Studies of lateral dispersion in the ocean
Studies of lateral dispersion in the ocean
Sundermeyer, Miles A.
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Oceanic mixing
Ocean-atmosphere interaction
Ocean-atmosphere interaction
This thesis is written in two parts. The first part deals with the problem oflateral dispersion
due to mesoscale eddies in the open ocean, and the interaction between the mesoscale strain
and horizontal diffusion on spatial scales less than 10 km. The second and major part examines
lateral dispersion over the continental shelf on scales of 100 m to 10 km and over time scales
of 1- 5 days.
PART I: Lateral Dispersion and the North Atlantic Tracer Release Experiment
Mixing and stirring of Lagrangian particles and a passive tracer were studied by comparison
of float and tracer observations from the North Atlantic Tracer Release Experiment. Statistics
computed from the NATRE floats were found to be similar to those estimated by Ledwell et
al. (1998) from the tracer dispersion. Mean velocities computed from the floats were (u, v) =
( -1.2±0.3, -0.9±0.2) em s-1 for the (zonal, meridional) components, and large-scale effective
eddy diffusivities were (KP. 11 , K:e 22 ) = (1.5±0. 7, 0. 7±0.4) x 103 m2 s-1 . The NATRE observations
were used to evaluate theoretical models of tracer and particle dispersal. The tracer dispersion
observed by Ledwell et al. (1998) was consistent with an exponential growth phase for about the
first 6 months and a linear growth at larger times. A numerical model of mesoscale turbulence
that was calibrated with float statistics also showed an exponential growth phase of tracer
and a reduced growth for longer times. Numerical results further show that Garrett's (1983)
theory, relating the effective small-scale diffusivity to the rms strain rate and tracer streak
width, requires a scale factor of 2 when the observed growth rate of streak length is used as
a measure of the strain rate. This scale factor will be different for different measures of the
strain rate, and may also be affected by temporal and spatial variations in the mesoscale strain
PART II: Lateral Dispersion over the New England Continental Shelf
Lateral dispersion over the continental shelf was examined using dye studies of the Coastal
Mixing and Optics (CMO) program. Four experiments performed at intermediate depths and
lasting 3 to 5 days were examined. In some cases, the dye patches remained fairly homogeneous
both vertically and horizontally throughout an experiment. In other cases, significant patchiness
was observed on scales ranging from 2- 10 m vertically and a few hundred meters to a few kilometers horizontally. The observations also showed that the dye distributions were significantly
influenced by shearing and straining on scales of 5- 10 m in the vertical and 1- 10 km in
the horizontal. Superimposed on these larger-scale distortions were simultaneous increases in
the horizontal second moments of the dye patches, with corresponding horizontal diffusivities
based on a Fickian diffusion model of 0.3 to 4.9 m2 s-1 . Analysis of the dye data in concert
with shear estimates from shipboard ADCP observations showed that the existing paradigms
of shear dispersion and dispersion by interleaving water-masses can not account for the observed
diffusive spreading of the dye patches. This result suggests that some other mechanisms
provided an additional diffusivity of order 0.15 to 4.0 m2 s-1 . An alternative mechanism, dispersion
by vortical motions caused by the relaxation of diapycnal mixing events, was proposed
which could explain the observed dispersion in some cases. Order-of-magnitude estimates of
the effective lateral dispersion due to vortical motions showed that this mechanism could account
for effective horizontal diffusivities of order 0.01 to 1.1 m2 s-1 . The upper range of these
estimates were within the range required by the observations for two of the four experiments
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution September 1998
Embargo Date
Sundermeyer, M. A. (1998). Studies of lateral dispersion in the ocean [Doctoral thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution]. Woods Hole Open Access Server.