosystem. This review synthesizes current knowledge of mesoscale eddies and their impacts on the marine ecosystem across most of the North Pacific and its marginal Seas. The North Pacific domain north of 20°N is divided in four regions, and for each region known, unknowns and known-unknowns are summarized with a focus on physical properties, physical-biogeochemical interactions, and the impacts of climate variability and change on the eddy field and on the marine ecosystem.
© The Author(s), 2023. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Ueno, H., Bracco, A., Barth, J., Budyansky, M., Hasegawa, D., Itoh, S., Kim, S., Ladd, C., Lin, X., Park, Y.-G., Prants, S., Ross, T., Rypina, I., Sasai, Y., Trusenkova, O., Ustinova, E., & Zhong, Y. Review of oceanic mesoscale processes in the North Pacific: physical and biogeochemical impacts. Progress In Oceanography, 212, (2023): 102955,
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Ueno, H., Bracco, A., Barth, J., Budyansky, M., Hasegawa, D., Itoh, S., Kim, S., Ladd, C., Lin, X., Park, Y.-G., Prants, S., Ross, T., Rypina, I., Sasai, Y., Trusenkova, O., Ustinova, E., & Zhong, Y. (2023). Review of oceanic mesoscale processes in the North Pacific: physical and biogeochemical impacts. Progress In Oceanography, 212, 102955.